CureMD Integration With Other Healthcare Applications Paper Example

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  763 Words
Date:  2022-07-13

Introduction and Purpose of CureMD

EHR applications are very prominent in the United States in the recent days. The American Public Health Association (APHA) has approved a few organizations that offer EHR software for recording personal patient data. CureMD is one of the certified cloud-based EHR software providers in the United States. It is accredited as software that manages physicians and office staff manages in their practical applications. CureMD ensures subsidy payments that maximize profit for the users. It is a web-based technology that is critically used in midsize medical practices. CureMD has an electronic prescription feature that connects various pharmacies across the United States (Gibbings & Wickramasinghe, 2018). The physicians can share their patient's prescriptions with the nearest drug store such that the physicians can share the details of last prescriptions among other details that can be used for determining the prescriptions that can be used in prescribing their health. The application can be used on KPI dashboards, workflow automation, and iPad applications as well as on mobile applications.

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Data Associated with CureMD

CureMD has various particulars that are concerned about the prescriptions that have been issued in a particular medical facility. The application backdates and records every moment that the patient visits a health facility. The application, therefore, records the last medical facility that a patient attended and the medications that they received in the concerned medical facility (Lowry, 2011). Further, CureMD shares the details of the customer with the closest facility where they can access medication. The most appropriate data requirements that are required by the CureMD are the names of the patient, their last visit to a medical facility, their last prescription and their location such that the software can share the last medication details with the current location or pharmacy where the patient is located or is set to access medication.

Health Professions Users of CureMD

CureMD defines few standards which are inclusive of privacy, professional hosting, training, security, and privacy for the purpose of their users. These standards are in tandem with the EHR requirements which are necessarily about ensuring the privacy of patients as well as ensuring that there is an evidence base of past, future treatments (Castro, Buczkowski, & Hafner, 2016). The users of the system are basically physicians. They are interested in observing the details of the patients and the treatments that they received in the past that could affect the current treatment or at least could have an impact in the treatment that they are set to receive in the particular instances. The pharmacists are only allowed to link up with the profile of the patients once the patients allow them to do it which means that the application carries on providing customer details only with informed consent of the patients.

CureMD Integration with other Healthcare Applications

CureMD has a significant linkage with other applications which provide medical attention to various patients. One of the particular software linked to CureMD is Epic and eClinicalWorks. The two software are EHR applications which offer patients records for their medical details once they visit a health facility. Having a web-based setting, CureMD links up with this two software since they are also managed on a cloud-based environment (Chung et al., 2015). Therefore, by being based on cloud, it can be discovered that CureMD has an optimal design which ensures interoperability by offering redirections to either Epic or eClinicalWorks. This permits organization ensures that there is mutual sharing of patient's information. CureMD can hence redirect and use Artificial intelligence to gather patients' details from the particular applications. The systems design therefore fully agrees with the APHA guidelines and is a preferred application for most pharmacies and patients.


Castro, G. M., Buczkowski, L., & Hafner, J. M. (2016). The contribution of sociotechnical factors to health information technology-related sentinel events. The Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety, 42(2), 70-AP3.

Chung, S., Lesser, L. I., Lauderdale, D. S., Johns, N. E., Palaniappan, L. P., & Luft, H. S. (2015). Medicare annual preventive care visits: use increased among fee-for-service patients, but many do not participate. Health Affairs, 34(1), 11-20.n Quality and Patient Safety, 42(2), 70-AP3.

Gibbings, R., & Wickramasinghe, N. (2018). A Systematic Framework to Assess EMRs and EHRs. In Theories to Inform Superior Health Informatics Research and Practice (pp. 403-413). Springer, Cham.

Lowry, L. (2011). Dear Dr. Lowry: The Electronic Health Record (EHR) Association is pleased to respond to the NIST draft proposed EHR Usability Protocol (EUP) on Technical Evaluation, Testing, and Validation of the Usability of Electronic Health Records (NISTIR 7804). The EHR Association represents not only our member companies, which employ many industry experts in healthcare.

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