Human beings are sociable creatures and have developed various means of communicating messages, feelings, and thoughts. This process of socialization leads to the development of social skills. Social skills are how people interact and communicate amongst themselves either verbally or non-verbally. These skills are important in enhancing one's confidence and happiness. Most people learn the skills easily, yet others struggle with its acquisition, ending up with poor social skills. Poor social skills as brought by dissolution of families and poor technology have various implications for people struggling with skill acquisition. Good social skills should be the focus for most students, yet poor social skills have a negative implication on them, especially for students aged 10-11.
Background of students aged 10-11
According to Phadraig, Griffiths, McCallion, McCarron & Nunn, (2017), interactions and communication are important for the development of students aged 10 and 11. The developmental milestones for the children are influenced by their self-responsibility - the various students within the age bracket experience various social, thinking and learning changes. For instance, the children might start forming stronger and more complex friendships and relationships with their peers. At the same time, the children start experiencing peer pressure and become more aware of their body changes as soon as they start approaching puberty. For their cognitive ability, the children tend to face more challenges academically while at school, develop self-independence, and have an increased attention span. Poor social skills affect the emotional development of children in ways including self-concept and self-esteem. Good social skills involve seeing adults as authority, following the various riles out of respect for authority, enjoying code languages, identifying with people of similar gender, and developing correlations with other students. Social skills also encompass problem-solving along with negotiation (Kazdin, 2017).
Review of literature
Difficulties in communication and interpersonal relationships with parents, peers, and teachers: Erginoz et al. (2015) noted that poor social skills evoke difficulties in interpersonal relationships with parents, peers, and teachers while at school. They tend to influence a student's academic and non-academic life. Each of these people is linked uniquely to the student's healthy functioning and development. For instance, parents enhance a student's healthy academic functioning as they have positive expectations for their children (Ivashchenko, 2017). Many parents hold academic goals for their children and encourage them through offering consistent feedback on their behavior and performance. The positive roles attributed to parents enhance a child's academic and social life. However, on the dark side, poor social skills enhanced by the parents tend to affect the cognitive ability of the student hence, poor academic performance. Good connections with teachers offer an enhanced social, language, and cognitive development for the children. Acceptance of the students by teachers is linked to positive social and behavioral engagement of the students. However, negative peer relationships, as well as teacher relationships, contribute to poor academic and non-academic functioning of the children.
Menasco, (2015) noted that interpersonal relationships are a basis for an understanding of educational phenomena. Poor relationships reveal a poor understanding of the theories of achievement motivation. Many students tend to develop beliefs, values, as well as orientations that are connected to their relational environment. However, poor interpersonal relations act as a barrier to the development of such attributes. Without these values and beliefs, students then would not exhibit good behavior and would not show goal striving, self-regulation, and persistence like their peers. Poor social skills in regards to motivation and engagement immerse the students in negative interactions with their peers, and also reveal low motivation amongst them. The students may also show lower engagements and demonstrate poor academic performance. Poor social skills also offer a buffer on stress and risk, emotional downfalls, and poor performance in group work. Additionally, the students may also show poor social and emotional development.
Peer rejection and bullying by mates: Peer rejection is another implication resulting from poor social skills. Peer interaction amongst children remains to be a pillar for child development since they form the basis for building better future relationships. Relationships between students at class are of interest since they maintain consistent contact while learning and during other co-curricular activities. Therefore, the classroom acts as a context for academic learning as well as a basic framework for the coexistence and relationship among students enhancing their emotional and social skills. According to Arnold, Beelmann & Coatsworth (2017), activities between peer group members contribute to the development of a great cognitive and socio-emotional achievement hence, a clear institutional adaptation. However, peer rejection, as well as bullying, would lead to negative implications on the academic activities as performed by the child (Jenkins, Demaray & Tennant, 2017). Peer rejection has been characterized as either a personality trait or a characteristic of the peer group with the children being referred to as rejected-aggressive or rejected-withdrawn. Peer rejection has been seen as a life event as well as an interpersonal stressor that negatively impacts the development of a child (Leary & Baumeister, 2017). A negative relationship is perceived between a child and the peer group as soon as there is the presence of bullying (Menasco, 2015). Such relationships tend to be problematic and prevent children from learning social skills. Most of the children tend to develop negative expectations regarding future relationships hence; a long-term impact on the student's development social rejection has been described as a chronically stressful experience just like any impact leading to an empirical injury.
