Essay Sample on Nurturing Great Minds: The Value of Early Childhood Education

Paper Type:  Admission essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  560 Words
Date:  2023-04-23


Working as a paraprofessional and spending time with children has made me understand that children's education is a valuable asset that should be highly enforced. As an educator, I longed to pursue early childhood education to nurture great minds to allow the children to become independent individuals in the future. I learned that educators should be aware of the long-term and short-term effects in which education plays in children's views of society. In some places, adolescent and middle childhood teachers are viewed as babysitters. Since the adolescent and middle childhood stage is marred with behavioral, cognitive, and physical changes, education psychology is enhanced.

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Keeping in mind how handling middle childhood is a noble task, I have learned that children begin to show some physical changes and discover their identity. Girls and boys become out of control of their identity at the puberty cycle as they transition into adolescence. In essence, if the behavioral and physical changes are not taught, the children may face various complications.

Middle childhood has two categories, namely children, with the age bracket of 6-8 and those within the age 9-12. Typically, a child learns through interacting with other children, where they determine how to manage behaviors and emotions. Also, children learn by interacting with adults and different children. The behavioral and physical changes for adolescents differ across gender. In both adolescence and middle childhood, development is characterized by the emotional, social, brain, and nervous systems and physical changes. For instance, preschool children begin to lose their deciduous teeth, whereas adolescence experience changes in the pubic and sexual organs.

I have encountered some teachers who work with middle children and adolescent students to create the classroom environment and others who force a classroom environment on the children. I realized that power is vested on the teachers to choose the materials they are going to use in class and during the school years. I had previously compromised the plans and lessons used in class. However, I have accepted that the plans are used to determine how children are going to be assessed based on individual capabilities.

I have discovered that teachers nurturing middle childhood and adolescent' students will decide on physical and behavioral changes they want to concentrate on, and how to address the issues, and the outcomes expected from every student. Thus, education is a crucial tool that people can use to direct their lives to success.

I believe that teachers are tasked to offer the students the best quality education to allow them to realize positive experiences and success in their lives. As a teacher, I need to direct the student on how to handle their physical and behavioral changes by learning the truth and facts. I believe I can confidently determine and implement different approaches to honor diversity and culture to advocate for justice for both adolescents and middle childhood' children. I am capable of working with the family members to aid in nurturing the children. Thus, it allows me to offer adolescents psychology to make the youth knowledgeable on the concepts.


In conclusion, middle childhood and adolescents should be educated on physical, behavioral, and cognitive development. I confidently believe that through developing literature plans, teachers can understand how children are going to assessed and nurtured. Families and teachers work together to make sure that children receive psychology education on their developmental changes.

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Essay Sample on Nurturing Great Minds: The Value of Early Childhood Education. (2023, Apr 23). Retrieved from

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