Improving Manufacturing Processes Through Lean Implementation

Paper Type:  Case study
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  612 Words
Date:  2022-03-29


According to the article by Chip Johns which focuses on Improving Manufacturing Process through Lean Implementation, it is clear that reduction of waste products, continuous improvements on operations and the implementation of the efficiency promotion practices are the major concerns of lean manufacturing. The concerns, however, complex they may appear can be considered by the lean manufacturing company in case the company is on a shift or change of culture. Chip Johns argue the major task that companies should consider in increasing the efficiency in the reduction of waste based on the undying commitment and the will of giving trials to new and creative ideas. The spatial workflow can also be improved through steps executions in the reduction of error (Chip, 1). He also argues that listening to the employees on the lean manufacturing floor will enable the company to have a reduction in waste, boost the morale of the employees and provide them with the greater ability of manufacturing of products on a timely fashion.

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The article goes further to reveal that the reduction of waste and increase in work efficiency depends on the simplification employed in the manufacturing process. It is, therefore, arguably that the topic revolves the lean manufacturing process whose aim is centered on the provision of relentless effort on eliminating waste during the manufacturing process. A real-life example of how lean manufacturing work can be noted on the inventor of zero-speed and the nonstop automatic film, Butler Automatic (Chip, 1). His equipment is used in the elimination of downtime based on the web alterations for the packaging industry. He uses the principles of lean manufacturing as an integral part of his company's manufacturing process. In consideration of the lessons drawn from the article, I opine that lean manufacturing is a process that is centered on making work easier and reducing the overall workforce for the employees.


In consideration of the real-life application of real manufacturing process through the company of Butler, it is important that other companies that may have had the prior experiences of Butler to consider implementing the specific simple methods of lean manufacturing. It is also recommended that for the lean manufacturing process to work effectively, there should be the building of the configured machines and the products involved in the process with the same conceptualization but slightly different to match the intended use. The lean manufacturing process can also be aligned with the implementation of the cellular manufacturing setups. The cells allow the tailoring to their functions based on the manufacturing tools, materials, and design. They, therefore, ensure that efficiency is increased and waste products reduced considering the usage of the appropriate tools which are at the fingertips of the employees. Lastly, it is also recommended for companies that invest in the large workforce to consider laying off some of the employees and put to use the lean manufacturing principles. They are very efficient and help in managing time and making easy the work of the employees.


The article is based on the topic of lean manufacturing with the specific concern being on the improvement of the manufacturing process through lean implementation. It also centers on the basic pillars of lean manufacturing which includes the reduction of waste, the continuous improvement of operations and the implementation of efficiency promotion practices. A real-life example of lean manufacturing implementation is that of Butler, the inventor of zero-speed and the nonstop automatic film. Finally, some recommendations have been given based on the lessons drawn from the article and the real-life example provided therein.

Works Cited

Chip, Johns. Improving Manufacturing Processes through Lean Implementation. Quality Digest. (2015). Print. Retrieved from

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Improving Manufacturing Processes Through Lean Implementation. (2022, Mar 29). Retrieved from

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