Similarly, Patterson, DeBaryshe & Ramsey (2017) noted that peer rejection is a marker of developmental processes without a casual role as peers can see upcoming psychopathology before it is realized by a mental health system. The same factors leading to peer rejection contribute to later antisocial behavior. Additionally, poor social skills also lead to direct and causal role in antisocial development of children (Patterson, DeBaryshe & Ramsey, 2017). Peer social rejection has also been found to lead to poor children response with an increased reactive as well as proactive bad behavior. Other behaviors including social incompetence could also lead to both social rejection and growth of antisocial behavior. Since the two implications correlate with each other, social competence can be controlled. Peer social rejection is known to be a critical predictor of a child's developmental behaviors because of the peer groups identifying the child and the social status being involved. Social rejection is also known to popularly exuberate unruly behaviors only to the children who exhibit signs of being antisocial later. A student who moves down a disorder of conduct could also come up on chances to disrupt the activities being performed by them such as showing love and care to their parents or even the peer groups they are related. The excesses of peer rejection also include social withdrawal in the children who show the signs of withdrawal (Kalvin, Bierman & Gatzke-Kopp, 2016). Gender differences are also contributors to the social rejection of aggressive behaviors. However, it remains unknown whether peer rejection enhances aggressive behavior to an equal degree on both genders regardless of an age factor.
Deviant Behavior and its impact on academic performance: Children social behavior can undermine or promote their ability to learn and their academic performance could have various implications on their entire social behavior. The conclusion from research by Podrigalo et al. (2016) implied that there is an interconnection between social and academic domains of school life regardless of the academic level of the particular student of interest. As soon as a challenge is realized with children while learning, it is important to look even beyond the entire specific problem on the question. There is a resultant academic achievement from a social cognitive perspective of students and their behavioral interactions. A child's social behavior could either hinder or promote their learning, and their achievement in regards to academics could also influence any opportunities to develop social skills, as well as relationships. A student's grades do not only reflect in the student's academic subject knowledge but are also influenced by factors such as social skills (Shernoff, Csikszentmihalyi, Schneider & Shernoff, 2014). There is a prediction of student's grades through a consideration of pro-social behavior of students. The way of behavior of students in the class is a direct attribute to their learning and achievement hence; social skills become an important integral in the assigning of grades by various teachers. Students at kindergarten and ages 10 and 11 are expected to show various qualities by their tutors and their ability to meet the desired expectations tend to directly impact their social and academic experiences (Csikszentmihalyi, 2014). Those children who have good social skills in kindergarten are more successful in various roles as students and the mastery of various social entry duties in a formal education system. However, poor social skills lead to poor mastery of social activities hence, poorly positioned in their engagement in classroom settings (Sannino & Engestrom, 2017). Therefore, poor social skills contribute to poor academic and general performance.
Social skills, as well as academic tasks, are important in letting a student exhibit good performance in class. Social skills and social competence, being integrals of behavior tend to define a student more. Social skills in learning are manifested in their actions. Poor social skills involve non-classroom participation, neglecting school rules, speaking without permission and the inability to comply with the directives of a teacher. Csikszentmihalyi's research was similar to Soliman's in that the school environment was found to be a factor that affects how students exercise their social capabilities and students can choose how to exhibit them (Soliman, 2017). There are longitudinal effects of social skills on academic achievement. Students with low reading and social skills tend to have poor performance in the classroom. Early social skills are predictors of literacy achievement and not predictors of later social interactions amongst other students. The achievement has a strong effect on following social skills than the next skills haven on a student's achievement. There is a mediation of academic achievement from social skills, and the effects vary greatly with age groups.
The effectiveness of group counseling using CBT Therapy
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is important in making the child or student more aware of their thinking and mood effects when interacting with their peers. Through the therapy, a therapist can teach the student specific social skills as well as role-play with the child for an efficient practice (Egan, Wade, Shafran & Antony, 2016). One of the integrals being used by schools is Cognitive Behavioral Intervention that assists kids to find out what went wrong in their social interactions hence; letting them co...
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