Essay on Shalom Hospital: 24/7 Quality & Accessible Medical Care in Boston

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  562 Words
Date:  2023-01-04

Shalom Hospital is a medical care organization located in Boston, Massachusetts. Our organization's objective is to provide quality and accessible medical care to all Americans; our staff can be grouped into seven departments which are all aimed at giving the patient a comfortable stay and ensure they fully recover. We are available for 24 hours every day of the week to make sure that you can get assistance any time, our staff are committed to giving you the best service we can afford.

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Due to the current federal law, the Affordable Care Act, we have been obliged to reduce the number of employees working with us. The Fair Labor Standard Act sets a par for us in terms of the minimum amount we can pay our staff, this then leaves us with only one option to reduce our workers, so that we can provide quality service to our clients but also ensure that we have a staff that are accommodated comfortably. A survey should be conducted to determine the number of our team that are under cover of the Unemployment Policy, and The Federal Unemployment Tax Act will then provide for the staff who will lose their jobs due to the reshuffle ((Kumar, 2016).

The key positions in our organization are:

  • Chief Executive Officer
  • Deputy Chief Executive Officer
  • Director of Marketing
  • Director of Information
  • Director of Nursing
  • Operations Officer
  • Director of Finance
  • Director of Clinics and Regional Outreach

The CEO oversees all the activities in the organization with the help of the Deputy CEO; he also takes part in the decision making at the board. I recommend that due to the nature of work, the Marketing department and Finance department be condensed into one, this will put all issues of marketing and finance under one department and hence under one director. Clinics and Regional outreach have always been of great help in the community; this department can serve under Operations (Caggese, Cunat & Metzger, 2018). While some more changes can be made it is worth noting that departments such as Nursing and Information cannot reallocate because they play a crucial role in the delivery of services to our patients those working under this department are also understaffed while the workload is large; I, therefore, recommend that they are left the way they are.

These changes will most likely cause an overload in the departments affected, the task that they are used to handling will have been doubled, and the issue should also be dealt with to ensure that some of the workers at the departments are retained. The period of adjustment to the new layout will mean a drop in production since a lot of time will be spent ensuring that the new members have consolidated to the new departments; the workforce is likely to drop due to this. Our outpatients may not be able to access necessary care during this period, most of the functions of the Regional outreach is to ensure that patients who are unable to get to the clinic get the care they need while in their residence, this service may pause for a while before the new group is dispatched. All other functions of the hospital are expected to run smoothly.


Caggese, A., Cunat, V., & Metzger, D. (2018). Firing the wrong workers: financing constraints and labor misallocation. Journal of Financial Economics.

Kumar, H. L. (2016). Labour Laws. Universal Law Publishing.

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Essay on Shalom Hospital: 24/7 Quality & Accessible Medical Care in Boston. (2023, Jan 04). Retrieved from

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