HBV Infection Detected in Two Dermatologists: Blood & Ultrasound Tests - Essay Sample

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  729 Words
Date:  2023-05-28


A blood test known as Hepatitis B surface antigen (HbsAg) should be performed to determine if a patient is infected with the HBV. Other than the blood test, liver ultrasound test should be ordered. It uses a special ultrasound called transient elastography to show the amount of liver damage. This test could be conducted on the two dermatologists that tested positive for HBV surface antibody tests. These physicians were the first people in the hospital to be exposed to HBV infection before transmitting it to the sixteen patients who came into contact with the physicians.

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In a hospital setting, HPV typically spreads by three methods. The first method is patient to the patient transmission through sharing equipment like needles and blood glucose testing incorrectly. The second way is a provider to patient transmission via illegal drug diversion by infected staff. The third method is patient to patient transmission through infected blood, tissues, or organ transfers. Since the two dermatologists tested positive for HPV after the outbreak had occurred, it is possible that they transmitted the infection to the sixteen patients, who were later traced to the physicians.

Since the outbreak has occurred, epidemiological measures such as HBV prevalence and transmission rate would be important in answering the questions posed by the State Health Department. These measures could tell the extent of the outbreak. It is noteworthy that the hospital continues to record more cases of HBV. The CDC has even dispatched an epidemic investigation team, and may possibly close the entire hospital due to patients acquiring infections while hospitalized. The possible closure of the hospital shows how serious the situation is. In fact, the fear over the continued spread of the infection is likely to grow according to the information provided by the State Health Department that the two physicians who acquired the infection had interacted with 15,000 patients within five years. Before the concern, the sixteen patients who already had acute HBV infection could have associated with other people. The 15,000 patients also have come into contact with many people. In other words, a large population has been exposed to HBV infection, implying that the outbreak has not ended.

Assuming that a comprehensive study is to be designed, the potential study design would be a cohort study because it would provide the measures that the hospital can take to control the infection. This study design will also measure the effects of the factors associated with HBV. In a prospective cohort study, the researchers will raise a question and form a hypothesis about the outbreak of HBV after observing a group of people, known as cohort, aver a certain period. Through a cohort study, the hospital can set various measures to prevent future outbreaks of HBV infection. One of the measures includes educating hospital staff about the transmission and risks associated with HBV, and how to prevent the infection. This step will help healthcare providers to be aware of the situation and take precautions before admitting and handling patients.

Another step is offering HPV immunizations. South Suburban Hospital is planning to make HBV vaccination compulsory to every patient and staff. In addition to patients and staff, the hospital will test and vaccinate all sexual partners, family, and close household members living with a chronically infected person. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the hepatitis B vaccine provides excellent protection against the infection, and it is one of the safest ways to prevent future Outbreak of HBV (Weber, 2020).

The hospital can also maintain engineering controls such as proper containment for transporting blood and updated sharps containers container as well as providing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) like gloves, gowns, and face shields to health care providers. In addition to these measures, the hospital will conduct routine testing of blood, organ and tissue donors, screening of blood and blood products, and provision of public education on hand hygiene, safe sex, and sharing of sharp items. Educating the public on these practices will create awareness of the dangers of coming into contact with infected body fluids. The above measures will not only help South Suburban Hospital to curb the spread of HBV, but they will also prevent the occurrence of HBV in the future.


Weber, D. J. (2020, February 28). Prevention of hepatitis B virus and hepatitis C virus infection among health care providers. Retrieved from https://www.uptodate.com/contents/prevention-of-hepatitis-b-virus-and-hepatitis-c-virus-infection-among-health-care-providers

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HBV Infection Detected in Two Dermatologists: Blood & Ultrasound Tests - Essay Sample. (2023, May 28). Retrieved from https://proessays.net/essays/hbv-infection-detected-in-two-dermatologists-blood-ultrasound-tests-essay-sample

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