Homecoming Queen: Honoring Legacy, Welcoming Society - Essay Sample

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  636 Words
Date:  2023-08-28


Homecoming Queen is a practice in the US high schools and colleges in which student body at large elect an old school member and respectful young lady to serve as an honored female student to preside over (alongside Homecoming King) as co-ceremonial host of Homecoming events. For instance, Homecoming parades, Homecoming football team, or any other valuable school’s activity. Besides, it is a way of welcoming and celebrating society (institutions) members, former students, and celebrating organizational existence (Woolf et al. 2017). This culture is common in many high schools, churches, and colleges. Homecoming queen is a ceremonial role in students’ rallies. Her peers usually choose this role of homecoming queen to reign in the homecoming in their school or college. The position of the homecoming queen requires much effort and celebrity.

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Since it is a contestant post that the most loved and respected former female student wins, such a student should have a good track record of discipline and popularity throughout her year of study. The contestant should maintain good grades scoring at least GPA throughout her studying period. Either, the former student should be a lady who was sociable and loved by everyone in the school. She should be a kind, interactive, friendly, honest, and influential person throughout her studying period. Consequently, people will look at the ability of the lady to campaign by persuading voters to be crowned a winner. People will look at her conscientiousness and the number of extracurricular, which makes her becomes fame among peers.

Consequently, the homecoming queen is required to be someone who is socially connected. Such a person should be able to interact with other students well socially and friendly (McGuire, 2017). She should be someone who can fit in and can remember the names of many students and be outgoing in a position to play the role of Homecoming Queen. She should also feel comfortable around strangers to ma make friends take up her part as a homecoming queen. A Homecoming Queen should be someone who is a well-round person. This is to mean someone who has a varied interest. She may not be the best in all the activities, but she should have an interest and know a bit in most of the activities available. Homecoming Queen should be at least being acquaintances with other famous people. This helps her easily socializing with others. She should have goals and aspirations that act as a motivation to everyone. Eventually, a Homecoming Queen should have ambitions and aims to motivate her in her role as a homecoming queen. She should know what she will do for herself and the school if she becomes the homecoming queen. Concisely, a homecoming queen should be socially connected, have goals, and communicate with others easily. Someone who has goals not only for herself but also for the school (Thompson).

Reason for Aspiring to Become a Homecoming Queen

I am passionate about it. I feel like winning it is like winning a Nobel Prize because it is associated with lots of respect, love, and honor from the peers. I am aspiring so that I represent my school during Homecoming events in a colorful ceremony. Consequently, I want to do networking by having many friends who could be an effective way of creating a link to the job field after graduation. Most importantly, Homecoming Queen is a foundation for a good and future effective leader in a society.


McGuire, H. (2017). College-aged women on Instagram: an analysis of gender and social media.

Thompson, U. Homecoming queen candidates’ named. Quarterly, 124(2), 286-322.

Woolf, D., Baker, R., Budd, C. A., Culbreath, Z., Macmillan, K., McHarg, M., ... & Sampson, F. A. (2017). Letter to Queen's: Principal Daniel Woolf and eleven distinguished alumni write to their alma mater to celebrate 175 years of Queen's University. Queen's

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Homecoming Queen: Honoring Legacy, Welcoming Society - Essay Sample. (2023, Aug 28). Retrieved from https://proessays.net/essays/homecoming-queen-honoring-legacy-welcoming-society-essay-sample

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