Essay Example on Exploring Child A's Height & Weight at Playground

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  759 Words
Date:  2023-09-10


I saw and observed Child A of age two years at a playground which was close to a rented house about 50 minutes

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Height and Weight

The height and weight of the Child come within the standard range. The Child came with her mother, who held her arms while walking, but the Child insists on being independent and walks away. Also, the Child had an oversized bangle, which I presume belonged to her mother. In the playground, the Child fell in most instances and waited for her mother's response. During his playing time, she met Child B, who had a helicopter toy. She decided to snatch the toy from the Child and even resorted to fighting Child B. Also, Child B retrieved the toy from her, and she resorted to crying. The mother rushed to her and held her in the arms, which she refused and went down. Child B got attracted to a cute cat in the playing ground and dropped her helicopter. Child A quickly rushed to grab the toy helicopter, which she pronounced as 'copta' and hid it on her back. Later, the two children desire the cute cat and went chasing it jointly. The scenario saw them play together, thereby creating a healthy and strong relationship bond.

Fine motor skills

Child A's fine motor skills are matching to her age because she refused to be carried by her mother when she was fighting for Child's B toy helicopter. The Child also had a more muscular arm and comfortably picked Child B's toy helicopter

Gross motor skills

Child A's gross motor skills continue to develop since she fell on the playground in most of the instance. The event was triggered by a lack of concentration in the playground. I believe with much playing time, she would be more stable and run without falling.

Based on Piaget's theory:

Child A acted in accordance to the preoperational stage such that she wanted to see things on her own. The Child actualized the Piaget theory by hiding her toy behind her to prevent access by Child B. Child A use of SCHEMA made her believe that Child B could not access the toy. Also, Child A desired to be independent by refuting to be held in her mother's arm. Also, Child A pronunciation of the word 'helicopter' was a bit clear to her mother. The Child was also skilled while playing with other children and desired to explore her toy by flying it around. Child A used the trial-and-error tactics to draw her mother's attention.

Based on Erikson's theory:

The theory has eight stages, and stage two applies for children who are of age two to seven. The stage is known as Autonomy versus shame/Doubt in children. Child A declines to be held in the arm by her mother. The Child's act depicts the character of wanting to discover the nature of the surrounding environment. Child A wants to explore what life offers and instead wants to follow her judgment and perspective. Child A can control what she does in the environment and act promptly to attain action results. The Child also demonstrated the desire for a toy helicopter. The Child A going down from the arm portrays the second stage of Erickson's theory, which encourages the need to be independent. Also, Child A indicates Autonomy by insisting on wearing an oversized bangle that belonged to her mother.

Social behaviors

The social behaviors of Child A in the playground are evident in his relationship with caregivers, relationships with other children, and also the language.

Relationship with caregivers

In this concept, the caregiver is the mother who acted upon Child A's requests. The mother gave her the chance to wear her bangle even when it is oversized. She accepts to let the Child play with the helicopter toy and also let the Child walk. The mother's acts create a sense of independence in the Child and prevent the feeling of shame and low esteem of the Child.

Relationship with other children

The relationship of Child A with other Child B is that of violence. Child A was upset with Child B, who refused to share her toy. The Child had low self-control when relating with other children and even wanted to start a fight with Child B for refusing to share her toy.


The Child A language was not fully developed since she struggled to pronounce the word helicopter when conversing with her mother. The Child also communicated by crying when the mother could not understand her desires.

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Essay Example on Exploring Child A's Height & Weight at Playground. (2023, Sep 10). Retrieved from

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