Essay Sample on Seborrheic Dermatitis

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  4
Wordcount:  885 Words
Date:  2022-12-05


Seborrheic dermatitis is a common skin disorder that mainly affects the scalp causing scaly patches, redness, and dandruff. The skin condition also develops in the oily parts of the body, for example, the upper chest and face. When the condition develops in kids, it is usually referred to as crib cap and usually, develop within the first few weeks after birth and disappear or heal later after several months or weeks. The signs and symptoms of the conditions in children include scaly and crusty patches on the child's scalp.

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Seborrheic Dermatitis Management

Seborrheic is an easily manageable skin condition among both the adults and children. In adults and adolescent teens, the skin disorder may clear up on its own; however, if it does not heal other treatment or management measures should be implemented. Dandruff should be treated by an over the counter shampoo that contains, salicylic acid, tar, selenium sulfide, and ketoconazole. The hair and scalp should be washed daily to easily manage the disease while steroids may also be used on other affected skin parts such as the face. For the case of children, the skin disorder may clear up after eight to twelve months without undergoing treatment (Buttaro et al. 2017, p. 227). If the skin condition does not disappear, it is treated through daily cleansing with the mild baby shampoo. On the other hand, other affected body parts may be treated using a prescribed lotion or shampoo.

Acne Vulgaris

This is a long term skin disease that occur when the hair follicles in the body are clogged or blocked by the dead skin cells and the skin oil. The condition mostly affects the body parts with a higher number of glands such as the upper part of the chest and face. Genetics is considered to cause approximately 80% of the cases of acne vulgaris disorders (Buttaro et al. 2017, p. 238). The signs of skin disorder include pimples, oily skin, white head or blackheads.

Acne Vulgaris Management

Acne vulgaris is a condition that can be easily managed through the implementation of various practices such as eating a well-balanced diet. According to research, people who consume high sugar based diet are at a higher risk of getting the skin condition. Also, consumption or high amount of dairy products such as milk can increase the risk of the skin disorder. The condition can also be managed using first-line therapy whereby comedolytic ointment is applied to prevent the formation of comedones. In other cases, antibiotic treatment may also be used depending on the severity of the condition.

How Does One Differentiate Between the Various Types of Dermatitis?

Dermatitis tends to be a general term that refers to the skin inflammation. There are various types of dermatitis that are caused by that are caused by different allergies, and infections, in the human body, this includes atopic dermatitis, contact dermatitis, neuron dermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis, and dyshidrotic eczema. The various types of dermatitis can be differentiated using various factors that include, first, the cause of dermatitis. The various types of dermatitis tend to be caused by different agents or factors; some are caused by an allergic reaction to various substances while others occur due to various infections. Secondly, the area where the skin disorder affects. The different types of dermatitis usually affect different parts of the body; for example, atopic dermatitis affects the knee and the elbows while seborrheic dermatitis affects the scalp and the upper back of the body. The part affected makes it easy to identify the specific type of dermatitis affecting an individual. Thirdly, the signs and symptoms of dermatitis. Each type of dermatitis has its signs and symptoms that make it possible to differentiate them. However, in some cases, various types of dermatitis tend to have similar symptoms such as feeling itchy.

What Warning Signs of Skin Cancer Would You Be Looking For in Regard to Patient History and Physical Exam?

Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in the United States affecting at least one person in a group of five individuals (Papadakis et al. 2018, p. 1607). Early detection of skin cancer cases is essential to reduce the cases of morbidity experienced in the United States. There three types of skin cancers that include, melanoma, squamous cell carcinoma and basal cell carcinoma whereby each type of skin cancer has its signs and symptoms. The most common signs and symptoms among the three types of cancers include abnormal brown and pink spots, enlarged lymph nodes, and patches (Buttaro et al. 2017, p. 235). During skin cancer screening the physician looks for various signs and symptoms in the patient which predict the occurrence of the conditions. These signs include the presence of lesions that change, itch, or bleed, the presence of growths that have changed tremendously in another way and the moles that have not grown or developed over a certain period. Other factors that the physician may look for in the patient history include whether his or her family has a history of skin cancer to determine whether the probability of the patient having skin cancer.


Buttaro, T., Trybulski, J., Polgar-Bailey, P., & Sandberg-Cook, J. (2017). Primary care: A collaborative practice (5th Ed.). Mosby, Inc. ISBN-9780323355018

Papadakis, M. A., McPhee, S. J., & Rabow, M. W. (2018). CURRENT medical diagnosis and treatment 2018 (57th Ed.). Columbus, OH: McGraw-Hill Medical. ISBN-10: 1259861481 ISBN-13: 9781259861482

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