Why are Youth Sports so Important
Sports can be a critical approach to engaging youth and children in learning some significant lessons concerning life. Previous studies concur that participation in sports activities can be very advantageous in terms of promoting responsible social characters, appreciating individual fitness and health, and enhanced academic success. Youth and children participating in a team can create an essential sense of belonging. The basis set by coaches, parents, and organizations is a vital element in determining whether a youth will have valuable experience in a sports event or not. Participating in sports activities can assist in alleviating barriers, and help in creating a positive attitude about ourselves, both mentally and physically (Kirk, 2005). The main aim of this essay is discussing why the youth's sports are so important.
Sport is an essential factor in developing youths to be good characters in society. Studies depict that children engagement in sports practices help them enhance their social interaction with their elders, health, and listening skills. Participation in sports is associated with minimal crime and school dropout rates and reduced truancy, and this contributes to the achievement of higher grades. Youths involved in these activities often find themselves busy, and this gives them fewer opportunities in engaging with drugs (Kirk, 2005). In the process, the end up improving their skills and developing new ones, for instance, learning how to work as a team to achieve a common objective. Children or youths who are actively involved in sports activities act as good role models to other people in the school and neighborhood, and this can motivate them to begin playing some sports as well. Youth sports also help kids in forming a lifelong friendship that guides on valuable lessons concerning human relationships (Kirk, 2005).
Sports also help the youth and children to enhance their physical health. Youth sports are an entertaining way of improving the level of the child's physical ability and create long-lasting habits for maintaining good health in life. Physical activity is vital for children's minds as it does for their bodies. Child's behavior is influenced by whether they have enough exercise or not. Exercise help children to deal with an attention disorder, which is a growing problem (Lee Whitehead & Balchin, 2000). Kids involved in these activities have higher self-esteem, an excellent connection with their studies, a good relationship with their peers, and less behavioral issues. Research suggests that sports provide children with essential life skills that guide them on how to improve their emotional well being and equips them with knowledge on how to lose and win gracefully. They also develop self-esteem and establish how they can healthily address emotions to become better team players and communicators in future life (Lee et al., 2000).
Youth sports helps children in setting and creating goals and objectives to accomplish in life. Sports are usually involved in setting particular goals and objectives, which are supposed to be achieved either individually or by a team. These targets in sports are beneficial in giving the direction of where a child wants to be in the future. Without them, kids can't notice whether they are tracking in the right manner. Targets build strong inner will and desire, which are critical factors in achieving the goals and objectives that are set. Youth sports also creates determination since participants are often involved in a competitive situation where they are challenged. These experiences help children integrate similar practices in life as well. They become stronger as they progress in life, as their determination and perseverance are evaluated (Lee et al., 2000).
Coaches should be certified with an injury prevention program since it is critical in each physical activity. The program helps the participants of the sport in accomplishing their training objectives and sustaining their health. Performing sports activities without prior preparation can harm your body. Coaches also learn on approaches to implementing basic tactics that prevent future injuries and promote a happier and healthier lifestyle. The program also guides them on how to handle or treat injuries and equips them with the long-term effects associated with injuries (Gilbert & Trudel, 2004).
In conclusion, involvement in sports practices can be beneficial in terms of promoting responsible social characters, appreciating individual fitness and health, and enhanced academic success. Children engagement in sports activities can help them strengthen their social interaction with their elders and listening skills. Participation in sports, especially by children results in less crime and school dropout rates and reduced truancy, and this contributes to the achievement of higher grades. Exercise help children to deal with an attention disorder, which is a growing problem and gives them higher self-esteem, an excellent connection with their studies, a good relationship with their peers, and less behavioral issues. Youth sports provide children with important life skills that guide them on how to improve their emotional well-being and equips them with knowledge on how to lose and win gracefully. Coaches and teachers need to be certified with an injury prevention program to guide their teams on how to prevent and handle injuries.
Gilbert, W. D., & Trudel, P. (2004). Role of the coach: How model youth team sport coaches frame their roles. The sport psychologist, 18(1), 21-43. Retrieved from https://journals.humankinetics.com/view/journals/tsp/18/1/article-p21.xml
Kirk, D. (2005). Physical education, youth sport and lifelong participation: the importance of early learning experiences. European physical education review, 11(3), 239-255. Retrieved from https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1356336X05056649
Lee, M. J., Whitehead, J., & Balchin, N. (2000). The measurement of values in youth sport: Development of the Youth Sport Values Questionnaire. Journal of sport and exercise psychology, 22(4), 307-326. Retrieved from https://academic.csuohio.edu/kneuendorf/quillin/lee%20whitehead%20balchin%20youth%20sport%20values%20questionnaire%202000.pdf
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