Employee Selection Exercise Paper Example

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  4
Wordcount:  1089 Words
Date:  2022-08-23


Having the right employees can be the difference between success and failure for many organizations. The process of employee selection, therefore, becomes of prime importance. Moreover, for any organization to have an effective talent acquisition, it must develop a strategic employee selection process ("Human resources: recruitment and selection", 2018). In the given scenario where the bank is looking to hire 200 tellers across its branches, the following methods can be used since they are universally accepted and most effective when it comes to attaining hiring goals. For each factor, a selection method will be chosen and justification for selecting the particular method will be provided.

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Education - method of selection: Resume

Rationale: Education level is critical in the hiring process as it shows if the candidate is qualified to fit the criteria and requirement of the job. A resume is one of the most effective selection methods as it gives an overview of the experience the applicant has. Considering that, a normal resume must have an "education" section that highlights where the candidate has studied, it can, therefore, be used to assess the level of education of the individual applying for the job.

Work experience - method of selection: Resume

Rationale: one of the key things a candidate want the employer to know is their work experience since it can separate them from many other applicants. A resume provides a clear picture of the experiences the applicant have had over the years and the various roles they undertook. Therefore, a resume can be effective when it comes to detailing the work experience of an individual.

Math skill - method of selection: Testing

Rationale: assessment of math skill is fundamental in understanding if an individual is able to perform the various task. To test the mathematical ability of an applicant, the best method to use is to have them take a test and depending on the nature of the hiring process, this can be done through an online quiz or in person during the interview.

Knowledgebase - method of selection: Role-play exercise

Rationale: education alone cannot guarantee a person will be successful in the particular job they are applying. Therefore, testing the knowledge base of candidates becomes very important. Role-play exercise gives the perfect platform for the aspirants to showcase their knowledge in regard to the job they are applying. The employer is able to learn the knowledge base of the aspirant as they undertake various role-play exercise.

Interpersonal skills - method of selection: Interview

Rationale: Interpersonal skills are essential in any workplace. Employees with low interpersonal skills tend to perform dismally ("Human resources: recruitment and selection", 2018). The only way to know an applicant have the correct interpersonal skills to perform various roles is only when they are seen in person. No matter the experience is highlighted in the resume, one on one situation like through an interview is the only way to know whether a candidate possesses interpersonal skills. During an interview, how the applicant responds and behaves can give vital hints to what kind of individuals they are.

Work motivation - method of selection - personality inventory

Rationale: the character and personality of an individual dictate how motivated they are to work and achieve stipulated goals. Personality inventory is used to assess the enduring characteristic of an individual that may affect their job performance and behavior in the workplace (Watkins & Watkins, 2018). Motivation is mostly a general quality and can be seen easily if it something an individual possesses.

Operationalizing Your Assessment

Education assessed via the application form

My assessment:

Level of Education Points awarded
Bachelor's Degree 10
Associate's Degree 6
High School Diploma 3
Less than High School Diploma Reject

Work experience assessed via resume

My assessment:

Work Experience Criteria Points Awarded
10 years and above of work experience as a bank teller or cashier 10
5 years and above of work experience as a bank teller or cashier 8
3 years and above of work experience as a bank teller or cashier 6
Six months and above and above of work experience as a bank teller or cashier 3
No work experience as a bank teller or cashier 1

Math skills assessed via testing

My assessment:

Math Skills Score Points Awarded
85-100 10
70-84 8
55-69 6
45-54 4
35-44 2
Below 35 Reject

Verification knowledge assessed through role-play exercise

My assessment:

Verification Knowledge Criteria Points Awarded
Very knowledgeable in accounting management and software related to accounting 10
Knowledgeable in accounting management and software related to accounting 8
Fairly knowledgeable in accounting management and software related to accounting 6
No knowledge in accounting management and software related to accounting but good in basic computer skills 4
No knowledge in accounting management and software related to accounting and no knowledge of basic computer skills Reject

Interpersonal skills assessed through interview

My assessment:

Interpersonal Skills Criteria Points Awarded
Excellent interpersonal skills such as positive attitude, perfect communication skills and excellent in problem-solving 10
Good interpersonal skills such as positive attitude, perfect communication skills and excellent in problem-solving 8
Moderate interpersonal skills such as positive attitude, perfect communication skills and excellent in problem-solving 6
Poor interpersonal skills Reject

Work motivation assessed through personality inventory

My assessment:

Work Motivation Criteria Points Awarded
Highly motivated to work and achieve the organization's objectives 10
Motivated to work and achieve the organization's objectives 8
A marginal motivation for achieving the organization's objectives 6
No motivation Reject

Apply Your Assessment Systems

Applicants Scores Maria Lori Steve Jenna
Education 6 3 3 10
Work Experience 6 3 8 3
Math Skills 10 4 6 8
Verification Knowledge 6 10 8 10
Interpersonal Skills 10 8 8 8
Work Motivation 8 8 6 10
Total Score 46 36 39 49

Which applicants scored best based on the scores you entered into the table

Based on the scores entered on the above table the best appliance is Jenna. Jenna has a good education background, a perfect knowledge base and she is very motivated to work making her the best among the four candidates. Maria who performed well in math skills, work motivation, and interpersonal skills closely follow Jenna While Steve and Lori hold number 2 and three respectively.

What difficulties did you have applying your scoring system?

The main challenge I had when applying my scoring system was limited information given about the applicant and matching with my assessment.

Based on this applicant data, would you make any changes to your rubrics? If yes, please describe

Despite the challenge highlighted above, I would not make any changes as I find my rubric to be working well.


Human resources: recruitment and selection. (2018). Retrieved from http://www.open.edu/openlearn/money-business/human-resources/human-resources-recruitment-and-selection/content-section-2

Watkins, G., & Watkins, G. (2018). A guide to strategic human resource planning. Retrieved from http://www.workinfo.org/index.php/articles/item/699-a-guide-to-strategic-human-resource-planning

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Employee Selection Exercise Paper Example. (2022, Aug 23). Retrieved from https://proessays.net/essays/employee-selection-exercise-paper-example

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