Essay Sample on Achieving Graduate Success: My Journey Through Education

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  589 Words
Date:  2023-02-27

Since childhood, I have had a feeling that my success depends on the professional way that I have dealt with my studies. Where, since high school, I enrolled in challenging subjects and courses. I have always worked with my professors, where I developed a close relationship. Never have I ever settled for a B or A- grade, in case I scored this grade, I would ask my professor what I would do to improve. Unlike undergraduate study, to succeed in a graduate program, I feel that one needs to be more proactive. This can be achieved by taking responsibility for one's school experiences. First, it is necessary that one thinks what one wants and identify opportunities. The other thing is being independent in decision making where one should not wait for members of the faculty to decide on their behalf. It is necessary that one builds a relationship with the department faculty members.

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One of the benefits of a graduate school is that one is surrounded by peer individuals who are likeminded. Succeeding in this school will help one leverage the peer network, as one may turn to them for career advice or inspiration. Being accepted in graduate schools requires that one have some unique strength that they may bring into the program. Therefore there is an exchange of different expertise and experiences. Networking is also experienced among students and professors. Faculty members may have an experience that they have acquired through exposure among different students or in their year of study. Therefore succeeding in graduate school requires one to have a faculty mentor. Where the stronger the relationship, the more likely one will be introduced to other thought leaders that exist in their network.

While undertaking a graduate program, it is important not only focus on grades but also focus on learning. Grades help to hold an individual accountable and may serve as a benchmark; the success of this program does not lie in grades. Graduate learners are at a different level of one's career, and life as compared to undergraduate, where one is trying to leverage the grades points to land a job or even be enrolled in a graduate school. At this level, one has more to balance and various professional goals. Therefore, it is important to focus on the process of learning in the dedication of oneself to gaining new experience, retaining information, and networking with peers.

Lastly, to succeed in graduate school, one needs to work on what is passionate about and map out the goals early. At the beginning of the graduate program, one is required to write down his or her goal. Some of the goals are likely to be discovered during the application process. As one maps his or her goals, it is necessary to zero in what one is passionate about and then integrate that in the school course work. However, one of the most important goals during this program is bringing in a professional approach to one's interaction and studies. This will be attained by building key skills that involve budgeting, preparedness, and organization.

The decision to pursue a graduate degree is not an easy task as it requires heavy financial, balancing between family, job, and learning. However, succeeding in this program will enable one to be forever thankful for the skills, knowledge, and recognition that are related to this degree program. One may gain more knowledge after graduate study. Moreover, succeeding in graduate school will help in developing an expertise area, and in enhancing professional and personal growth.

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Essay Sample on Achieving Graduate Success: My Journey Through Education. (2023, Feb 27). Retrieved from

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