Essay Sample on Howard Gardner's Eight Intelligence

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  5
Wordcount:  1211 Words
Date:  2022-11-17


In many learning institutions, education is centered on the mathematical or the linguistic intelligence of a student. The kids in the preschool level are usually taught how to count from one to ten and how to say their ABCs.Children who can list their alphabets correctly are regarded as bright learners while those who can handle the additions at a small age are positioned in the honors list. Intelligence is mostly measured using the IQ tests; students with high IQ level are considered smarter than those with a low IQ. However, Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences proposed in 1983 has different views about intelligence(Gardner, 1995). Discussed below is Howard Gardner's biography, an overview of his Theory of Eight Intelligences, the evolution of the theory over the years as well as my reflection on how Gardner's approach can be applied in my life with supporting details.

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Howard Gardner, born on July 11th, 1943 in Scranton, Pennsylvania in the United States, is among the contemporary psychologist famous for his theory of multiple intelligences. He was born to Jewish parents who escaped from Germany during the Nazis period. Gardner loved music as a child, and this made him a great pianist. His peer and family had a significant impact on his thinking and development, and this shaped the person he is today. He was an intelligent child who was enrolled in Harvard University to pursue a degree in law; however, he developed some interest in social sciences and psychology, and this made him study developmental psychology (Pearsall,1992). Gardner cited that he was inspired by Jean Piaget's work of nature of knowledge, Jerome Bummers contribution to educational psychology through cognitive learning theory and cognitive psychology. Another person who greatly inspired him was the inductive reasoning of Nelson Goodman which was based on human habit as well as the mentoring from Erik Erikson; a famous psychoanalyst (Gardner, 1995).

Theory of Eight Intelligences and Evolution of the Theory

Gardner (1999) developed his theory of Multiple Intelligences in 1983 in his book "Frames of Mind" and subsequently refined and enlarged it in 1999 in "Intelligence Refined."This theory argues that humans have diverse ways of learning and processing information. Gardner believes that individuals have distinct intelligence levels in each categorization and that's why some students learn certain things quicker than others. He states that most of the times' intelligence is defined by psychometrics; however, this does not explain the individual's vast array in cognitive abilities. Although IQ tests are sometimes taken very seriously, it does not determine an individual's future success. This means that a student may have difficulties in learning a particular concept, but he or she can still do better in a different concept; similarly, an individual can learn something quickly but struggle in something else.

Gardner's eight intelligences include; Spatial which lasts longer up to old age, and it is the ability to conceptualize with ones mind's eye. An individual can accurately perceive the world and refurbish different aspects of the world. Linguistic intelligence involves the capacity to use words whether written or spoken; these individuals can easily learn through discussion, reading, listening to lectures and taking notes. Logical-mathematical involves anything related to mathematics and logic; it involves inductive and deductive reasoning, calculation and scientific thinking. Bodily-kinesthetic is the ability and skills to use different parts of the body to carry purposeful and skillful movements. Musical intelligence involves skills and abilities related to rhythms, sounds, singing, play musical instruments and tones (Gardner,1999).

The other intelligence is interpersonal intelligence which involves understanding others and maintaining relations, be sympathetic and empathetic. Intrapersonal is about knowing oneself and knowledge of individuals feelings, emotions, cognitive strengths, styles and be able to express oneself. Lastly is naturalist which mostly pertains nature and be able to relate any information to one's environment or natural surroundings. Gardner's theory evolved after he believed of another possible addition of existential which is considered the ninth intelligence and it is contemplating questions and phenomena past sensory data. The other additional intelligence is the moral intelligence which deals with the diverse values and ethics of life (Morgan,1996).

Reflections on the Theory

The two intelligences which I believe I excel are interpersonal and intrapersonal intelligence. This is because I'm a person who always thinks in setting my goals which I should achieve and I still help others to set their goals as well. I always try to treat people the same way they treat me, and that is what I instill in my friends, family and myself. I have to finish my studies and aim higher rather than being content with life until I achieve my ultimate goal.

The intelligence which I feel is a weakness for me is the musical intelligence I don't have the necessary skills and abilities with regards to the music field. Even though I'm partially interested in music sing, I have poor pitch discrimination, sensitivity to texture, timbre, and rhythm. It is difficult for me to hear themes in music, compose or perform any music I just sit back and enjoy the music without paying much attention to the details.

The multiple intelligences discussed above have some impacts on how I approach learning and school work assignments. At last, I never used to accept my failures, and I could blame other people when I failed in my exams, I could not take that other student could be better in some subjects than me. Sometimes I could fail to do my assignments and give lame excuses. However as I grew up, I changed my approach in my studies, and today I always try to understand my areas of weaknesses in my subjects and reach out to theirs to help me know regions which I have difficulties in..I also try to improve my classmates who face challenges in areas which I'm good at since I have come to accept that we have different abilities as I struggle to accomplish my career.

The theory of multiple intelligences has affected how I think about the future in that; I believe that in future I will try to do things at my best especially when involved in more than one project. I will let others know that humans have different abilities and we should, therefore, accept our weaknesses and work towards our aim in life like focusing on achieving our careers.


It is evident garners theory of multiple intelligences has impacted the current psychology field significantly and the education in general. His determination to challenge the system of education which supposes that different individuals can learn and understand the same materials in similar ways has significantly affected today's world as many learning institutions have come to realize how different students learn. If his theory becomes prevalent, no one knows how our education system will turn to be in the future.


Bolt, M. (2007). Instructor's Resources to Accompany David G. Myers, Psychology (8th ed.).New York: Worth Publishers

Gardner, H. (1995). Reflections on multiple intelligences: Myths and messages. Phi Delta Kappan, 200-203,206-209.

Gardner, H. (1999). Multiple intelligences for the 21st century. New York, NY: Basic Books.

Morgan, H. (1996). An analysis of Gardner's theory of multiple intelligence. Roeper Review, 18(4), 263-269.Retrieved on 7th March 2019 from

Pearsall, D. (1992). The life of Geoffrey Chaucer: a critical biography. Blackwell.

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