Advertising Rewires Kids' Minds: The Biological Effects on Child Development - Essay Sample

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  2
Wordcount:  448 Words
Date:  2023-08-13

1.) What does the study say about the biological effect on children’s development resultant from advertising?

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Advertising rewires children’s mentality (LessyNitty, 2013). It makes them more materialistic and poor-performing in academics. Children who watch advertisements on junk foods develop bad eating habits that lead to contracting undesirable nutritional disorders and complications such as diabetes. Advertisements make children want to eat more fast foods and drinks that may not be healthy for their bodies (LessyNitty, 2013). Hence, advertisements have terrible biological effects on children’s development.

2.) What do the advertisements use to appeal to children and make them want stuff?

Advertisements use what children like to convey their marketing information to children. For example, cartoons are widely used to arouse children’s need for play (The Story of Stuff Project, 2019). The cartoons are accompanied by children playing, eating, and enjoying the product being advertised (LessyNitty, 2013). When children watch such advertisements, they want to do the same. Therefore, they ask their parents to buy them the product being advertised. The use of fascinating play with cartoons and children appeals very much to children making them want the stuff being advertised.

3.) Why does it work?

The advertisements work because they capture children’s weak point. Children like playing very much. They also love eating sweet foods and happiness (LessyNitty, 2013). Cartoons are part of play for children. Therefore, the advertisements work because they use what children love to lure them into liking the product being advertised.

4.) In your life experiences with advertising, honestly evaluate what most persuades you in advertisements.

In my life experiences as a consumer, what most persuades me in advertisements is the expression of benefit I would acquire from the product being advertised. Advertisements do not express the benefit of the product to the seller. Almost all of them express how the product being advertised is of many benefits to the consumer. Everyone seems self-centered; they want to buy only such products they feel can help them and not those that help the seller. For sellers to sell their products, they have to convince consumers by showing them how the product can help them (LessyNitty, 2013). Apart from that, the happiness attached to the product being advertised also plays a significant role in my interest in a particular advertisement. The advertisement, which features joyful circumstances in association with a particular product may greatly capture my attention.


LessyNitty. (June 5, 2013). Compilation of Junk Food Commericials Aimed at Children and Teens.

The Story of Stuff Project. (April 25, 2019). How Advertising Rewires Kids' Brains.

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Advertising Rewires Kids' Minds: The Biological Effects on Child Development - Essay Sample. (2023, Aug 13). Retrieved from

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