Essay on Maximizing Student Engagement: The Importance of Classroom Support

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  2
Wordcount:  471 Words
Date:  2023-07-24

It is during the college years when most people make great personal, intellectual, and social strides. Everyone hopes to have a good experience and a sense of belonging in college. Being in a supportive classroom helps to increase the sense of belonging (Rodriguez & Blaney, 2020). Besides, it helps to motivate the students towards achieving more academically (Davidson & Beck, 2019). For these reasons, most higher education learning institutions have devoted their resources to see to it that the social and academic climate is good for the students. Most of these institutions have high retention rates since every student wants to have a sense of belonging and have a good experience in college.

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The sense of belonging and pleasant experience is mainly determined by social factors such as race; if there is discrimination against some races in the college, then the people belonging to that ace will not have a sense of belonging, and they will not have a good experience. For instance, students suffering from autism may experience difficulties and, therefore, may lack a sense of belonging (Myles, Boyle, & Richards, 2019). This is because the students suffering from the condition have communication problems and lack social understanding, and therefore they may not fit in well with the rest of the people who do not have the disease.


For one to have a good experience and the feel of belonging, social skills are needed. They have to at least some social skills that aid in communication, and therefore, they can develop relationships easily with the others. Feeling valued where a personal contribution is appreciated also helps promote a sense of belonging (Gosnell, 2019). Establishing and adhering to the social expectations and standards will ensure promote the good experience of a person since one will not be seen as different (Van, Lin, Anson, & Jacobson, 2018). Feeling safe and supported is very important in that every student ought to feel secure in the school environment, which promotes a good experience and a sense of belonging.


Davidson, W., & Beck, H. P. (2019). Analyzing the commitment of college students using a brief, contextualized measure of need satisfaction from the perspective of self-determination theory. Psychological Reports, 122(3), 1145-1166.

Gosnell, C. L. (2019). Receiving quality positive event support from peers may enhance student connection and the learning environment. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Psychology.

Myles, O., Boyle, C., & Richards, A. (2019). The social experiences and sense of belonging in adolescent females with autism in mainstream school. Educational & Child Psychology, 36(4), 8.

Rodriguez, S. L., & Blaney, J. M. (2020). "We're the unicorns in STEM": Understanding how academic and social experiences influence a sense of belonging for Latina undergraduate students. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education.

Van Horne, S., Lin, S., Anson, M., & Jacobson, W. (2018). Engagement, satisfaction, and belonging of international undergraduates at US research universities. Journal of International Students, 8(1), 351-374.

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Essay on Maximizing Student Engagement: The Importance of Classroom Support. (2023, Jul 24). Retrieved from

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