Legislation Comparison Grid Template - Essay Sample

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  2
Wordcount:  530 Words
Date:  2022-12-12

Health-related Bill Name Affordable care Act

Description Also referred to as the Patient Protection Act and Affordable Act. The Act became a law on the date of March 23 the year 2010. President Barrack Obama signed the Act and then it was called "Obamacare." The main aim of the Act was to make sure that many individuals received sufficient health insurance coverage in the United States of America. Secondly, the act focused on improving the healthcare status and medical insurance improvements so as to regulate the country's health cover industry. In addition, the act helped in reducing spending habits in the healthcare sector in the United States.

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Federal or State? Affordable Care Act is a Federal act as it is to cover the citizens of the United States of America. The main aim of the act was to bring health improvements in the healthcare systems of the United States as it aimed at widening health affordability to many Americans. In addition, the federal government of the United States aimed at protecting insurance holders in the health sector. Various parts of the bill had many implications for several American citizens. The implications related mainly to covering various pre-existing conditions that included pregnancy and the people who are under parental plans.

Legislative Intent The intention of the legislative council to pass the act was to include various law provisions that relate to healthcare in the United States as well as financing the sector. Further, the bill was well organized and finance delivered appropriately in the health sector. Legislative council also intended to identify legislation that appropriately modifies the ACA act so as to make it easier for the public to afford health care. Additionally, the act was intended to transform the American federalism study.

Target Population

The act aimed at helping the privately owned insurance businesses, especially, individuals and small group buyers. Secondly, the act targeted the poor working class possessing an income of more than 133% of the country's poverty levels.

Status of the bill (Is it in hearings or committees? Is it receiving press coverage?) The bill is with the committees. On March sixth, 2017, the Act was introduced in the House Republican leaders so as they could repeal and replace the reconciliation of the budgets. The house reconciled the bills in ways and means summary together with the energy and commerce committees. Collectively, the two bills brought the title of the American Health Care Act as the committees responded to they got from the Budget Resolution passed by the two congress houses. The budget reconciliation aimed at repealing the Affordable Care Act.

General Notes/Comments

The Affordable Care Act mainly targeted the private sector and not the government rules and regulations. Secondly, the Act was based on higher expectations of poor decision approaches that were modeled by various problems. Even if the act might go ahead of achieving its goal, there are assumptions of the most efficient ways of changing the ways it is presented in various fields. Considerably, many problems face the choices that the players of the act. The final results will be needed for correcting market failure if it's essential approach by the private sector to public policies is successful.

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Legislation Comparison Grid Template - Essay Sample. (2022, Dec 12). Retrieved from https://proessays.net/essays/legislation-comparison-grid-template-essay-sample

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