Paper on Normal Microflora & Opportunistic Infections: Causes of Candidiasis

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  609 Words
Date:  2023-10-31


Normal microflora refers to a microbial community that inhabits the bodies of other animals. The microbes include algae, fungi, and bacteria. The relationship is usually symbiotic. Opportunistic infections are ailments that are caused by non-pathogenic microorganisms, which become pathogenic only when the immune system is impaired. (VázquezGonzález et al. 2013).

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Conditions that Cause Candidiasis

Candida albicans is an opportunistic yeast microbe that lives in the human body along the gastrointestinal tract, mouth, and vagina. The uncontrollable growth of the yeast causes candidiasis. Changes in the body environment may cause uncontrollable growth of the fungus. The use of antibiotics to treat pathogenic bacteria at times disrupts bacteria responsible for the control of the growth of yeast. The fungus is not affected by antibiotics, so it moves to the vacated posts and multiplies. In pregnant women, the acidity of the vaginal flora encourages the growth of yeast as the growth of inhibitory microbes is suppressed (VázquezGonzález et al. 2013). Higher estrogen and glycogen levels also increase the risk of developing candidiasis as glycogen provides food for the fungus to multiply. Treatments for some illnesses like cancer weaken the immune system, which makes it possible for the development of candidiasis. Obesity can also contribute to candidiasis as it inhabits moist and warm places. Obsessed people have overlapping skin that makes them sweat a lot, thus creating a suitable environment for the development of the infection. (VázquezGonzález et al. 2013).

Commonly Affected Areas and Their Treatment

There are several commonly affected areas, which include the skin, reproductive organs, digestive tract, and nails. When it progresses in the mouth, it is usually referred to as thrush. On the skin, it appears like a red, inflamed, and scaly rash that looks like a diaper rash. In reproductive organs, it is called vulvovaginitis in females. In males, it is less common, but it occurs on the tip of the penis. It is familiar among men who are suffering from diabetes and those whose sexual partners have candida vulvovaginitis. Candidal paronychia results when the infection occurs under the nails. Esophagitis is a term referring to candida infection of the esophagus (VázquezGonzález et al. 2013).

Treatment of candidiasis depends on the site and severity of the infection. Oral thrush is usually treated with nystatin suspension and clotrimazole. Fluconazole, an oral drug, is used to treat esophagitis. Tablets, ointments, creams, or suppositories are applied directly into the vagina to nurse vaginal yeast infections. In cutaneous candidiasis, the skin can be treated by keeping the affected area dry and clean with continual application of antifungal cream,s, and powders(VázquezGonzález et al. 2013). Treatment of severe or profound candidiasis initiates with an intravenous injection of antifungal drugs.


Since the fungus inhabits moist surfaces, it is wise to wear loose-fitting clothes to prevent sweating and change damp clothes immediately after exercise or any activity. Reducing sugar intake also helps to avoid candidiasis as obesity is a risk factor of the infection (VázquezGonzález et al. 2013). One should take antibiotics when necessary to prevent the disruption of the bacteria, countering the growth of the fungus. Both partners should seek treatment to avoid re-infection. Candida is the common cause of fungal infection. It is, therefore, essential to treat candidiasis at an early stage to prevent serious complications.


VázquezGonzález, D., PerusquíaOrtiz, A. M., Hundeiker, M., & Bonifaz, A. (2013). Opportunistic yeast infections: candidiasis, cryptococcosis, trichosporonosis and geotrichosis. JDDG: Journal der Deutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft, 11(5), 381-394.

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Paper on Normal Microflora & Opportunistic Infections: Causes of Candidiasis. (2023, Oct 31). Retrieved from

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