Creech, Suzannah. "National Implementation of a Trauma-Informed Intervention for Intimate Partner Violence In The Department Of Veterans Affairs." BMC, Vol 18, no. 1472-6963, 2018, pp. 1-5., Accessed 12 Nov 2018.
This article highlights in length some of the measures the Department of Veterans Affairs is trying to undertake to tackle issues that are pertinent to the veterans regarding psychological trauma. Its primary objective is to offer assistance to the veterans who undergo issues of domestic violence. It is evident that veterans suffer psychological torture that ends up affecting the marital lives of these veterans. The critical element of this initiative is to provide support at home (SAH) in a group of people for 12 weeks.
This article is reliable; it highlights the relevant and one of the essential issues experienced by the veterans in their daily lives after undertaking missions which are somewhat traumatic. It gives a detailed explanation in the form of research, and it provides real-time findings of the population of the veterans sampled out in the research. It highlights the progress of the research and posts the findings of each. Overall, it shows satisfaction that veterans show great contentment with the value and nurture of support provided. This shows that indeed there is a problem that needs to be addressed. The question is, is enough being done to highlight the plight of veterans.
This article is essential to my research as it portrays the various among many issues and situations that affect the veterans. Even though it is limited to the psychological aspect of affairs, it is important that I use it to highlight that aspect as it is as important as the other issues that affect this group of people. The article is not too scholarly, but instead it gives the general information that is needed to develop my argument showing that the department of veteran affairs needs to up their socks.
Pomerants, S, and L Kearney. "Mental Health Services in the Medical Home in the Department Of Veterans Affairs: Factors for Successful Integration". Psychology Services, Vol 11, 2014, pp. 243-253., Accessed 12 Nov 2018.
This article talks about the origin of the primary medical care that has been a basis for mental health since the early 1990s. It highlights that individuals have mental health issues or concerns and that is either not recognized, or if identified they do not receive evidence-based management. It demonstrates the limitation regarding the accessibility of mental health services despite the integration of the same into the primary health care system and this remains limitedly accessible to the patients. It reports that the Department of Veterans Affairs implemented the mental health and psychological services in the year 2007. It informs that the success of the health provision and services is more noticeable when various functions are integrated. It also illustrates factors needed by the Veterans Affairs (VA) to successfully apply the rollout of this health plans.
It is an article that was published in the year 2014. It is a reliable source as it gives information on the matter at hand in a credible way hence no doubt on its reliability. It has been cited numerously by other individuals. This makes it reliable and dependable given the accurate information it gives. It has been cited by numerous scholars meaning that it has information that is dependable to other people. The sources of its report are all a plus to its credibility test. It has been written using simple language that makes it easy to read and understand without any difficulties. The format of data presentation is also on point making it an excellent article to source information from.
The information shared in this source is reliable and hence shows a close correlation and of promising input into my argumentative essay. Mental health issues especially when talking about the veterans is something of greater weight. It was safe to say that before the rollout of the mental health care and subsequent integration into the primary care eleven years ago; this sector was neglected. This would later make improvement steps to make it integrated, but still, there is a lot to be done, as the report says it is only 2007 that this was implemented. A lot of cases go unrecorded so it means that the VA needs to do a lot more regarding awareness championing so that many more can come forward to have these issues checked into.
Harris, Brad. "Top Areas Needing Improvement In The Department Of Veterans Affairs". Harris Federal Law Firm, 2017, pp. 1-6., Accessed 12 Nov 2018.
This is an article written by the Harris Federal Law Firm; it put weight into things that the VA needs to improve on. First on the list is the accountability matter. It says that department has displayed laxity when it comes to processing things. Currently, the report demonstrates that there are almost 1500 cases yet to be processed. And that it clearly shows the system is broken and nonfunctional. There has been complaining to do with staffing and limited accessibility to the services rendered and unwanted lengthy wait for the veterans to be served. Backlog in payment of suppliers has defined the activity in the VA and quality of services has been hampered causing under the provision of relevant services.
This article is reliable; it's a current source of information. It talks of the issues which even the U.S President Donald Trump has seen to be defective. The President has made his priority to look into the problems of Veterans has it has been known to be a problem. This article lists the various areas where improvement is needed to serve the veterans. It provides statistics which are evidence-based and quotes figures hence reliable. It is written by Lawyers, and it shows they have their facts as they might have represented a case or two to argue them out.
