Essay Sample on OE Riddle of the Letter U: A Puzzle to Unravel

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  784 Words
Date:  2023-02-27

The above riddle gives a detailed hidden meaning of the letter U. From the verse, there are statements that attempt to challenge the reader's understanding. Also, some lines appear confusing or those that are meant to complicate the understanding of the whole riddle. The stanzas are simple but require attention from the readers. The OE riddles consist of statements or questions that offer a puzzle to be solved. Besides, the OE riddle tests critical thinking before figuring out the answer. The above forms of riddles often have simple answers but with complex processes of identifying the actual answer. In most cases, the OE riddle may have more than one answer, but only one qualifies to be the actual solution. The above riddle, just like the approaches employed in the OE riddle, requires critical thinking on the part of readers; it thus offers an interesting and challenging environment. While the above riddle serves the function of entertaining the readers or the audience through the challenging lines that almost leads to different answers, it also serves other different purposes. In the riddle above, the line, "I prefer going up" allows the audience to develop deeper thinking regarding the issue. It engages the minds of the audience to try and figure out what the actual answer could be or the actual thing that is being described. The line also allows the audience to raise some questions on their minds. The riddle above enables the audience to think of different possibilities in a critical manner instead of superficial reading.

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The OE riddles are often structured in a manner that enables the readers to connect the dots and try to figure out what the answer could lead to. In the above riddle, there are statements such as "I am in you" that signals the beginning of the riddle. Besides, there is the first line that reads, "I love my name" that tells the audience that the riddle is starting. From the stanzas, there is also a statement that signals the end of the riddle; the statement, "I am not in the riddle" signals the end of the whole riddle and prepares the audience to gauze or come up with an answer. The above riddle applies different literary devices; first, there is the personification. The use of "I am" personifies that anticipated answer, it also gives the readers or the audience to try and gauze what the answer may be at the end of the riddle. Secondly, there is the use of repletion to try and engage the minds of the audience in trying the connect the dots. The lines keep on repeating the word "I am" to enable audience gain insight and gauze what the answer might be. The repetition prepares the minds of the audience on how to respond to the whole riddle based on the lines and the writing mechanics. In the riddle, the application of personification to achieve obfuscation. The riddle gives hints by using statements such as "I am in you" and "not in him" to give hints to the audience on what the answer could be. With the hints that reveal more than two answers, the audience remains perplexed, and it also makes it interesting to gauze what the actual answer could be. The riddle creates critical thinking that encourages audience to maintain their concentration.

One of the main elements of the OE riddle employed in the above case is the obfuscation. Different lines in the riddle create a complex situation that enables the audience develop critical thinking. The application of hints that leads to the answer was also employed. Just like the poem, there was the use of repetitions to create the riddle more interesting to the audience. The riddle flows systematically to lead to the anticipated answer. In other words, there is a clear flow of different lines, a situation that enables the reader or the audience to connect the dots and decide on the actual answer out of many options that may be available. With the repetitions, the audience may also find it interesting while trying to gaze the final answer.

In most cases, the OE riddles are enigmatic; they involve the description of a question or statements where the audience has to guess the actual answer. Also the OE riddles employ the imagery to achieve different effects. In some cases, the OE riddles may be quite poetic. The above riddle, therefore, employs imagery, as well as the enigmatic statements that come in different forms. With the imagery or personification, the lines allow the audience to raise some questions on their minds. The riddle above enables the audience to think of different possibilities in a critical manner instead of superficial reading.

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Essay Sample on OE Riddle of the Letter U: A Puzzle to Unravel. (2023, Feb 27). Retrieved from

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