Technological development has significant impacts on society, especially in the education system. In the past five decades since the invention of computers, the technological revolution has been the primary driving force towards educational change. Classrooms characterized by blackboards, chairs, chalks, and books seem archaic given the rapid development in technology in the twenty-first century (Bakir, 2016). Since the incorporation of technological tools in education, students' academic life has improved in such a way that they develop the skills necessary to fit in the career world. Technology has revolutionized the classroom through the application of modern teaching and management methods.
Notably, the government has implemented various educational policies concerning the adoption of technology classrooms, especially in the K-12 system in the past. However, most of them have become outdated as technology continues to evolve rapidly in the twenty-first century. The "Power On! New Tools for Teaching and Learning" is an example of an outdated federal policy concerning the incorporation of learning and teaching technological tools in classrooms (U.S. Congress, 1988). The policy was enacted in 1988 to foresee the rapid adoption of learning and technological teaching tools to foster academic excellence (Fulton, 1989).
Nevertheless, due to the emergence of new technologies in learning, such as smartboards, the policy has become obsolete. As a result, improvements changes concerning the system are indispensable to enhance learning. The paper will discuss various recommendations towards improving the outdated policy to match the current technological status in education. The impact will enhance students' experience in classrooms, strengthen research and innovation, and equip them with the necessary skills to fit in the job market.
Analysis of an Outdated Educational Policy against Current Practices in PK-12 Education
The "Power On! New Tools for Teaching and Learning" policy as primarily concerned with the adoption of computers and video technology in the classroom. Notably, many public elementary schools at the time lacked adequate machines and modern teaching tools due to unequal distribution of resources (Fulton, 1989). By 1987, about 95 percent of all secondary and elementary schools in the United States had at least one computer. The policy aimed at increasing the ration of computers to students. Notably, one computer was shared among 92 students, which provided each child with 1-2 hours access to the computer in a week (U.S. Congress, 1988). Despite the country being among the top nations to implement educational technology in the world, the ration made it challenging for students to access the machines.
Furthermore, the policy focused on acquisition, distribution, and arrangement of computers in classrooms and laboratories. It also aimed at reducing the ratio to one computer per 30 students in all public elementary schools (U.S. Congress, 1988). Before the implementation of the policy, black and white schools differed in the availability of technical support equipment; however, the law ensured that the gap was filled.
Additionally, the provision ensured that schools adopted video technology, such as video recording cassettes (VCR). Noticeably, by 1987, about 91% of schools in the nation had access to VCR technology. VCR enabled teachers to enhance teaching by recording their lessons (U.S. Congress, 1988). The practice allowed students to listen to their teacher lessons in their homes conveniently. They also permitted projection of computer simulations in whiteboards for students to understand the different phenomenon better. Additionally, teachers in schools that had fewer computers would often use the VCR by connecting their computers to a bigger screen and allowing all students to access the video lessons (U.S. Congress, 1988). The situation improved the academic performance of children during the period.
On the other hand, the policy has been outdated compared with modern technological practices in the classrooms today. Today, teachers utilize smart boards to allow children to promote learning (Riaz, 2018). According to Bakir (2016), smartboards are interactive whiteboards that allow teachers to project images and interact with them by moving or writing on them. The smart boards are connected to computers and a projector. According to Gurbuzturk (2018), the use of smartboards enhanced comprehension of science and mathematics subjects among elementary children form grade 6 to 12. Additionally, with smartboards, children can manipulate objects on the whiteboard, which improves their engagement.
Furthermore, modern practices utilize customized learning experience due to new gadgets in the markets such as smartphones. The method allows teachers to create unique learning experiences for specific children based on their academic needs, availability, and preferences (Bakir, 2016). In this case, instead of using one teaching methodology to fit all students, teachers engage in need-based teaching, where they create specific lessons for particular children. The readings can be obtained as podcasts, online encyclopedias, and YouTube videos (Bakir, 2016).
Furthermore, modern technological tools such as cloud computing continue to revolutionize the education sector. According to Gurbuzturk (2018), cloud computing allows people to save their data over the internet in cloud servers that are operated remotely. The situation makes it easy to access a pool of study materials and researches. Notably, students can hold discussions or collaborate with others from a different country over the cloud system by sharing books and research information. Augmented reality is one of the most significant technological discovery in the twenty-first century, which possess a substantial opportunity in educational transformation (Koutromanos, Sofos, & Avraamidou, 2015). Schools that have been able to implement the technology can allow students to interact with different study phenomena from the comfort of their classrooms (Bakir, 2016). For example, if children are learning about space objects, they can utilize a VR headgear, which allows them to view space in 3D and float in it, while a background sound explains the different objects in space.
