Essay Sample on Importance of Medicinal Marijuana

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  620 Words
Date:  2022-11-30


Many persons believe that narcotic drugs are hazardous to our well-being. Because of that, folks grow up abiding by the laws set by the government and other regulating bodies to shun the usage of narcotics just since the law states so. Those who develop critical thinking and analysis begin to challenge the set laws by basing their opposition and evidence gathered from research activities. Often, the regulations set by the administration on some drugs is biased and primarily based on moral obligations and ethical responsibility. Cannabis use has been a controversial topic over a long time. Some states have taken a step to legalise marijuana and advance the use of medicinal pot. Some people argue that the use of marijuana has some adverse effects on people's health; however, minds in a contemporary environment have confirmed that the profits of grass as a medicinal drug outweigh the adverse effects related to its use. Scholarly articles show that marijuana has many advantages. The benefits can stem from improving physical health to growing the economy of our nation. The above reasons testify why marijuana should get authorised and why its medicinal use should be funded, studied and explored so that we could see more utilisation of the benefits that come with the use of marijuana for medical purposes.

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Conservative individuals have hesitated to accept the fact that pot has many therapeutic aids. Due to improvements in science, innovations and experiments show that marijuana has unexplored benefits that can be managed and controlled scientifically to benefit human beings. Health benefits are numerous and exist in a big range. Medicinal pot has gotten prescribed to patients ailing from diabetes to cancer and many people's surprise; the results have been significant and exponential (Hudak 29). For a very long time, these illnesses have had no cure or control. Medicinal marijuana has been used to contain pain in such diseases. It has been used to suppress pain.

Patients suffering from specific illness such as HIV/AIDS have seen significant improvements. Medicinal grass can be used to suppress hunger. It is a stimulant used to regulate patients who have problems with the appetite of food (Mack, and Joy 37). Patients can gain higher energy levels and more nutrients into their bodies. Medicinal marijuana helps in rectifying respiratory system problems especially people who have had asthma attacks. It increases the rate of an individual's heartbeat making them active. The beneficial impacts of medicinal pot outweigh the bad that's why the use of curative pot should be legalised and utilised.

The economic advantages of legalising marijuana are paramount to a nation's economy. It can prove to be a significant source of revenue for government entities. As seen from certain states revenue from pot usage can go up to billions of US dollars (Gonzalez, and McGee 154). Criminals related to the use and abuse of pot of being expensive to the government which pays heavily in detaining them.


In conclusion, many people feel like it is not okay to legalise pot. When used in an environment that is not medically controlled, pot can affect the mental health of those who misuse it. The government feels obligated and responsible for taking care of its citizens and protect them from self-harm such as drug misuse. Therefore, the informed few who advocate for the use of therapeutic pot get ignored. The people and the government should come together and create mechanisms that will avert the adverse effects that emerge from the wrong use of pot nonetheless instead support the therapeutic purpose of pot.

Works Cited

Gonzalez, Joaquin Jay, and Mickey P McGee. Legal Marijuana. Mcfarland, 2019, p. 154.

Hudak, John. The Medical Marijuana Mess, 2006, p. 29

Mack, Alison, and Janet Joy. Marijuana as Medicine? National Academy Press, 2001, p.37

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Essay Sample on Importance of Medicinal Marijuana. (2022, Nov 30). Retrieved from

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