Significant life events are events or occasions that left a mark in a person's life. They may be the rights of passage or occasions that have influenced the nature of a person's quality of life to the position he or she is in at the moment. They are events that after they happened a person's life changes either positively or negatively. After a significant life event it is impossible to go back to the previous life or live life like it was earlier. In life change is mandatory, people would like very much to stay at a certain stature or level in life but it cannot happen (Podsiadlowski, 2013, 567). People should embrace positive changes and work to improve on the negative changes. Some changes look bad at first but turn to be for the best of our interests eventually.
In life there are too many challenges that are unavoidable that lead to significant life events. Some life changes have positive impact to certain people but have negative impacts to others. The only difference is how different people handle these changes in their life, with a positive mind one can overcome even the negative changes though they can't be forgotten. There different types of life events. There are physical life event, mental, spiritual, economic and cultural. Some life changes are very hard to handle but people come to accept and move on, like the loss of a loved one, loss of a body part and even financial loss (Oakley, 2018). Some people come to their feet again faster than others depending on the mental strength of an individual or how much the loss affected the person as well as how long it took to heal.
Groups that one is associated with, friends and members of the community are usually very supportive when one is passing through a significant life event. Most support comes when one acquires loss because they pass through a lot of mental torture but with close people around one heals first through the support they get either physical, mental or financial support. Deprivation or bereavement is the term that is used to people that have acquired significant loss in their lives, like losing a close member of the family. In this scenario we see the public present and help the bereavement in mourning and giving encouragement words (Burke, 2019, 390). Associates or groups that one is involved show sympathy to the affected one and helps by involving the affected in activities that will make them jovial and help in overcoming or accepting the change if it was a loss. In positive changes they show love through congratulations messages and gifts.
In health care the practitioners get attached to patients who are passing through significant changes like pregnant women. Doctors and nurses get a personal relationship with the women giving birth emotionally when taking care of them during the whole process from labor to when the child is born. Pregnant women pass through a lot of physical, mental and emotional pain during this period. When a healthy baby is born doctors and nurses are very happy for the mother and when there are complications they try their best to save the mother and the child (Sue, 2019). When the baby is born unhealthy or with disabilities or when there are complications during birth the doctors and nurses feel sad and comfort the mother by giving her hope and teaching her on best ways to keep the child healthy.
Understand the Support Available for Individuals Experiencing Significant Life Events
A lot of companies have organizations like HSC that look out for the wellbeing and the welfare of the employees. HSC have health care and charity programs that help the affected people in the society. To qualify for an HSC one has to have a secondary school leaving certificate which most of the people have. There are homes that take care of the affected people, the bereavement, and this services are offered according to the age groups in the United Kingdom. The bereavement are well taken care of, treated properly and motivated in order to feel better again and rise to conquer the world. In the United Kingdom the bereavement gather at a particular hazard of indigence according to the community writing policy to show commitment (Yingwattanakul, 2019, 15). Passing or death of an associate or a collaborator has been exhibited to embark for assurance pay support. There are always groups and organizations that look out for these employees to obtain assurance.
There are external organizations that deal with helping the unfortunate and the bereavement in the society. They use various sources in order to practice fairness while treating different cases in the society due to the heaviness of the situation. These organizations partner with medical specialists in order to give treatment to the sick and mental advice to the bereavement as well as helping in deciding the amount of help each patient should get. These organizations offer therapy to the affected people as well support programs that help in faster healing (Cohen, 2019, 581). This programs offer counselling and provide food for the sick or those that can't afford and encourage them through their hard situation. These organizations collect patient's data in order to follow up on their healing process. These data is usually private and confidential in order to gain the trust of their patients. These organizations attend to the patients wholeheartedly by showing affection and love mostly to the patients suffering serious conditions like cancer. They show strength in their work in order to make the patients comfortable and determined to improve (Hemingway, 2018, 11). External organizations treat bereavement with the same fairness and doesn't refuse anyone any help as long as it is genuine so they do their research to find the information about the bereavement.
Analysis of Responses Made by Health and Social Care Services to Support Individuals Passing Through Significant Life Events
There are standards based on concepts and composed laws present from the year two thousand and fourteen(2014) that help in making perfect disposition that happens if by any chance the truth is shattered. There are recommendations that associate directly with the affected persons who are in specific conditions. Most organizations follow these principles to protect the bereavement. The blueprints are auditioned to only the very first individuals who met the service providers or contributors first as well as the enjoyers (Cho, 2019, 27). These policies are used to protect the patients like in the health sectors by ensuring that there is honesty and fairness between them and the service providers.
As I was growing up many significant changes has happened to me and to some close people around me. I have observed that as people grow older sicknesses have been the major significant change and death of close friends and relatives. It very helpful to show love to the affected people and help in motivation and mourning processes (Andalibi, 2018, 158). When there is a case of passing of a friend's relative I always give moral support and I'm always there for the friends in order to support them emotionally. For the cases of the people we know affected by illness my friends and I visit their families at times and help in doing some of their chores and bringing presents for them. We also visit the children's home and play with the kids and give some motivational speeches to them as well as carrying snacks to makes them feel happy and appreciated (Spitze,2018,510). When some of the bereavements need financial support due to certain misfortunes I always get some money out of my saving to help as I know tragedies can happen to anyone and any family. Love is a very great gift and it makes a change if showed to the affected person and makes them feel that they aren't alone and everything will be okay, it is the biggest motivation to becoming okay.
To help support in the health care there need to be incorporation and agreement which will lead to cost being cut in their operations. Improving the quality of operations and services through clear supervision and follow up to ensure patients in homes are well taken care of (Anundsen, 2019). Setting up of rules and regulation that will be followed throughout and a clear strategy and routine will lead to efficiency.
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