The struggle for power and supremacy is a struggle that every nation has among its core missions in all that they do. This can be dated back to history and accounts for a majority of the wars that ensure between countries and nations. Nations have wanted to be ahead of others, and that is why there are strives everywhere, with everyone trying to be ahead. Several factors can make an individual country to be ahead of the others. This can be a country being the lead in the economy, technology, or military power. In the ancient days, when technology was not advanced as today, countries would strive to be politically influential in terms of economy and military power. This explains the reason for world war one and world war two.
The world war one merged as a result of a struggle for empires to become powerful than the others, and it led to a scramble for new territories so that they became dominant. During this time, the Ottoman Empire, which rules in Germany, wanted to become the most powerful and saws taking over new areas? And other leaders realizing this also entered the cane, and thus war ensured and became as big as it broke. The result is Germany being grounded as the cause of the war through the treaty of Versailles. Halter was determined to restore the position of Germany and so rebels against the convention of versatile s and start the world war two, which call all other political systems into the award, including Britain and later the United States. It was this very same war that caused the introduction of a new war to wear for such as nuclear weapons.
The war also advanced industrialization and mechanization, which is seen in today's technology. Since then, countries have always wanted to beach of the other. The united states of America were not involved in the war at first. However, they altered joined and were awarded a being portion for winning the war. It has been among the superpowers since then. The end of the war, however, did not end the exploration of new weapons and the desire for supremacy and being a superpower among the nations. It has continued, and many countries are currently struggling to gain a position in this. One of the avenues that countries are striving to be the leader is in the military.
This paper is a study of the international relations between the United States and Russia and the influence of the military forces. It studies the military differences between the United States of America and Russia. The two countries have had struggles in the military section for a long time, with America being on top. It seems that the Russian government also wants to occupy some niche in the military powers of this world and thus the struggle with the United States of America. The first hypothesis is that the international relations between the USA and Russia are fragile. The second hypothesis is that the military forces of both countries are the leading cause of these fragile international relations. The research question includes: What are the vision and mission statements of the US and Russian forces? What influence do the activities of the military have on international relations between both countries?
Literature Review
There are several responsibilities that the US army has, as capture in their mission statement. The primary activities that they are engaged in include providing underlying security in their own country, which is familiar to every other political army in other countries. They lost engage enemy targets on the grounds and have helicopter mission troops to areas that are hard to reach. The army counters drug operations in and out of the United States of America. They are responsible for law enforcement in volatile areas and engage in a humanitarian mission such as delivering food supplies, providing health services, and start-up schools in vulnerable areas that may not necessarily be in the United States of America. Their core values include loyalty, duty, honor, respect, integrity, personal change, and selfless-service. From their mission statement, it is clear that the army not only wants to win over their enemies, but also take over their grounds, seize land, the resources, and even its population.
The vision is to advise in weapons such as combat vices, aircraft, and tactics that are based on warfighting doctrines. The idea would be achieved in 2028, where the army would be a position to fight any enemy force anytime and anywhere and win over them with the advanced technologies while deterring others at the same time. To achieve this, the army is currently having goals that must be made, which included manning in which new forces are being recruited. They are organized and trained with the most recent technologies in the country. These forces are equipped with the right knowledge, intelligence, and physical power that they require to achieve the 2028 mission (Suter, 2019). The last goal is to lead, which included the development of smart, innovative ad thoughtful leaders who will be guiding these troops towards fulfilling all these goals.
Mark Miley, the Genera. Unites States Army chief staff and Mark Espier, (Milley & Espier, 20190 secretaries of the army explain how the e us army has always been the one on the lead. They comment that it is the most lethal and capable combat force in the history of the military. The country has won wars over the years, courtesy of and be leadership, skill, and grit of the soldiers, the superhot of their equipment, and the general ability of the army. However, Miller and Espier express that there are emerging threats and competitors to their military power, Russia being the most significant threat. They say that they expect the arms equipment and tactics that have been developed by these countries to be used against them. The country has many other responsibilities to be taken care of and, therefore, compromises the funds being channeled to the military. However, the country is making alliances with other countries to strengthen partnerships, which will offset the challenges from the economy.
