Free Paper Example: A Nurse-Patient Dialogue for Effective Care

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  8
Wordcount:  1967 Words
Date:  2023-11-22

An effective nurse-patient interview is a primary way of getting inclusive information about the patient to administer successful patient-centered care. Determining the purpose of health care visits and exploring the specific problem and complaints assist the doctors in obtaining the patient's medication, and medical, family, personal, and social history. Additionally, ascertaining the purpose of the visit enables a detailed review of the system and body examination.

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Below is a dialogue between Mr. Kim, 47 years of old male patient, and a nurse within the hospital setting. Mr. Kim had previously been in the hospital clinical unit two months before this dialogue regarding her health condition and has visited the clinic looking for more information concerning his alcohol intake and possible solutions.

Nurse: Good morning? Happy to see you again.
Mr. Kim: (Looking a little bit confused and worried) Good morning too, how are you?
Nurse: I am fine. How are you feeling today?
Mr. Kim: I feel a little bit better than the last time I was here.
Nurse: That is pretty cool, so tell me how is your family doing?
Mr. Kim: They are all fine. I am just having some issues with my elder son.
Nurse: Issues with your elder son? Is there any way I can help?
Mr. Kim: (smiling with relief) Yeah, that is why I am here.
Nurse: (I sat opposite him smiling, just to let him feel comfortable and feel free to share with me his experience) So tell me, Kim, how has it been since the last time we talked about this. How is the progress concerning your alcohol intake?
Mr. Kim: Do you think I am an alcoholic?
Nurse: No, you are not dependent as such, but your level of alcohol intake is enough to cause some serious health, social, family, and psychological problems, and I am always here to help you, you can count on me. Okay?
Mr. Kim: (looking worried) Okay, nurse the moment I started taking alcohol I have lost most of my close associates, having constant trouble with my wife and elder son, it is terrible, and I don't know what to do. It seems everyone is running away from me. I am afraid it will even ruin my career if I proceed like this.
Nurse: I understand what you are facing at the moment, but I am here to help you find solutions to all the challenges.
Mr. Kim: You know my father and uncle also used to drink, and I don't want my children and wife to go through what we went through with my mother. I have been drinking for the last five years, and it started when I lost my first job.
Nurse: I am sorry for that. I believe it must have been hard for you by then. Do you have a stable job now?
Mr. Kim: Yes. I have a job now, it was hard then, and I don't want to take my family through all that I went through when I was young. How do I stop it? I need to. My son always complains that I don't give him total attention and care for him like I used to before I began drinking. He does not even associate with me as he used to since the time I missed one of the school parents conferences he informed me last term. I am very depressed, and it is like I am losing emotional attachment with my son and becoming an irresponsible father. My wife, on the other hand, complains that I should stop drinking because of financial constraints this drives us to. Sometimes this even leads to fighting, and my son is adversely affected by this behavior. Nurse, this has become part of my life, and it is frustrating. I don't know how people view me within society and my work setting. I hardly concentrate, appetite loss, often experiencing mood swings and sleeping problems, and I always feel slow in making simple decisions. I also find it difficult remembering, sometimes I hallucinate, and I lose coordination too. I need to eliminate it. How do I achieve it?
Nurse: You need to stop drinking?
Mr. Kim: Yes, I do. Nurse, do you drink?
Nurse: (Responding with a warm smile on my face to make him feel at ease) No, I do not. Will you please allow me to conduct a fibro Scan so that we can examine the level of your liver damage as we proceed?
Mr. Kim: Yes, of course, you can do it. What is a fibro Scan? Is it painful?
Nurse: Not at all, don’t worry, it is not painful, fibro scan is a painless and non-invasive measuring technique of liver stiffness.
Mr. Kim: Nurse, how would you perceive it when someone asks you to stop drinking, just in case you were also a drinker like me?
Nurse: That is a good question. Even though your day-to-day life is not adversely affected by alcohol addiction, alcohol dependency may indirectly affect other parts of your life, like family and friends who are uncomfortable with your new lifestyle. Nevertheless, drinking alcohol is generally harmful to your general health. Therefore, I would positively welcome the advice and find a solution to my contemporary drinking problem.
Mr. Kim: (looking confused) why is that?
Nurse: Because alcohol has become part of our lives that ruins other aspects of our lives, we need to eliminate it.
Mr. Kim: Yes! Yes, alcohol has become part of my life, but to stop drinking will mean that I have to remove that part of my life?
Nurse: Yes, of course, Mr. Kim, and that is a decision for you to make as early as possible. Is it not? We already have the test result, the fibroscan score is nine, and from the score, there is proof of liver damage, Mr. Kim. The possible root is the alcohol you drink. If we don't stop this, then your life will be shortened. It is also necessary to consider that there are also correlations between stroke, cardiovascular diseases, and cancer with the use of alcohol. So I can assure you that your body is being affected based on medical evidence. Moreover, it also affects your intimate relationship with your family, relationship with friends, workmates, and probably your job in later days. I do not want to lecture you, but I will subject you to Alcohol Brief Interventions to come with a plan to help you stop your drinking habit. But do not worry, if you are determined to stop drinking, then I will help you walk the way out. You have an appointment with us after one week, and then we will plan a caring plan and commence your recovery journey. Okay?
Mr. Kim: That would be a great nurse. I need to stop drinking and save my marriage, family, and be a role model within the society. I will appreciate your assistance. Thank you.