National Policy Board for Educational Administration (NPBEA) standards on the policy
The NPBEA formulated several rules to govern school leaders and to ensure that schools have competent educational leadership. The board developed the New Professional Standards for Educational Leadership to facilitate the improvement of education status in the twenty-first century ("The Professional Standards for Educational Leaders," 2019). Notably, standard ten, which focuses on school improvement, mandates educational leaders to act as agents of enhancements to facilitate every student's academic well-being and success. In this case, an effective leader is obligated to improve a school's technological standards to promote better learning and teaching. The measure affects the policy since it urges school leaders to continuously improve education status in their institution ("The Professional Standards for Educational Leaders," 2019). Therefore, technological development serves as an excellent tool to enhance the quality of learning in elementary schools across the country.
Besides enhancing quality education, the standard emphasizes the adoption of new technologies to manage staff and students appropriately ("The Professional Standards for Educational Leaders," 2019). Emerging trends such as cloud computing, argument reality, and customized learning are an example of indispensable tools to improve operations efficiency in an institution. Noticeably, the anticipated policy change will ensure that elementary schools in the country have adequate and modern technological facilities to develop each student's academic wellbeing and success continuously.
Policy Change
The suggested policy change includes the incorporation of new technologies such as virtue reality, customized learning, smart boards, games, and cloud computing in elementary schools. The policy change was selected due to the gaps existing between the outdated policy and modern practices in education. In this case, the policy no longer provides any meaningful change towards education given its provisions. For instance, all elementary schools I the nation have access to computers and VCR technologies; hence, the policy in its current state is not applicable concerning the modern educational trends and needs.
The suggested policy change has multiple positive impacts on educational improvement in elementary schools. Firstly, the policy change enhances the learning experience of children with special needs. Currently, many mobile applications and tools allow teachers to create educational content that is unique for specific children. Notably, many children with cognitive challenges such as autism continue to be educationally disadvantaged when they are subjected to the same earning experience as their typical peers. According to Bakir (2016), children mental challenges learn slowly compared to those without; hence, it becomes difficult for teachers to teach them using usual methods. However, with improved technology, it is easier to bridge the gap between disabled and regular students. Special needs students can access learning experiences that are tailored to their cognitive ability, which allows them to improve their academic performance and subject mastery.
Secondly, the policy change will improve subject mastery in elementary schools through the use of educational games. Traditional teaching practices where a teacher issues directions for children to follow contributes to classroom disengagement. On the other hand, an atmosphere where children are engaged in their learning is likely to improve their motivation and comprehension of various topics. According to Tsekleves, Cosmas, & Aggoun (2016), games enhance children creativity and problem solving, which facilitates subject mastery. Noticeable, several scientific and mathematical games allow children to learn how to solve complex equations in classrooms (Tsekleves et al., 2016). Additionally, the games enhance teamwork, where elementary children between grade one and six solve elaborate puzzles in groups. The phenomenon makes it easier for students to apply skills gained from the games into their schoolwork. Tsekleves et al.'s (2016) research revealed that children who played games in classrooms had more motivation towards learning and had a high subject mastery compared to those who did not play.
Thirdly, the policy will influence students' interaction and teamwork. Today, teachers utilize various technological aids to ensure that students engage with their peers for learning purpose. For example, online discussion boards allow students to contribute to an online discussion while at home or during the holidays. The situation contributes to students' interaction since they can learn different concepts form their peers. Fourthly, the adoption of new technology facilitated by the policy change will enhance educational efficiency by digitalizing learning. In this case, students can open school portals and participate in online tests to assess their subject mastery.
Fifthly, the new policy will enhance access to research information, which improves learning. Notably, children in elementary schools from grade 6-12 are supposed to learn how to conduct and utilize research information. Therefore, with the incorporation of cloud computing in all schools across the nation, children will obtain specific peer-reviewed details on various topics online. Cloud computing will also make information easy to access as opposed to visiting libraries. Sixth...
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