Essay on Alcohol Abuse: A Global Risk to Health and Youth

Paper Type:  Research paper
Pages:  2
Wordcount:  439 Words
Date:  2023-02-06

The harmful and hazardous use of alcohol has become one of the main risks to health in several societies across the globe. Moreover, it is the primary risk factor in most developing nations with low mortality rates, and at the same time, it is ranked number three in developing countries (Spear 2018). Although alcohol consumption is embedded in the community, over the past few years there have been changes in the consumption patterns as the youths have become heavy episodic drinkers.

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Some of the health problems that are associated with a massive intake of alcohol include road traffic inquiries, mental problems, high-risk behaviors, and health conditions (Chen et al., 2017). The chronic health conditions that are associated with heavy drinking include liver damage, heart disease, brain, and nervous system, cancer, and anemia (Eichler et al., 2018). The community needs to come up with policy on the alcohol intake to help the young youth who are ting alcohol. They re the people the community will depend tomorrow for them to become ethical leaders and role models for the young people.

Some of the strategies to help young people is through creating awareness and education programs to let the youth about the harmful effects of alcohol consumption (Osgood & Muraven 201). The youth should be advised to look for other social activities rather than engaging in alcohol (Rehm & Roerecke 2017). Additionally, moderate drinking and moderation management are some excellent ways managing alcohol consumption in the community. Furthermore, restrictions should be made on the sage of consumption and the right age of taking alcohol.


Chen, K. M., Schell, T. D., Richie Jr, J. P., Sun, Y. W., Zhang, S. M., Calcagnotto, A., ... & El-Bayoumy, K. (2017). Effects of chronic alcohol consumption on DNA damage and immune regulation induced by the environmental pollutant dibenzo [a, l] pyrene in oral tissues of mice. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part C, 35(4), 213-222.

Eichler, A., Hudler, L., Grunitz, J., Grimm, J., Raabe, E., Goecke, T. W., ... & Kornhuber, J. (2018). Effects of prenatal alcohol consumption on cognitive development and ADHDrelated behaviour in primaryschool age: a multilevel study based on meconium ethyl glucuronide. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 59(2), 110-118.

Osgood, J. M., & Muraven, M. (2017). Self-Control and alcohol consumption. In Routledge International Handbook of Self-Control in Health and Well-Being (pp. 251-263). Routledge.

Rehm, J., & Roerecke, M. (2017). Cardiovascular effects of alcohol consumption. Trends in cardiovascular medicine, 27(8), 534-538.

Spear, L. P. (2018). Effects of adolescent alcohol consumption on the brain and behaviour. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 19(4), 197.

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Essay on Alcohol Abuse: A Global Risk to Health and Youth. (2023, Feb 06). Retrieved from

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