This article is helpful in my research as it touches on the pertinent issues of the veterans and furthermore proves my argument of the calls to improve the department operations. It demonstrates the underperformance of this department hence putting more bases to support my argument.
USDVA. "15 Ways VA Is Improving the Veteran'S Experience Right Now". U.S. Department Of Veterans Affairs, 2018, pp. 1-9., Accessed 12 Nov 2018.
This article talks about the efforts put forth by the U.S Department of Veteran Affairs. It highlights that as a department it, so it fit to improve on the various issues to make it possible that the customers get served to their satisfaction. It has introduced services which are online based for easy accessibility. Has also introduced comfort care carts that enables smooth movement of the elderly among other services.
This article has been written by the department VA. It is reliable although it might be biased as to show the strides they have managed to make regarding providing services that are satisfactory to their clients. It is an important document as it shows the government is taking responsibility to serve the veterans. Although these improvements might be slowly progressive, it's a good step forward.
It is a relevant article to my research as it confirms that in the first place there is a problem in the department and that action need to be taken. Regarding my argumentative essay, this is a confirmatory test that the said department needs improvement to meet the requirements of the thousands and thousands of veterans who need this services, and not just services, but best service.
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs' (VA). "VA Takes Significant Step In Improving Correspondence With Veterans". U.S. Department Of Veterans Affairs' (VA), 2018, pp. 1-2., Accessed 12 Nov 2018.
A press release by the Department of VA has highlighted the need to improve the correspondence with the veterans. In their document, they say that they have made significant strides in developing this fundamental requirement by the veterans. It reports that it has digitized the process of claiming claims and that communication between the department and the veterans has been significantly been improved.
It is a reliable document, published this year and is responding to the pressures of the calls to improve the service to the veterans. It is a report that is current and has been viewed and aired in media with objectives of showing the improvements being put in place by the department.
It is relevant information and connects well with my research as it highlights the solutions to one of the plights of the veterans: inability or difficulty in making their rightful claims to the department. It shows that the department indeed requires transformation to resolve the issues affecting the veterans.
Bresnick, Jennifer. "VA To Get "Aggressive" With Hospital Quality Improvement Program". Healthitanalytics, vol 1, 2018, pp. 1-5., Accessed 12 Nov 2018.
It is an article explaining the radical and aggressive steps taken by the department of VA to improve health care for the veterans. It has illustrated the plans for identifying strategic places to set up health care centers near the Veterans.
This article is relevant as it highlights the challenges that the veterans face. It is an article written by the Jennifer. Jenifer is a writer who likes to write articles related to politics and state of the nation. It is a simple and direct to the point article that is well articulated and easy to understand and comprehend. It uses polite language that is gentle to everyone. This is the style of writing preferred by Jenifer.
I particularly find this article enriching and full of information regarding my essay. It demonstrates that the veterans, among the many needs they have, health are one of them. And it is right to the fact that as things stand, the services are not something to be proud of especially the veterans who deserve better owing to the difficulties they experience due to old age or disabilities. In conclusion, the Department of VA needs to improve a lot in the service they offer to the veterans. And the steps they are taking to see that coming to light is minimal but appreciable.
Works cited
Bresnick, Jennifer. "VA To Get "Aggressive" With Hospital Quality Improvement Program". Healthitanalytics, vol 1, 2018, pp. 1-5., Accessed 12 Nov 2018.
Creech, Suzannah. "National Implementation Of A Trauma-Informed Intervention For Intimate Partner Violence In The Department Of Veterans Affairs". BMC, vol 18, no. 1472-6963, 2018, pp. 1-5., Accessed 12 Nov 2018.
Harris, Brad. "Top Areas Needing Improvement In The Department Of Veterans Affairs". Harris Federal Law Firm, 2017, pp. 1-6., Accessed 12 Nov 2018.
Pomerants, S, and L Kearney. "Mental Health Services In The Medical Home In The Department Of Veterans Affairs: Factors For Successful Integration". Psychology Services, vol 11, 2014, pp. 243-253., Accessed 12 Nov 2018.
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs' (VA). "VA Takes Significant Step In Improving Correspondence With Veterans". U.S. Department Of Veterans Affairs' (VA), 2018, pp. 1-2., Accessed 12 Nov 2018.
USDVA. "15 Ways VA Is Improving The Veteran'S Experience Right Now". U.S. Department Of Veterans Affairs, 2018, pp. 1-9., Accessed 12 Nov 2018.
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