Paper Example on The Pfizer Works Program

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  686 Words
Date:  2024-01-05


Pfizerworks application was developed by Pfizer pharmaceutical company to assist its workers in being more effective and efficient. The program allows the workers to shift time-consuming and tedious duties with just a single button click. The company describes what is required of a job, then sends it to a service-outsourcing Indian firm. The paper will discuss some questions concerning Pfizer works program.

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Describe and evaluate what Pfizer is doing with its Pfizer Works.

The use of Pfizerworks by Pfizer pharmaceuticals is a smart and excellent strategic plan. The technology has broken the corporation into a kind of task specialization structure. Through the program, the company can outsource some of its time-consuming and tedious jobs. This way, Pfizer saves time and spends less amount of cash on purchasing labor.

What are the structural consequences (good and bad) of the approach?

One of the good consequences of Pfizerworks is, it focuses on specializing the activities that the workers at the base of the company perform. Pfizer employees are only required to send their tedious tasks to workers at Pfizerworks; this way, the company minimizes the cost of labor. The program also allows Pfizer's employees to concentrate on more knowledgeable tasks, rather than imputing data on a desktop. A lousy consequence reviling itself from Pfizer's use may lead to laziness in the company. Pfizer workers should attempt some of the complex tasks to understand the company's plans and outcomes better. Instead, this responsibility is left to the workers of Pfizer works application.

Can the arrangement work for other kinds of organizations?

I believe this arrangement can work in any organization; however, they need to be corporations that do not require to understand all the details concerning strategy making. According to “the Washington Post”, transferring tedious tasks is common in the health sector (Pogue, 2017). For mechanical organizations, this arrangement would not be suitable, mostly because they have a specific hierarchy that should be followed. Therefore, I assume that an employee would not give the directive to outsource tasks. I imagine that an employee is required to confirm with the human resource department before outsourcing a job; this would be more time-consuming.

What is the role of organizational structure in an organization's effectiveness and efficiency?

Creating a structure in an organization adds a level of efficiency and effectiveness to the operation, raising productivity (Root, 2017). A well-defined organizational structure can boost communication effectiveness within a corporation. According to Root (2017), and an effective communication network in a company ensures that all essential information is at the disposal of each person, for proper decision making. Organizational structure also increases accounting efficiency, which is significant to the cost-effectiveness in any organization. The corporation structure plays a significant role in the growth of any company. Therefore, a company's growth can get on the loose if it is not managed by an effective organizational structure (Root, 2017). The corporation structure's critical role in harnessing skills; businesses can arrange their organizations by particular functions like engineering, finance, accounting, and marketing (Suttle, 2020). Organizational structure is employed for the span of management, which involves the number of workers a manager or executive oversees. For instance, a marketing vice president can handle more than one manager, one for public relations, advertising, brand management, and marketing research (Suttle, 2020). Finally, the corporation structure assists a company in arranging their department.


The Pfizer works program has helped Pfizer organization in managing some of its tedious and time-consuming tasks. Several other organizations can apply the arrangement. The study has assessed Pfizerworks by discussing questions on the program. It has also addressed the role of organizational structure in corporations. However, given the broad nature of the topic, there is a need for further study.


Pogue, E. (2017). Describe and Evaluate What Pfizer Is Doing with Its Pfizerworks. - Case Study. Retrieved from

Root, G. (2017). The Importance of Communication in the Corporate World. Bizfluent. Retrieved from

Suttle, R. (2020). Roles of Organizational Structure. Small Business - Retrieved from

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Paper Example on The Pfizer Works Program. (2024, Jan 05). Retrieved from

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