Use of Sliding Board Transfer - Process Analysis Essay

Paper Type:  Presentation
Pages:  2
Wordcount:  523 Words
Date:  2022-06-04


A sliding transfer board is a rigid and flat board made of plastic or wood. It can be used for safe transfer of patients between two surfaces without necessarily having them to walk. The process of transfer is accomplished with the assistance of one or two caregivers who ensures that the patient has used a gait belt. The belt makes it easy for the caregiver to offer support properly a Spinal Cord Injury T12 (SCI T12) patient with ease and safety. The exercise of transfer should intervene appropriately to a health condition of the patient in question since the injury is a great health concern.

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The transfer can adopt the headhips relationship; whereby a voluntary movement of the shoulder is necessary to initiate the movement of the buttocks. The upper trunks and the shoulders serve as the fulcrum for the movement taken to assume the first class lever.

The process should be accomplished in a manner that neither the caregiver nor the patient uses significant energy in the transfer exercise; therefore, it necessary to be mastered and understood before the process is initiated. The transfer occurs as a step-by-step process as outlined below:

Position the wheelchair at an angle of 450 for the head and shoulders to be transferred then remove the armrest and leg rest in the direction of transfer.

Move the buttocks forward on sitting surface

Use a handle at the far end of the transfer board to position it and leaning laterally to push the thighs and the buttocks gently.

Position the hands in from of the trunk downwards as much the caregiver can reach to ensure the movement of the buttocks is guaranteed during the transfer.

The patient applies muscle substitution to lock the elbows or support the body weight using triceps.

Lean forward onto the upper extremities and then tuck the chin downward

The patient moves the head and shoulders away from the transfer destination so that the buttocks are transferred first. In case the shoulders/head movement is not successful in getting the individual to the new sitting point, let him or her adjust the upper extremities and perform head twists multiple times to enhance movement down the transfer board.

Safety Precautions

The transfer board should be used as long as it recommended hence should be placed strategically for easy reach. It should not be substituted with any other equipment.

Slow and careful movement is necessary. Pay close attention to the movement process, and the body parts to avoid unnecessary additional injury to the individual.

The transfer should be undertaken between surfaces of relatively the same height to ensure that both the patient and the caregiver use a minimal amount of energy

Protect the skin of the patient from the unhealthy impact with the boar; avoid dragging the buttons since the material used could be fabric hence may cause further injury.

Avoid unnecessary movement of the body parts by keeping them in the recommended and right position. This will avoid stress and overstretch of the body.

Sturdy shoes should be worn during the process to serve as one of the vital orthopaedic devices for the exercise.

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Use of Sliding Board Transfer - Process Analysis Essay. (2022, Jun 04). Retrieved from

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