Part Two: Care Plan

Drinking is prevalent in most cultures, and its impacts vary from one individual to another. Excessive consumption of alcohol is harmful to one’s health as it leads to chronic illnesses and other health complications such as high blood pressure, stroke, digestive problems, liver diseases, and heart disease. Moreover, excessive use of alcohol can cause cancer of the throat, colon, mouth, liver, and breast cancer for women. Some of the social problems attributed to alcoholism include family problems, loss of productivity, and unemployment.

In the script, the patient has been an alcoholic for the last five years, and complained of his low concentration levels, sleeping disorder, loss of critical judgment, constant mood swings, having trouble coordinating properly, hallucination, depression, and memory loss. The symptoms mentioned above fit with the diagnosis of alcohol use disorder because an individual who excessively use alcohol usually have trouble concentrating, experience mood swings, hallucinate, they have poor judgment, and experience memory loss (Monico, 2020). Additionally, such patients are usually depressed. Long-term effects of excessive drinking may contribute to cardiovascular disease and liver fibrosis (Nall, 2018). The result of the fibro Scan indicated that the patient's liver is damaged. Considering symptoms mentioned by the patient such as appetite loss, slow decision-making, poor judgment it is evident that the patient’s liver was affected as a result of excessive consumption of alcohol. Alcoholism is the overall description of alcohol use disorder.

Medication Plan for Identified Symptoms

There is no cure for alcoholism. Subduing alcohol dependency is a long process that needs personal commitment and different therapies. However, treatment depends on individuals' circumstances like the level of support from friends and family members, financial situations, and commitment. It is critical to treat the root course of the problem to reduce symptoms experienced by the patient. Therefore the patient may undergo the following care plan:

The patient may be subjected to an Alcohol Brief Intervention to support and motivate them to reconsider the change in their drinking habit. After ascertaining the patient’s level of alcohol impairment, he undergoes revitalization and support to minimize the adverse health effects of alcohol.

The patient can be put in a detoxification program to break their addiction or dependency on alcohol. The detoxification program can be conducted within the hospital setting or in an inpatient therapy treatment facility for one week. During the detoxification program, the administration of different medications is significant to prevent alcohol withdrawal effects such as confusion, shaking, and constant hallucination.

Taking the patient through behavioral modification can help them learn skills and coping strategies to avoid alcohol intake once they are from the treatment centers.

Administration of medications such as disulfiram to lower the desire to take alcohol by making the patient sick when they drink. Administration of acamprosate medication helps to minimize alcohol cravings as it restores the balance of the brain's neurotransmitters. Furthermore, the administration of naltrexone medication helps in blocking the patient's body from reacting to endorphins. Therefore, the patient will be less inclined to drink.

Social Difficulties Experienced By the Patient

Some of the social difficulties the patient experienced as a result of drinking included exclusion by his associates which led to depression. Additionally, the patient has also been having difficulty restoring the initial father-son relationship. His son has been complaining about his irresponsible behavior and lack of concern regarding his school affairs. The patient is also worried about how society currently views him. As a result, this makes him exclude himself and self-judge as not being worthy and a role model to both his son and the community. Due to his excessive alcohol intake, the patient has been misusing his finances leading to marital problems. Therefore, the following care plan will be beneficial and will help him overcome the social difficulties he is experiencing.

Seek marital and family counseling as it will help involve all members of the family in the treatment and recovery process. The approach is significant as it will repair and improve the family relationship. Additionally, marital and family counseling is vital as it ensures strong family support to the patient, thus motivating and increasing the chances of alcohol abstinence.

Motivational enhancement therapy is imperative as it assists the patient in identifying the merits and demerits of pursuing treatment. The therapy will also help the patient formulate strategies to stop taking alcohol, build confidence, and establish ways of sticking to the schemes.

Enrolled in voluntary work and established strong social support and friendship

Attend mutual support groups to help in the recovery process and eliminate the feeling of being sidelined by friends.

Psychological Difficulties Experienced By the Patient

Due to the marital problems attributed to drinking, the patient records constant stressful situations in his life. Additionally, the struggle to cease drinking without success and isolation from friends, his son, and some workmates has led him to depression.

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