Coronavirus popularly known as COVID-19 is a respiratory disease caused by a virus that spread from one person to the next. The virus continues to spread across the world like wildfire, with its symptoms ranging from mild to acute sickness. COVID-19 is spread through coming near (around 1.8 meters) to an individual who has Coronavirus. One can contract the respiratory virus when an infected individual talks, sneezes, or coughs (Source #1). COVID-19 emerged in Wuhan province, China, and continues to spark a lot of debate and attention with both the United States and China, pointing accusing fingers on each other regarding the source of the Virus (Source #2). The U.S. intelligence community strongly believes that the pandemic is not caused by intentional wrongdoing; other individuals think of COVID-19 as a laboratory manufactured bioweapon (Source #2). The scientist has pinpointed the culprit as a bat (Source #2). Earlier this year, the U.S. government warns that hundreds of thousands of Americans could succumb to COVID-19, derailment of the economy, too, unless stringent proactive measures are taken by the federal government.
The federal government is still progressive in response to the COVID-19 crisis. Scientists claim that it will take almost 12 to 18 months for a CIVID-19 vaccine to be ready (Source #3). The whole process is being fast-tracked as much as possible to ensure that the demand is urgently met. Consequently, the pandemic continues to spark a lot of varied reactions from different factions of the government as they try to come up with a possible solution to contain the situation (Source #5). The state is highly encouraging social distancing as a way of preventing the spread of coronavirus across the U.S. (Source #6). If one has concrete reasons to go out, it is essential to wear a cloth face that covers the nose and the mouth (Source #1). Individual defying the social distancing directive has catalyzed the catapulting of COVID-19 cases in America that have resulted in massive deaths.
Reports by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention indicate that up to 20% of the admitted COVID-19 patients in the U.S. are 20 to 40 years (Source #6). Similarly, other countries like France and Italy continue to register high numbers of middle-aged patients who are becoming seriously ill (Source #7). The virus seems to attack middle-aged adults more compared to other age groups. Earlier on, the Chinese government dwelt more on elderly, mainly those with underlying health challenges, because they are considered more vulnerable. The same effects are being witnessed in the United States as the government takes more proactive measures of mass testing of Americans (Source #7). Older people constitute 80% of deaths witnessed in America (Source #8). Therefore, the government continues to encourage younger people to stay safe from COVID-19 to protect both themselves and the more vulnerable groups of Americans (Source #9). Coronavirus is not an elderly infection; it is intelligible that healthy and youthful individuals are not immune to the pandemic of COVID-19.
The government continues to note with grave concern that young people form the most ignorant age group when it comes to adhering measures stipulated to prevent and control the spread of COVID-19 (Source #12). Some local governments, in conjunction with several businesses, are stepping up to enforce social dispersion, prohibiting mass gathering, as well as reducing business hours as a way of flattening the COVID-19 infection curve (Source #12). The aspect of invisibility, as witnessed in younger people, is facing severe criticism from all angles. (Source #11). Young people continue to frolic in public places like beaches despite warning from the federal government, which possesses a significant health risk and imminent deaths when they contract the virus.
Experts warn that certain groups of individuals in the U.S. are likely to suffer more during the pandemic. Blacks and Latino workers are likely to be more affected (Source #13). Societal inequalities attributed to racial discrimination and low wages employment opportunities are to blame (Source #13). Volatile working hours, irregular work schedules and low incomes are some of the factors that expose Latino families to COVID-19. A good number of parents cannot afford career sacrifices, especially with the current economic hit caused by COVID-19. Lobbying groups are still pushing for the rights of afflicted families who experience difficulties in affording the basic needs. The federal government is coming up with measures intended to cushion vulnerable classes of people. Great efforts such as sending cash direct to household, ensuring institutions offer paid sick leaves to individuals and their families alongside other suitable measures meant to fill the gap among the disadvantaged group of people amid the fight against COVID-19 (Source #14). Economic barriers and rural health issues continue widening the gap between people and healthcare facilities. A fact waters down efforts made in combating COVID-19.
African-American continue facing challenges of social inequality, low paying jobs, and racial health gap. Such issues undermine the health welfare of blacks, leaving them exposed to COVID-19 contraction and death. As of April 6th, African-Americans accounted for 33% of confirmed COVID-19 cases and 40% of Michigan State's 617 deaths (Source #15). With the high mortality rate witnessed in African-Americans states, there exists a colossal health gap that the federal government ought to steps in and narrow (Source #15). COVID-19 continues to spread faster; at such, vulnerable communities have no necessary measure that can cushion them against community transmissions, prevention, and control. The buck stops with the federal government in the implementation of suitable conditions that will ensure America's racial health gap is bridged or narrowed.
The government is still grappling with diminishing hospital resources amid the fight against COVID-19 pandemic (Source #16), a challenge that is being substantiated by the government's laxity and lack of preparedness. It is crucial to have up to date, accurate information that aids effective decision making, and ultimately ensuring uncertain events do not boil over and slur the reputation of the health sector. Critical resources and information are by far the most vital pieces of information that can aid the U.S. government in undertaking proactive measures to fight a pandemic like COVID-19. The government owes it to Americans to dispense quality health care, which begs the question of how much the government is ready to tackle CIVID-19 and its aftermaths. The ultimate responsibility lies with the federal government in the prevention and control of COVID-19 spread (Source #17). The government and local leaders need to formulate measures that will see COVID-19 is combated effectively; there is a need for all the parties to read from the same script and speak in the same language of keeping Coronavirus at bay. To some Americans, the lockdown is doing more harm than good, which leaves the issues of federalism at stake.
Desperate times call for drastic measures. Although people are witnessing difficult social and economic times, all is not lost. The government has the sole responsibility of ensuring that Americans get the best medical attention during and after the current pandemic. Various government units ought to incorporate the issue synergy to ensure that COVID-19 is controlled and prevented from its core. Although the U.S. government has done quite a lot, much is still expected to flattening the Coronavirus infection and death curve. Similarly, every American bear the responsibility of ensuring COVID-19 is contained simply by following stipulated measures, regardless of how stringent they seem.
Works Cited
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