Essay Sample on Boy's Medical History: Assessing the Severity of Symptoms

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  2
Wordcount:  514 Words
Date:  2023-04-24

The additional questions that I will ask are; the duration of the presenting complaints, presence of blood in the sputum to know the severity of the condition, if the boy feels fatigued, presence or absence of cold symptoms such as mild headache as well as pain in other body parts. Furthermore, I would enquire about the patient's past medical history and family history. Consequently, I would ask a surgical history and the family lifestyle, whether the patient is on medication currently, previous exposure, or interactions with a person experiencing similar symptoms, anything that makes the patient feel better or alleviate signs and changes in appetite.

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The case has not addressed the LOCATES mnemonic, which refers to the location of the symptom. Besides, other symptoms associated to the first sign, characteristics of the symptom, alleviating factors or aggravating factors, time of the sign such as duration, frequency, and pattern of the symptom, environment where the symptom occurs, and Severity of the symptom out of a 10point scale have not been addressed. Therefore, according to the case, the LOCATES mnemonic has not been addressed. That is because there are no alleviating or aggravating factors mentioned. Besides, frequency and time of the symptoms, for instance, coughing at night or in the morning, is not mentioned.

Test for immunoglobulin A (IgA) and immunoglobulin G (IgG) deficiency because deficiencies in children lead to Sino pulmonary infections. Besides, primary hypogammaglobulinemias should be tested because it is an etiologic factor for pediatric bronchitis in some cases. My differential diagnosis is acute sinusitis because there is rhinorrhea that is caused by the inflammation of paranasal sinuses as well as persistent coughing, pediatric asthma because of the coughing and production of sputum, and pediatric bronchitis because of the rhinorrhea, yellowish sputum, and coughing.

My most likely diagnosis is pediatric bronchitis because the patient coughs up yellow sputum, evidence of rhinorrhea, no cervical adenopathy, normal pulse, respiratory rate, and afebrile. Treatment of pediatric bronchitis includes; avoidance of smoke to reduce clogging in the nasal sinuses, adequate oral intake of fluids, use of antibiotics bronchodilators to reduce rhinorrhea, and use of analgesics to alleviate pain. The dosage is Clarithromycin 7.5 mg/kg/dose Q12H x7 (Max 500/dose) and Bactrim 4mg/kg/dose Q12H x14, paracetamol 250mg/dose QID x7.

The parent must be taught how to give medication to the child and how to use appliances such as inhalers. Also, I would write a detailed plan for the parent on the treatment regimen for the child and how to monitor for acute symptoms of bronchitis to contact for further treatment. Religious beliefs and experiences about illness treatment influence the health-seeking behavior of a community, and people are unlikely to limit social interactions with the affected person. The child should have received a Homophiles Conjugate Vaccine (Hib) that prevents several respiratory conditions such as pneumonia and bronchitis. The next well visit will be after two weeks to check whether the symptoms are alleviating or they are becoming acute. I would advise the parent to monitor for severe symptoms of bronchitis to contact for further treatment.

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Essay Sample on Boy's Medical History: Assessing the Severity of Symptoms. (2023, Apr 24). Retrieved from

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