Research can be understood as a tool encompassing diverse theories to solve problems and seek advanced knowledge of life challenges. Research can also be defined as a process of gathering and refining hypotheses resulting in acceptance of particular scientific truths. Its importance is limited to understanding various aspects of human interaction increasing knowledge and acquiring useful information for our social lives. Taking an analytical approach of various scholars, Morowitz, Stokes, and Jarrett’s articles and providing a personal stance from their contemplations will help outline the extent to which research can benefit all areas of society.
Morowitz, a professor of molecular biophysics at Yale, in his “Drinking Hemlock and Other Nutritional Matters,” advocates that students ought to be trained in how to differentiate the source of actual knowledge and its establishment in contrast to the modest and terminated alteration of the objectives from the instructors to learners. Devoid of real knowledge, scholars are incapable of identifying false concepts. To deliberate the evaluation area and the overwhelming viewpoint of doubting other areas like; faith, learning, and regime (Morowitz, 468). The fact that remains is that useful and valued knowledge is difficult to acquire presently. In reality, the curriculum is yet to be discovered.
In “No, you’re not entitled to your opinion,” Stokes expounds that having a view is not similar to presenting a standpoint established on knowledge, research, and familiarity. According to him, the more research is conducted, the more one’s opinion is proved to be a fact or baseless (Stokes, n.p).
Jarrett describes In “Come, Let Us Reason Together: New Research and the Public Good” how the expansion of tertiary institutions is intended to inspire the quest for knowledge and truth. The colleges and universities provide an opportunity to expound on the already facts about an issue and seek to prove the facts or advance the facts fall short (Jarrett, 678). This enables us to determine the reliability of the existing base of facts, whether real or false.
The scholars have accredited social issues, medical, and scientific discoveries to be the motivational factors behind the increased research. In the pursuit of harmonizing policies and strategies, research has called for different social sectors to unite in solving challenges arising in our daily lives. Minus research and knowledge, the change would have been out of the question. Because of research, informed decisions on effective strategies are evident. Thus, in Morowitz, Stokes, and Jarrett’s articles, the research incorporates all parts of society, and it has benefited these sectors in the following ways as discussed.
Research has aided in improved knowledge (Resnik, 67). Over time, illiteracy levels have significantly reduced, and the education systems have tremendously advanced the quality of education thanks to the daily discoveries in technology. The incorporation of technology into the education system has encouraged inventions and innovations that have positively impacted and promoted smooth learning and knowledge sourcing. Driven by Jarrett and Stokes' thoughts, students are more motivated to research than the actual presented facts (Resnik, 69). The expansion of knowledge has received more technological advancements and easier and more efficient ways of tackling arising issues from the broader perspective of society.
Through research, chances of achieving given goals have become more comfortable. The societal objectives are appropriately met with increased and advanced ways of research (Resnik, 73). More often, the set objectives; however complex they may seem, research always simplifies the approach by pulling together ideas.
The existing gap in communication in society has been immensely reduced thanks to research. Continuous research has revolutionized the society's outlook. Through the use of the internet, the world has been reduced to a global village where social media platforms have increased interactions and made everything accessible from an individual's comfort. As opposed to traditional communication methods over a short time, information across different geographical locations in society can be passed by a simple press or dial.
As a consequence of research, we have attained public protection goals since we can know the problem, how it works, and the severity of the problem. With the increased research, criminality has taken different forms, with criminals developing more cunning approaches to counter the norms of conducting their acts. With research in this regard, the various forms have been easily countered since research can show how such activities are carried out and thus able to effectively come up with ways to inhibit the severity of the acts.
From the definition of research, an investigation from a divergent standpoint helps in knowing the appraisal areas, conducting reflections, selecting a wide range of ideas, and determining the areas of concern. Through the procedural ways of conducting research, more elaborate facts are established of concern in society. Divergent actions are undertaken with the aid of comparisons with other parts of the society that will enable come up with various countermeasures. From the range of options, informed and effective decisions can be realized.
Since research is understood as a process with a series of subjectivity, it inhibits bad information circulation, thus saving limited resources (time and money). The research's critical purpose is that everything and every aspect of society is subjected to it. Importantly, when facts are presented, research proves the credibility of the information presented. Therefore, research saves time and money for multiple implementation wrong decisions that have not yet been proven.
Providing attention to the existing challenges, every research can be termed as profitable or provide real-time solutions to immediate concerns. The success of research is dependent on the facts presented. If the research carried out contains credible facts; thus, a problem has been solved, which will help society in the long run. Addressing a particular concern through given research can be said to accrue a profit, be it in terms of employment creation, reduction of theft cases, etc.
In a society with various social issues, research increases the chances of attaining particular objectives. Every research is aimed at a particular goal (Harding, n.p). Through the various facts at disposal, an objective can be easily realized using available resources the society can offer.
In conclusion, drawing lessons from the three scholars Morowitz, Stokes, and Jarrett’s articles, research touches almost every aspect of society. Pertinently, research has been essential to the technological society that we are presently appreciating. However, with all the benefits accrued from various research conducted, it has been a double-edged sword with negativity as well. To mention a few demerits they include but are not limited to; time-consuming makes one obsessive, etc. (Almalki, 293).
Work Cited
Almalki, Sami. "Integrating Quantitative and Qualitative Data in Mixed Methods Research--Challenges and Benefits." Journal of education and learning 5.3 (2016): 288-296.
Harding, Sandra. Objectivity and diversity: Another logic of scientific research. University of Chicago Press, 2015.Jarrett, Gene Andrew. "Come, Let Us Reason Together”: New Research and the Public Good." PMLA 133.3 (2018): 673-677.
Morowitz, Harold J. "Drinking Hemlock and Other Nutritional Matters." Teachers College Record 81.4 (1980): 467-70.
Nieswiadomy, Rose Marie, and Catherine Bailey. "Foundations of nursing research." (2018).
Resnik, David B. "Examining the social benefits principle in research with human participants." Health Care Analysis 26.1 (2018): 66-80.
Stokes, Patrick. "No, you’re not entitled to your opinion." The Conversation 5 (2012).
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