Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a conceptual framework in psychology premised on the existence of a five-tier model of human needs. Maslow illustrates these needs as hierarchal levels in a pyramid, where the most basic and necessary human needs lie at the bottom and must be satisfied first before moving up to fulfill other human wants (Green, 2014). Maslow further divides the five levels into three groups that include the underlying physiological and safety needs, psychological needs characterized by love and a sense of belonging, and self-fulfillment needs that include self-actualization.
Definition of Theoretical Framework in Article
Jackson et al. (2014) discuss the resistance exhibited by the medical community towards adopting a culture of safety in the provision of critical care to patients in intensive care units (ICU). The authors use Maslow's hierarchy of needs as a comprehensive theoretical framework that is applied in nursing to promote the provision of holistic healthcare services and products. Maslow's hierarchy of needs is used to inform the formulation of strategies aimed at providing comprehensive care to restore a patient to their pre-illness function of spirit, body, and mind.
Definition of Research in Relation to Theoretical Framework in Article
Research is a term that is used to describe the systematic inquiry into a suspected relationship between two or more phenomena. Research is a system of investigation that links theory, education or learning, and practice. Theory refers to the abstract conceptualization of relationships that are ascribed to certain phenomena under study in a research execution (Wilson et al., 2015). Education in the context of research refers to constructed settings made conducive for learning that is grounded in research, theory, and practice. In research, practice refers to parameters that nurses avail for purposes of delivering and providing opportunities suitable for identifying research topics.
The article, Jackson et al. (2014), discusses research that was informed by the need to formulate novel strategies to improve overall patient healthcare outcomes in the ICU. The authors observed that there was an increased demand for critical care compared to other medical services. The fact that ICUs are sites of increased incidences of iatrogenic injuries further increases the need for medical services. These injuries emanate from medical interventions used by healthcare practitioners in their quest to treat and cure patients in the ICU. According to Silen & Johansson (2016), the widespread ICU practice of putting patients into drug-induced iatrogenic comas and drug immobilization causes a majority of these injuries. Even though the number of patients leaving ICUs cured and treated of their diseases and conditions respectively; they suffer lifelong ICU-acquired weaknesses (ICU-AW) such as cognitive impairment, depressions, and PTSD (Jackson et al., 2014). The research study conducted by Jackson et al. (2014) sought to apply Maslow's hierarchy of needs to improve patient care in the ICU to promote the provision of holistic medical care.
Definition of Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) with Theoretical Framework
Evidence-based practice (EBP) in nursing refers to a problem-solving approach used in nursing practice to inform clinical decision-making processes. EBP integrates the most recent and available scientific evidence in combination with the best available experiential, and empirical evidence garnered from healthcare practitioners and patients (Green, 2014). EBP is a nursing practice whose decision-making processes consider all external and internal influences practice and promotes critical thinking in the judicious application of empirical evidence in the care of patients and systems designed to avail this care. Jackson et al. (2014) refer to the Pain, Agitation, and Delirium (PAD) guidelines formulated by the Society of Critical Care Medicine in the US as an example of evidence-based recommendations that have failed to garner traction in changing care practices in the ICU. The authors identified an evidence-based practice referred to as ABCDE for application in the provision of ICU patient care.
The Relationship Between Research, Theory, and EBP
The research carried out by Jackson et al. (2014) demonstrated that relationship between research, theory, and EBP through the application of a theoretical framework to inform the formulation of novel ICU best practices informed by empirical evidence. Further research and the use of a suitable theoretical framework can improve the gaps and inadequacies identified by Jackson et al. (2014). A new study was needed to elucidate the actual causes and risk factors that exposed healthcare practitioners to practices that jeopardized patients' overall wellbeing after recovery from ICU care. As mentioned earlier, Jackson et al. (2014) identified a previously formulated evidence-based ICU care guideline that had failed in the achievement of its set objectives of improving patient care in the ICU. The authors were therefore required to identify a suitable research approach and theoretical framework to inform the execution of their research. The application of effective EBP is dependent upon the formulation and implementation of an appropriate research study reported by a suitable theoretical framework.
Green, H. E. (2014). Use of theoretical and conceptual frameworks in qualitative research. Nurse Researcher, 21(6).
Jackson, J. C., Santoro, M. J., Ely, T. M., Boehm, L., Kiehl, A. L., Anderson, L. S., & Ely, E. W. (2014). Improving patient care through the prism of psychology: Application of Maslow's hierarchy of sedation, delirium, and early mobility in the intensive care unit. Journal of critical care, 29(3), 438-444.
Silen, M., & Johansson, L. (2016). Aims and theoretical frameworks in nursing students'
Bachelor's theses in Sweden: a descriptive study. Nurse education today, 37, 91-96.
Wilson, R., Godfrey, C. M., Sears, K., Medves, J., Ross-White, A., & Lambert, N. (2015).
Exploring conceptual and theoretical frameworks for nurse practitioner education: a scoping review protocol. JBI database of systematic reviews and implementation reports, 13(10), 146-155.
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