Holistic Management of Ulcer and Puncture Wounds Paper Example

Paper Type:  Case study
Pages:  8
Wordcount:  1971 Words
Date:  2022-09-04

1) 2 types of wounds Daisy has

Presented in the case study are the different types of wounds possessed by Daisy, the patient. In this case, they are exhaustively brought out in such a way that it is quite easy to understand and recommend a professional way of managing them in the run towards healing them. In the paper, brought out are the two types of wounds that Daisy has. They are further discussed to the phrases of wound healing. There is also the exposition of the holistic management of the two types of wounds brought out. They include the exhaustion of both the aseptic techniques and interprofessional management of the two types of wounds possessed by Daisy. As the paper progresses, there is also the exposition on the nursing care of the pressure ulcers possessed by Daisy, seen developing in her. It outlines the practices that will be undertaken by nurses in the run to making sure that Daisy's ailing condition is moderated and eradicated using functionally applicable nursing techniques. They are as brought out in the subsequent paragraphs.

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To begin with, Daisy has an ulceration type of wound. It is a wound type which develops mostly in the patient's stomach due to the causal mechanisms such as ingestion of acidic foods and substances which corrodes the stomach walls (Smith, T. 2011). In this case, the patient; Daisy; might have been exposed to longer periods of empty stomachs. It renders the digestive enzymes for the proteins to lack the materials to act on, hence acting on the stomach walls which finally lead to exposure to ulceration ailments. The wounds have diverse approaches to healing them. They include the consumption of the less acidic foods as well as ensuring that meal time is adhered to, keeping the digestive enzymes on track with food materials to act on (Smith, T. 2011).

Concerning the physical assessment of the ulceration type wound by the physicians, two elements are surrounding it. They help in assessing the wound for better care by the concerned nurses. One of them is the peri-wound. It refers to the tissue which is surrounding the ulcer type of wound (Trott, A. 2012). It is a very crucial type of tissue. It plays an integral role in ensuring that the wound is protected from external infections that can further deteriorate the il condition of the wound. It prevents the germs from entering the wound, thus enabling it to remain safe and thus guarding it for proper amelioration. It also confines the region of wound healing, thus making it not to spread as it also heals. The nurses recommend that the peri-wound be kept from any external abrasion for better and fastened healing.

The nurses also check on the types of exudates in the assessment of the ulceration wound in the case of Daisy. The types of exudates determine the seriousness of the wound encroachment and thus dictate the measures to care for them by the nurses. One of the wound exudates is serous exudate. It oozes out of the wound and has a distinct appearance of being clear and watery plasma. There is also the purulent exudates which are characteristically yellow, thick, tan, green, or even brown (Trott, A. 2012). The serosanguineous exudate is bright red and tends to be indicative of active bleeding. It calls for intensive medical care by the nurses. Lastly, there is sanguineous kind of exudate which is bright red in appearance. It indicates active bleeding and also calls for an active attention from the medics, for accelerated healing.

In the assessment of the level of seriousness of the wound, there are four levels. It starts with the severe exudate which is characterized by the mostly being serum. It is watery and clear cells. An example of such a case is the fluid in a blister. There is also the purulent exudate which is thicker since there is the presence of pus. Its coloration varies with the organism infected, being mostly yellow in human beings. The sanguineous exudate is hemorrhagic and shows the presence of large amounts of red blood cells in their tissues. It is thus indicative of severe damages to the red blood cells, which makes it possible for the blood to spill in the tissues of the wounds. In the case of Daisy, the exudates in the ulcerated area are of the sanguineous type since it is bright red in appearance. It is thus indicative of active bleeding, showing severe damages to the blood capillaries in the region. It is thus hemorrhagic.

Another type of wound being suffered from by Daisy is the puncture. It results when a slender and a sharp object tend to penetrate into the skin and further into its underlying tissues (Morell, A. 2014). It appears on the leg of Daisy and is evident that the object which made its way there is sharp and long. The entrance center of the puncture wound is small. There is also no much noticeable bleeding. The surface of the wound can also be seen to close quite quickly. The primary concern with the wound of Daisy is Tetanus because it appears on the surface of the skin, hence at risk of getting infected from other external microorganisms. From Daisy, the puncture wound initially arose from the penetration of a nail into the skin. In the management and medical care of the puncture wound in Daisy's leg, the nurse practitioner should strive to apply the technique deemed best for the healing of the wound.

The most predominant type of tissue in the puncture wound is necrotic tissue (Morell, A. 2014). There are also possibilities of the presence of ischemia because of the characteristic black tissue covering the surface of the wound. The black surface is also a characteristic of gangrene, which shows the rotten nature of some parts of the wound (Dziedzic, M. E. 2014). In this case, specialized medical care should be sought aimed at debriding the wound as well as removing the eschar. The suitable dressing should be dry necrosis, which needs moisture. Its affinity for the humidity will make it absorb some of the water on the surface of the wound, thus leaving it dry. It will keep gangrene at bay, leaving the wound to heal gradually. The dressing should, therefore, be absorbent with or even without Alginate.

