Women hold a significant position in human life, they are second to God. They can make, destroy or preserve life. Giving birth gives them the full responsibility to control the human population existence on earth, an excellent position they hold? What justifies when the pregnancy is wanted and unwanted when the act that brought it around was enjoyed or intentional? Women are sub-gods who decide when the children are too many to be added and when an innocent fetus or embryo is so guilty for crimes it did not commit. Trying to be fair enough we look at both sides of the same coin, the child has as many rights to be born as the mother's dignity and the father's irresponsibility. Although all three parties are actively involved in making this hilarious act fruitful, the judgment in harshly blamed verdict lies on that divine life that has not seen the brightness of a day. Right or wrong abortion forms a whole parade of protest for and against.
The potential victim's voice, for instance, makes a solid stand on their right to be let be. The living standard of raising unwanted children has gone overboard; yes it is not manageable anymore to take care of children in these hard economic times more so when the candidate mother is too young to take care of her own life. The misery that contributed to the pregnancy gives her all rights to get rid of it as quick as it came but that does not justify her action of thought of committing murder. If taking care for an extra mouth is pathetic and burdens, then its valid to kill all the annoying kids outside the child-welfare office awaiting well-wishers accountability, eradicate all orphans left destitute after the tragic death of their "loving" parents, the stubborn child that resisted early termination and fought their way into the world despite the desperate measures to get rid of it, and the spoilt kid who willingly say no even without listening what was being said. There is quite a share of unwanted children all over but they say the bright sunrise through their survival for the fittest. Maybe it is their hard-headed fate that made them escape the wrath of abortion but all children need protection, or fair enough to the parents they bring disguise to they should be wiped out, killed. It makes no sense to have all these children as a constant reminder of the misery they bring to life.
It is only logical to prevent the kids from making their way into the world in the first place. It is essential to come up with crucial and sensitive to take necessary precautions long before any child is compromised and placed at the risk of hanging in the balance. Many clergymen condemn prevention though they are well aware that prevention is better than cure. They do not want the child protected, they do not want the child gotten rid of, worse of all they do not want too many of them. Yet, they cannot be fair enough to when they audition vows and promises that they wish and want adversity and prosperous for the young couple but do they expect that they add a new member of their family annually. According to the clergy, prevention is as evil as abortion, in fact, it's the primary act of aborting that potential life. Every time the couple enjoys each other's company there is a potential life awaiting creation but making "it's" mortal existence a reality would lead to a chaotic world altogether with equal and unnecessary evil. Taking the altar way of life does not seem to solve any problem but creates a proper share of the many problems in the world, so prevention or aborting makes no difference to the necessary evil that needs to be solved.
Many instances the medics make it all great by solving the problems creation made and cannot solve. The doctors are willing to solve the problem even when the mess is already done. They can get rid of the pregnancy that comes with so much annoyance as the situation that brought it around, be it unintentional or rape the doctor has the solution to securely flash the baby out. Using common sense is logical on the potential time it can be referred to as an abortion if the doctor intervenes immediately after the act to prevent anything from making substantial housing or long after the belly bump starts to show all this is abortion. Making civilized definitions of the same makes no difference but, the bottom line is the commendable contribution by the medics to harmonize the unfairness of life to add a life where it is not necessary. Every positive step in trying to solve human problems faces a lot of negative posterities. It is not only religiously wrong to terminate a premature living being but the paralegal fraternity are all at the bottleneck of the doctors helping the women with unwanted belly bumps solve their problem. The illegality of abortion sees it protected against for by the law of the majority of the lands.
The legal position has not contributed positively to the life of the upcoming baby or the mother. It has only introduced backstreet methodologies of achieving the so desired evil in silence. This secretive way of terminating pregnancies has seen many lives endangered than preserved. Instead of the previous potential to save the mother at the expense of the baby now, both are gabbling with luck where no life is secure. Using common reasoning the learned fellows fail to realize the dangers they pose to the determined young girls and the entire female fraternity who find themselves in compromising situations awaiting for babies they so desperately need to get rid of and would not want to have anything to do with given the circumstances they manifested themselves into their lives. Looking at the upper side of the coin, the few "civilized" countries that have embraced this necessary evil into their boundaries are considerate enough on the right of the mother as of the child. They want to ensure the fewer number of women die at the hands of quakes trying to save their skin from unwanted babies. The legalization of abortion also protects the lives of mothers with compromising pregnancies. Whether their life is threatened by their current situation, it is only fair enough to fulfill their dream. We already have enough children all over. Many against the idea try to justify the preservation and respect of human dignity and life when a baby is born despite the angry situation attributed to its existence. This selfish argument does not consider the dignity of the potential mother and when her life is threatened birth is not the only way one gets a child.
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