OSHA Standards Essay Example

Paper Type:  Questions & Answers
Pages:  2
Wordcount:  420 Words
Date:  2022-08-10

"Should OSHA Regulations be Applied in Workplaces Across the World?"

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) role is to ensure that working conditions are safe and healthy. They set and enforce standards for operation. OSHA regulations cover all the employers and employees working in the public sector. Also, the standards apply to most of the employers and workers operating privately. OSHA regulations should be adopted in workplaces across the world. Governments globally should emulate these standards to make workplaces better for employees and improve the health of its people. Consequently, there will be a reduced rate of occupational health and safely lawsuits and health-related budget for families and governments.

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"Should a Company Require all Divisions regardless of Location to Comply with OSHA Standards, like Silica in Construction?"

OSHA regulations should be observed by all divisions of a company regardless of their location. If a unit of a company fails to comply with the law,the company will be liable. This is because all companies and subsidiaries incorporated under the jurisdiction of OSHA must adhere to the standards. Furthermore, all employees in companies should be treated equally in spite of the area they operate.

"Should Companies also Require that Their Trading Partners Conform to OSHA Standards?"

Companies are increasingly outsourcing services from contractors. They do so to utilize expertise,especially for special projects. Companies must ensure that trading partners conform to OSHA standards. If in the process of engagement, a worker gets into harm, the company will be liable to OSHA. The firm will bore the penalties, compensation and insurance payments. Moreover, the company will lose its reputation.

"What were your Thoughts Regarding the Videos, how did the Material Presented Relate to this Week's Content, the Standards Promulgation Process?"

The videos were very resourceful in a deeper understanding of the dangers of silica to employees. Workers who have prolonged contact with Respirable Crystalline Silica can develop silicosis. Also, the particles can cause diseases like lung cancer, in workers especially if they work without protection. There are new cases of silicosis yet there is no treatment. Therefore, companies need to protect its workers from silicosis. OSHA has released "Respirable Crystalline Silica standard" to ensure employers protect their workers from silica in construction, maritime and general industry.


"UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR." Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Accessed September 18, 2018. https://www.osha.gov/dsg/topics/silicacrystalline

Goetsch, David L. Construction Safety and the OSHA Standards. NY NY: Pearson, 2018.

Reese, Charles D. Occupational Safety and Health Fundamental Principles and Philosophies. Milton: CRC Press, 2017.

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OSHA Standards Essay Example. (2022, Aug 10). Retrieved from https://proessays.net/essays/osha-standards-essay-example

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