2) Holistic management of ulcer and puncture wounds

For the case of ulceration wounds in Daisy, there are measures which can be taken for effective management and treatment. Such management strategies are forecast to reduce the pain they inflict on Daisy. One of the management strategies for the stomach ulcer wounds is the treatment using antibiotics as well as the prescription of medication aimed at reducing and blocking stomach acidity. Another way of effectively managing stomach ulcer wounds is the use of natural home remedies. It includes the intake of some dietary foods which helps in reducing the stomach acidity as it is the chief causal mechanisms for the emergence of stomach ulceration. They are as brought out subsequently.

One of the dietary foods for proficient management barring the emergence of such stomach ulcer wounds is the intake of Flavonoids. They are also referred to as bioflavonoids. They prevent and even treat in the event they emerged before usage. For the case of Daisy's ulceration ailments, Flavonoids aid in the treatment since they are already developed and in a severe condition. They are composed of the compounds which are primarily found in the vegetables and fruits. Flavonoids are thus found in the following types of foods and drinks; legumes, red grapes, broccoli, berries, green tea, and even kales (Smith, T. 2011). They should be in taken by the stomach ulceration patients like Daisy. Also, they should be taken by people free from stomach ulcerations as they contain the needed Flavonoids which aid in the fight of Helicobacter pylori bacteria which are also the causal microorganisms for the stomach ulcers. The gastroprotective nature of Flavonoids makes them defend the stomach lining as well as allow for the healing of the sores in them.

In consuming the Flavonoid-rich foods for the mitigation of the stomach ulceration wounds, it is advisable that medium amount is taken in since excess of it may cause an interference of the blood clotting abilities. There are also the supplements rich in Flavonoids which the medics advise their clients, the ulcer patients, to take in.

There is also the Deglycyrrhizinated licorice, also available in supplement diets, which help in the inhibition of the growth of Helicobacter pylori, the causal bacteria of stomach ulcers (Smith, T. 2011). Others are the living bacteria and yeast, the probiotics, which help in providing essential and healthy microorganisms to one's digestive tract. They are mostly found in fermented foods, including miso, kefir, yogurt, kimchi, and even buttermilk. Supplement forms of probiotics are also available. They are quite essential in eradicating Helicobacter pylori which causes stomach ulcers. In the event a person, for example, Daisy, is suffering from the stomach ulcers already and intakes the probiotics there shall be an elevated rate of recovery. They can also be used alongside other anti-biotics aimed at alleviating stomach ulceration.

Moreover, garlic extract has been established to aid in inhibiting the growth of Helicobacter pylori. They can be taken in supplement form and thus aid in the prevention of ulcer development through killing the causative helicobacter bacteria. Honey is also a powerful anti-bacterial which inhibits Helicobacter bacteria, thus guarding against the development of ulcer wounds. There is also cranberry and its extract which has been established to inhibit the growth of Helicobacter bacteria, thus helping in the guarding against the development of stomach ulcers.

In extreme conditions of emergency where stomach surgery is required to treat ulcer wounds, there are specific asepsis measures which should be undertaken and dully followed to prevent the infection of the body parts in contact with the cutting and operation instruments. Such are the essential parts which should be sterilized to avoid the spread of pathogens in them to the patient's body parts. They include the surgical instruments, syringes, and razors. The principal sites, which are in this case the exposed portions of the patients being operated, will then be kept safe from the infection by the microorganisms in the sterilized surgical instruments.

There are also the strategies employed in the management of the puncture wounds, with its case being observed in Daisy's wounded leg. In this case, the punctured site is deeply cut, calling for specialized medical management as well as the use of aseptic techniques if they are being operated at. The advantage of most of the puncture wounds is that they do not 'always result in excessive bleeding, thus posing little threat to the patients. The only thing of great importance is the usage of sterilized equipment during operations hence preventing cases of the spread of pathogens in the instruments to the body parts of the patent being operated at (Ochoa, P. S., & Vega, J. A. 2014).

For a wound resulting from an injury from the nail with rust, immediate medical attention should be sought because the nail can contain such bacteria or even spores clostridium species which put the patient at risk of contracting tetanus on the skin or body tissues. It is recommended that if the acupuncture wound does not stop its bleeding within a time frame of five years of any direct pressure caused by a puncturing instrument, or when the blood is spurting out of the injured area one should immediately call a doctor or even resort to go to an emergency department for specialized treatment (Dziedzic, M. E. 2014). There should also be an injection of tetanus drugs for the patients with puncture wounds whose the last infusion of tetanus drugs is five years or above. It is because the immunity of tetanus tends to wane over time, yet they ar...

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