Millie's Urinary Tract Infection & MRSA: Assess & Priority Nursing Diagnosis - Essay Sample

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  2
Wordcount:  344 Words
Date:  2023-08-25

Objective Data

Millie is dehydrated with some mild electrolyte imbalance. The tests results also reveal that Millie has a Urinary Tract Infection and positive for methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA).

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Priority Nursing Diagnosis

Millie is first tested for influenza based on the symptoms expressed during testing- dehydration and mild electrolyte imbalances. She’s put on a precaution treatmenmt whle medic examines her condition while running a series of tests to identify her underlying conditions.


The primary goal is to help Millie feel right about her health by identifying the troubling health issue. The issues will be identified and measured through a series of laboratory tests. Identification of the issue is important considering the state of Millie’s healh. Upon identifying the underlying health issues, it should take at most a month for Millie to feel right about her health.


To achieve the primary goal , I will involve the patient in the diagnosis and treatment process, I will also ensure that I constantly communicate with the patient to assess and valuate their suitability of the embraced intervention, and ultimately, I wil ensure that Millie is compliant with her diet.

Rationale for Care Interventions/Strategies

The mebraced strategies will play a central role in facilitating the diagnosis and treatment processes. Partiulalrly, engaging the patient will ensure that I understand their condition, thus improving the oveall outcome, considering that one delivers a more effective patient centered serice. Also, by engaging and constantly communicating with the paient I can moitor their progress, thus adjusting the treatment process accordingly.


To evaluate the effectiveness of the diagnosis and treatment processes, I will engage Millie to establish their impression of their wellness. Secondly, I would examine their wound to establish whether it has positively responded to the treatment and medication while testing for the Urinatry Tract Infection. Typically, a successful diagnosis and treamtment process would demonstrate a positive patient impression, the wound should also heal and test negative for methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), and Millie’s UTI should also be healed.

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Millie's Urinary Tract Infection & MRSA: Assess & Priority Nursing Diagnosis - Essay Sample. (2023, Aug 25). Retrieved from

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