The illegalization of marijuana is one of the contested issues in America. Considering that commonly is one of the most commonly abused drugs, not only in the U.S but globally, there is the need for an evaluation of the effects associated with it. There exists a rapidly growing gap in contrast to the latest science in regards to the marijuana and the surrounding myths. There is a perception by people that it is safe since it has been legalized in other places. It is so evident that your body cannot differentiate a legal drug from an illegal one, however after the effects that result from using marijuana illustrates the consequences of abusing it. Although decriminalization of marijuana has met its opposition by not only most of the American population but also most people around the globe, a majority of the leaders are in the frontline of the prevention of marijuana, education treatment, and adamant law enforcement of the opposition of the substance abuse. With the same measure, the groups of pro-drug advocacy, who are in support of the illegal drug use, are still making headlines, thus creating more headaches for the authority by influencing the making of decision by legislation and having more impassive impact in regards to the national policy debate in not only US but also other countries. Marijuana should not be legalized in the U.S since it is responsible for overwhelming harm to not only the individual using it but also the society. In addition to this, it should not be legalized because of the legal, social, emotional and physical aspects of its abuse which showcase the consequences and effects of its use. Although marijuana may be legalized in other states and nations, the effects caused prove to be harmful thus marijuana should not be legalized in the U.S.
According to Hubbard, marijuana is mainly used for the purposes of recreation which makes the user to have a dream-like state or achieve 'highness.' Marijuana is gotten from an Indian hemp plant; the drug part is contained in the flowers which are referred to as the buds of the plant, and less contained in the leaves, seeds and plant's stem. Marijuana is also known as herb, weed, pot or grass alongside other slang names. It is a mixture of cannabis sativa's dried flowers, which is green, brown or gray color. There are a variety of ways through which people use it. There are some who smoke it in hand-rolled cigarettes referred to as joints, others pipes and water pipes known as bongs and in rolled wraps of cigar called blunts. Marijuana can also be brewed as a tea or mixed with food. However, the 'weed' is much effective within the first 30 minutes when it is inhaled. It is believed that marijuana has over 400 chemicals, where the chemical responsible for the intoxication is the tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). THC thus facilitates the creation of the effects that alter the mind thus classifying marijuana as a drug. It is a resin produced by the buds and leaves majorly on the plant's female cannabis. On the other hand, marijuana can be used for medicinal purposes when well processed by the chemical analyst and pharmaceutics since it contains the cannabidiol (CBD) chemical. Unlike the THC, CBD cannot be attributed to the highness illusion creation but is used for the medicinal purposes of chronic pain and muscle spasticity.
The National Survey on Drug Use and Health anticipate that over 22.2 million people use marijuana, which is more prevalent to all, the youth, men, and women. It is one of the most abused drugs being accountable for over 80% of the reported drug usage. In addition to this, a survey carried out by Heishman revealed that 33% of America's population of over 12 years which is composed of over 60 million is reported to have used marijuana in their lifetimes, whereas at least 7% are still on the marijuana usage (Wilson, et al 2000, pp. 3) . This explains the extreme addiction power of marijuana. The continued use of marijuana leads to addition where the users become unable to regulate the rate at which one uses marijuana, and in case they are denied access they become irritable. As a result, such people base their lives around marijuana regardless of the social and health effects that may be caused. Scientists say that 1in every 9 people who use marijuana get addicted to it. On the other hand, they argue that quitting this habit is problematic thus the addicts have to put up with the change of mood, anxiety, and depression that may be caused by the usage of marijuana (Fergusson& Horwood 1997, pp. 283). The people addicted to marijuana totally depend on it and have to regularly use it thus are prone to symptoms after usage. Such symptoms include; eyes becoming red, laughing irregularly, hearing funny sounds, the mind is constantly confused, absenteeism, fear, anxiety, and hallucinations.
Marijuana has been associated with accidents and occurrence of events that jeopardize the lives of people in America. Driving under the influence of marijuana has become the main issue and a concern for the public health. A recent investigation showed that in the U.S, about 30% of the drivers are reported to have driven within less than an hour after smoking marijuana, where at least 70% heavily use marijuana before driving (Townsend et al., 1998). The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that around 25% of the marijuana users are more likely to cause a vehicle crash than the sober drivers. This is because cannabis has been associated with a failure of the psychomotor function. From Hubbard's research's it is evident that marijuana causes visual impairments as a result of the "highness." Just like any other drug such as alcohol, the intoxication from cannabis slows down the time for reaction, thus impairing fundamental automated task like the ability to stay on track or checking the speed which the vehicle is moving at. A high intake of the drug results to the drivers crushing on obstacles and to other driver's vehicles. In addition to this, marijuana also alters with the complex functions like anticipation and interpretation of traffic patterns. Extensively, some of the pedestrians who use and abuse cannabis may fall victim to road accidents through impaired judgment. For instance, a 'high' pedestrian may try to cross the road at a dangerous spot, which may cause a fatal accident resulting to his or her injury or death. Accidents with serious consequences are more likely to happen at workplaces in instances where individuals work and deal with complex equipment and machinery. Such accidents may be caused by a person using weed as a result of impaired visions. Therefore to save lives of the road users and those of the worker, marijuana should not be legalized.
