The House of the Spirit - Essay Sample

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  568 Words
Date:  2024-01-11


The House of the Spirit is an excellent book that talks about women’s empowerment and several other great themes. The book’s content and context portray several things and good themes that many people can relate to in the current situation. The book talks about a South American country, which transition from class-based oligarchy to a full-blown Marxist. This paper’s major themes are women and the Patriarchy, Magic and the Supernatural, love, family, wiring, and the past. They are ordinary activities and events in our communities, and many writers chose the topics to enlighten people or talk about issues in our communities and countries.

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Women and the Patriarchy

The women in many communities struggle to get to the top and to get equality. In many societies, women are not treated right. The women were not treated right, and in this community, there were viewed as items. Their primary roles were raising children, become mothers, and do home chores. It is one of the common issues many women try to fight today and go against what the community thinks of them and what some societies and cultures perceive. The magic and the supernatural is the other theme in the book. For example, Clara, in the book, can predict natural disasters and levitating furniture. Clara hides her magic in her home, and one day she was exposed at a church. Magic and supernatural power is a thing in the modern community. It is going to different lengths, but again, the salvation is from the church.

Love and Family

The theme of love is evident in the book. Love moves many of the characters in Isabel Allende’s. The relationship between Esteban Treba and Rosa del Valle. After the death of Rosa, Esteban is heartbroken but marries Rosa’s younger sister. Those are clear examples of the theme of love in the book. Relationships and love in our societies are the central part of our lives and form the center of many arguments. It is one of the major themes in many books because many people can relate to it. It is interesting to see how the author has created the theme of family as well.

Death and Politics

The theme of death is the other central theme in the book. The assassination of Rosa traumatizes the family of Severo. It was a failed assassination that targets the father from his political stand. Countries have these people who want to bring change to their people. Severo took this position, and it did not go well with many leaders. Assassination attempts are common in developed and developing countries. Politics of change is what many people preach today, and it is always essential to have what can change the lives of the people.


The book points at essential topics that are common in our lives. One cannot live without love, relationship, or politics. They form part of our lives, which is very important, and in many cases, people focus on the activities which affect us directly. The community is about the social aspect, economic and political aspects. In this book, the author did focus on a social theme such as love and relationships. The book has different characters who feel in love and created families. Towards the end of the book, the author explains Severo’s political ambitions, which form its political aspect.

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The House of the Spirit - Essay Sample. (2024, Jan 11). Retrieved from

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