Healthcare: A Fundamental Human Right - Essay Sample

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  2
Wordcount:  545 Words
Date:  2023-04-05


Healthcare is a basic human right, indeed. This aspect implies that all people have the right to get the utmost possible standard of mental and physical health, which comprises of sanitation, clean environment, medical amenities, and sufficient food. Healthcare is a fundamental human right, which implies that there should be a system of protection for the health of all people. All people have the right of access to the required healthcare, and conditions that enhance their general health. Therefore, it is vital for healthcare to be given as a public service to all people, with proper and equitable financing. The health of a person is what keeps them alive and working; hence healthcare systems should work towards ensuring that their services are of appropriate quality and are comprehensive for all people.

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Provision of Basic Healthcare Services to All US Citizens

All US Citizens need to receive healthcare without any discrimination. If healthcare is denied to some people, they will be subjected to more risks such as malnutrition and chronic disease, which may become extremely harmful as a result of lack of support. It will be inequitable to deny the right to healthcare to some US citizens as it will put them in incredibly dangerous living conditions and enhance the spread of diseases. It is essential to cater to the medical needs of people and cater to their demands to ensure that they are all well. This factor is vital as it helps in determining the mental and physical welfare of the people. Hence, it is considered as one of the most significant contributors to a nation's economy. It is not the people's will to be sick, and that's why it is essential to ensure access to basic healthcare services by all the citizens.

Provision of Basic Healthcare to Non-US Citizens

It is essential to note that only authorized immigrants have access to healthcare insurance programs in the US. However, it is still critical to primary healthcare services to be provided to the immigrants as it ensures that their medical and other general health demands are met appropriately. Healthcare facilities should be open to all people and serve them accordingly regardless of their citizenship. Health professionals can play an essential role in enhancing access to appropriate healthcare for all types of immigrants. They can help society to comprehend the essentiality and extensive advantage of global health care access for all residents in the United States, irrespective of their immigration rank.

Reasons for Charges in Accessing Basic Healthcare Services

It is essential to pay for healthcare services to cater for the expenses that were used in the drugs and medical equipment. Also, paying enables people to pay for the medical services since the healthcare workers are usually on the hob to earn a livelihood to be able to cater to their various needs. Payment for primary healthcare services generally ensures that there will be a continuation in the delivery of such services. The healthcare facilities also have to maintain their equipment to ensure the provision of high-quality healthcare. Primarily, people have to pay for basic healthcare services as a mode of compensation to those providing medical services. Free access to healthcare services would mean a decline in the quality standards used in the provision of healthcare.

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Healthcare: A Fundamental Human Right - Essay Sample. (2023, Apr 05). Retrieved from

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