Marijuana has been associated with harming and causing an effect on the heart of the user. The scientist agrees that the heart rate can be increased by the THC intake and affect the blood pressure. According to the report by the researchers at St.Luke University, the investigators connected the use of marijuana to an increased risk of a condition referred to as takusubo. This is a condition where the muscles of the heart become weakened suddenly, reducing the ability of the heart to pump blood. Although the scholars associate the condition with older women, the young people who are users of marijuana are prone to suffer takotsubo. As a result, the users of cannabis have a higher probability of suffering cardiac arrest, an acute stroke and the urge to implant defibrillators in their bodies. As a result, cases of cardiac heart attacks, stroke, high blood pressure and diabetes have been associated with cannabis use, especially among minors. This has been backed up after a high level of THC intake levels were recorded from the tests and samples taken from the ill minors, most of who were at their adolescence stage (Cleveland & Wiebe 2008, pp.622). The debate on legalization of marijuana avails more and encourages usage on basis of recreation thus raises questions on the heightened concerns in regards to the medical community relating to heart attacks and strokes. The legalization of cannabis would imply investing more in the medical field, especially combating cardiac arrest thus, the cardiovascular effects should be looked into before its legalization.
Marijuana is inhaled into the lungs through by means of smoking may cause harm to it. Just like any smoke inhaled may be toxic, marijuana releases the toxins and carcinogens from the combusted materials of it. The researchers have illustrated that smoking of marijuana damages the lungs of the human beings. Extensive investigation in regards to the smoking of marijuana on recreation purposes have been linked to cause chronic bronchitis alongside its smoke causing damage to the large airways' cell linings which proves the origin of symptoms like chronic cough, wheeze and acute bronchitis, and phlegm production which may develop as a result of intake of marijuana in smoke form. In addition to this, marijuana smoke has been associated to air pockets in lungs as well as the chest wall and the formation of big air bubbles in the lungs among the adolescent, particularly those with patterns of heavy usage of the drug. Extensively, marijuana does not harm the lungs only and the respiratory system, it also weakens the immune system of the body thus, and the body is unable to fight diseases especially the immunosuppressive diseases (Tan, Hatam & Treasure 2006, pp. 80). The smoke inhaled containing marijuana injures the first line of defense of the lungs against infection through destroying cells that play the role of germs and dust removal alongside the formation of more mucus in the body. Such an injury may result in increased risk of the infections in the lower respiratory tract among the cannabis users (Novotny et al 1982, pp.116). The jeopardy exposed as a result of the respiratory effects due to inhaling of the smoke heightened the intensity of smoking marijuana. Comparing the smoking of marijuana to tobacco, there is deeper and prolonged inhalation by the marijuana smokers as the weed is smoked to a smaller length of butt and a faster rate of combustion temperature (Heishman 1998, pp. 226). As a result, there is more carbon monoxide concentration of up to 5 times approximately, and 3 times more than the tar, and one-third more retention of tar in the respiratory tract. Therefore marijuana is responsible for breathing and respiratory health-related issues, which further supports the illegalization of usage of weed.
Just like cigarettes, smoking marijuana raises various health concerns. One of these concerns is cancer. The harmful component in marijuana is THC. Additionally, carcinogens in tobacco smoke also exist in greater amounts in marijuana smoke. These two components, THC, and benzopyrene carcinogen cause tar deposits in the lungs and the general respiratory system as soon as the users frequently inhale and hold the smoke in their lungs. The tar deposits lead to chronic bronchitis, coughing and excess mucus (Tashkin). Burning marijuana can be considered as a small chemical factory since the chemical reactions involved lead to extra chemicals on top of the present ones in the drug. Frequent marijuana users take in more deeply and hold their breath longer as compared to other smokers including cigarette users. The rate at which carbon monoxide is absorbed is greater than the amount of tar retained in the lungs during inhalation. Multiple toxins are contained in marijuana smoke which clearly damages the human lung (Tashkin 2013, pp. 242). The cell linings of the large airways are damaged upon smoking thus causing cancer.
Marijuana affects not only the lungs but the memory and the entire cognitive system. It slows the encoding and retrieval of memories. This occurs after the drug is used...
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