My Nursing Experience: Exploring Ethical Beliefs, Goals & Strategies - Essay Sample

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  578 Words
Date:  2023-02-27


My nursing experience so far has been exciting. For a long time, I have always been passionate about the nursing profession. I have also realized that one of the critical pillars in the nursing profession is care, specifically care to the patients. This paper will discuss my development in nursing by incorporating various issues such as my ethical beliefs, goals &strategies, and in general, my whole experience during learning.

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Ethical Beliefs

Ethical beliefs in nursing play a critical role in the way a nurse carries out his/her work. As a nurse, I believe that it is my duty as a nurse to protect the privacy of the patients under my care. This is done by keeping the patient's confidentiality. It is also my belief that the decisions made by the patients specifically the medical decisions, are respected. On many occasions, there might be a conflict between my views and those of my patients. In this case, I should find ways to meet the needs of the patient without compromising my own beliefs. It is also my moral belief that I should be accountable for all my actions.

According to the American Nurses Association Code of Ethics, the nurse must practice with a lot of respect and compassion (American Nurses Association,2001). The reference aspects of the nursing profession are mostly governed by the safe provision of care to the patient. I believe that nurses are responsible for the provision of holistic and competent care to their patients. Concerning cultural diversity, it is the role of a nurse to treat the patient without focusing on the cultural differences between him/her and the patient.

Perception of Care

The nursing profession means a lot to me, mainly because I am very passionate about it and also because it will help me achieve my desire to help people. The nursing profession will also offer me the chance to encourage and empower patients by providing the care they require. By upholding ethical standards and working with integrity, I will be able to care for all patients regardless of their cultural differences. This will play a critical role in providing care to all patients.

Goals and Strategies

Setting goals in the nursing profession is essential. Some of the personal goals I have set have focused on timeliness, achieving course-related goals, and working hard in my practice as a nurse. Professionally, my goal is to provide competent and holistic care to my patient that considers all the needs of the patient. I have also set goals that will help me to effectively manage my studies life and my work. For these goals to be achieved, various strategies must be implemented. These include having a clear vision of what I want to accomplish in my education as a nurse and working together with my fellow student nurses to develop my skills.


Just like most medical professions, there may be challenges dealing with patients. Motivation is essential in such situations. When this kind of problem arises, I will motivate myself by acknowledging the fact that it is my role as a nurse to provide care to these patients. The other way of motivating myself and others would be celebrating my part in helping people.


American Nurses Association. (2001). Code of ethics for nurses with interpretive statements. Nurses books. org.

Newman, M., Sime, A. M., & Corcoran-Perry, S. (1999). The focus of the discipline of nursing. Perspectives on the philosophy of science in nursing, 20-24.

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My Nursing Experience: Exploring Ethical Beliefs, Goals & Strategies - Essay Sample. (2023, Feb 27). Retrieved from

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