The Russian armed forces changed its objectives, following the foreign policy shifts that were made. Currently, their mission focuses on four main factors. The fist factors are that the army is working to deter any military and initial threats to the national security of the Russian federation. They are also working to support the economic and political interests of the Russian people. The army mounts other than war operations and, finally, the use of military force.
The specific mission of the Russian army is to tract any developing forces against the Russian federation and deters it before it rises and overpowers. They ensure the function ability and the availability of the ire nuclear weapons as far as the m9 is concerned while the C2 is still in place to deter losses that may be engaged (Suter, 2019). They make arrangements to put territorial defenses ad also focus on the political and economic interests of the Russian people in various ways. One of them is the provision of security to the Russian people in war zone areas, creation a friendly environment for the Russian government, safeguarding the Russian interact on their territorial waters, guiding the president of Russia on national economic and political interest. They also stage and conduct information counterbalancing of operation. The army is trained to engage in a local war, regional wars, large-scale wars, and armed conflicts.
The Russia and US international relations was good until the bombing of Yugoslavia in 1999, which has seen a continued deterioration of the allied relations, to the sections impose day us in 2016 (Ruehl, 2018). One of the struggles between the US and the Russian forces is the deployment of military weapons such as a missile. In 2008, for example. Under the NATO body, the United States had a plan on planting antimissiles in the plant to combat any ammunition attracts that are sent against Europe and us. Russia retaliates in that if the antimissile is rough tearing their border, they may have to react. They may be forced to use military intervention and not diplomatic relations. Vitally Chrurkins, the Russian ambassador to the United Nations, explained that what the Russian government meant by reacting by the military intervention was not to cause war but instead that they may be forced to redeploy their missiles.
Early, in the year 2009, president Obama met with President Medvedev and Prime Minister Putin. In this meeting, Obama expressed the interest of the United States to help Russia in bridling a healthy and prosperous nation. Later on, one Biden's, the vice president of the United States, said that the population of Russia was shrinking and that their economy was withering away. In 2011, the Russian elections were met with mass protests in which Vladimir Putin accused the united states of interfering with their activities through Hilary Clinton. This was a liar indication that the treaty which they signed with Obama was not regarded and thus had no grounds.
Another area where Russia and the United States closed paths was the Russian annexation of Crimea, following the fall of the Ukraine army. Russia overtook Crimea and wanted to rule over; the United States intercepted this. George Friedman, however, in a court in Moscow, explained how this was a coup detat by the united states against Ukraine (Tilghman, & Pawlyk, 2015). The United States pulled off and left the win to Russia in Crimea; however, they clearly stated, under Obama that, they did not recognize the powers of Russia in the region and that they were not a threat to the national security of the United States. The 2014 Syrian civil war also exposed the deep-seated hostility between Russia and us as far as their military power is concerned. The US asked President Bashar Assad to resign from his post, but the Russian government, however, was against this. The Russian government invited the United States several times to ally with the Syrian government to fight the war, but the US-backed off. Putin and Bashar met and discussed having a future political settlement in Syria, a decision which the white house condemned Obama significantly warned that what was doing was a recipe for disaster, as Obama puts it.
In the 2016 United States election, Obama sends for the scrutiny go any Russian involvement in the polls and possible retaliation. When Trump enters into power, at first, there was a promising development that relations between the US and Russia. The Russian Prime Minister Medvedev says that the Obamas administration destroyed all the possible positive ties that could have been made and is had eve with the new administrate of Trump. In 2017, the United States of America imposed sanctions o eight Russian based companies. The US army, that same year, accused the Russian forces of deploying a land-based missile that violated the treaty of INF and, therefore, threatened NATO. Russia also accused the US army of cruise-missile strikes on Syria, which they claim was in response to the Khan Shakhun chemical attacks. Medvedev said that the missiles were rather aggressive actions, and was profoundly impairing the relation between Russia and the US so that it puts the two countries in cups for warfare. Putin said that these relations with the US had been low ever since the cold war.
The resistance from the research has affirmed that the international relations between the US and Russia are weak. It also confirms that the___14 military forces of both countries are the major causes of these unfriendly relations through the various activities of the military. The US and Russian international relations as far as the military and their visions are concerned never to meet. D...
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