The Houston ISD found in Texas is the most significant school system, and it is also among the top three in the entire United States. The HISD operates as a communal school district for the schools in and around Houston and the municipalities around it too. The board operates independently of the regulations of Houston or any other areas of jurisdiction. Houston ISD is headquartered in Hattie Mae Educational Centre in Houston. On the 16th of January 2020, I was privileged to be in attendance of a board meeting convened by the Houston ISD and have the following to report on the meeting:
What was the purpose of this meeting?
The meeting had several agendas which were to be addressed which included reviewing of the superintendent's prioritized items, reviewing items on the trustees' list, and having a closed session of the meeting in which only members of the board would be participants to address sensitive issues that were not open for public discussion. Additionally, the meeting sought to solve the problems concerning academic services within the school district. Since it was the first meeting of the academic year, the meeting also addressed the issues of human resources requirements for the year, the business operations to be undertaken and the financial program and budget to be followed in that year.
What was accomplished?
The meeting was successful in achieving the set goals of the agenda. More importantly, the closed session, which was a members-only meeting was successful in addressing the issues that would lead to the successful running of the academic year 2020/21. For instance, the meeting discussed the specification of duties to be executed by the superintendents, chief officers and the board members, with an evaluation of their performance in the previous year coming in handy in deciding whether or not to keep them. The closed session also addressed the legal issues that the school faces or faced with, with deliberations on the courses of action to undertake. Matters concerning the purchase, sale and exchange of real estate owned by the school district were also discussed at lengths.
What will be the ramifications of this work on teachers and students?
The meeting sought to ensure that the teachers are provided with the positive work environments that they need to perform excellently in their duties of providing the school-going children on the Houston school district with a quality education that will equip them to face the future. The students, on the other hand, would be provided with the needed positive environment to get the best out of their school lives.
Who are the people or the person facilitating this meeting?
The facilitator of this particular meeting was the Houston Independent School District committee since they are tasked with the duty to provide the schools under their jurisdiction with the needed positive environment to prosper and offer the school-going children the best possible environments that would support active and transformative learning.
Whose voice or interests do they represent?
Through their set duties, the Houston ISD can represent several groups' interests. First and most importantly, the board stands as a representative of the voice of the students in their areas of representations. The committee, therefore, ensures that whichever decision is arrived at, it points towards the provision of the best learning environments for the children. The board also addresses the interests of educators in their jurisdiction, as well as the voices of the parents whose children attend the schools in the district.
Would you feel comfortable as a teacher being governed by this group? Why or why not?
If I were a teacher in the district, I would have full confidence in being under the leadership of the Houston ISD. This is because the board impartially addresses the issues around education in the district and pays special attention to the teachers with the recognition that without them, the education process would be paralyzed. The lobbying efforts by the group seeking to achieve healthy working environments and conditions for teachers under their jurisdiction is also important in convincing me that, indeed, the organization is in my best interests as a teacher and that I should have confidence in the board's leadership.
Would you feel comfortable as a student being governed by this group? Why or why not?
As a student, I would be comfortable with being under the leadership of Houston ISD. This is because the board's core goal is to ensure that every school-going child under their jurisdiction is provided with the most efficient form of learning available and, therefore, providing the students with the required tools that would enable them to perform well in their academics and the lives that follow after the education process is over. I would, therefore, be not only comfortable but also confident in being led by the board.
What initial thoughts came to mind during the meeting that relates to issues of social, historical, and philosophical conversations in education?
The main aim of education is to preserve the existing knowledge through passing it on to the current generation, thus offering them the opportunity to address the future needs of the societies that they will be members to. It is for this reason that I got to appreciate the role of Houston ISD in providing school environments in which social, historical and philosophical ideas of education could interact and be included in Houston's education system.
What was your overall reaction to the meeting?
I was reassured of the dedication that Houston ISD has towards the provision of education to its school-going children and was equally impressed by the preparedness of the board in addressing the issues that may pose a threat in their goal of provision of education. I also got to appreciate the board's effort in representing all the shareholders in the education system, by acting as a voice for the students, educators, parents and school workers. This shows the pivotal role that the board plays in representing all the concerned parties' needs.
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Essay Example on Houston ISD: A Leader in US Education Excellence. (2023, Aug 27). Retrieved from
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