The Historical Aspects of Pan-Africanism: A personal Chronicle begins by a brief summary on the history of Pan-Africanism. From the history provided by the author, there were several reasons as to why Pan-Africanis as a movement was created. Some of the reasons as to why Pan-Africanism was created were to encourage mutual assistance and comprehension among the peoples of Africa and others of African descent. Additionally, the personal chronicle of the historical aspects of Pan-Africanism also explains the various factors and reasons that led to the fall of Pan-Africanism. Although it was Williams Sylvester who was credited with the initial idea of creating a Pan-African movement, Du Bois actually formed the initially limited conception to a movement. The key role that the Pan-African movement was to play was to advocate for self-governance and the independence of its African peoples. This paper provides a detailed summary of Logan's involvement and development as one of the key Pan-Africanists from his perspective between 1921 and 1927 and a reflection Pan Africanism.
It is imperative to comprehend that although Logan was a scholar and a champion in regard to the study of Pan-Africanism along with Du Bois, Logan was thirty years younger. Logan was a war veteran at the age of twenty-four and had travelled to various countries in Europe earning himself valuable experience in regard to European and world culture.
Logan notes that it was however after the Second World War that the concept of a Pan Africanism remained largely a New World affair. The Pan African movement had however shifted its focus on the welfare of the individuals of African descent who were living in the western hemisphere. Moreover, there were various transformations in the world after the Second World War particularly at the political level. The center or the main area where Pan African activities were conducted moved from the United States to Britain. During the 1945 Pan African Congress, the predominance of the African element was evident of the strength of the pan African movement as most of the Africans were beginning to get enough education and as a result were advocating for reforms and the improvement of the living standards of their people. Due to the changes in the composition of the Pan-African contingent, the movement was moved to Africa, as it became more and more African oriented.
It was the two world was that were probably the key reasons as to the improvement in strength of the pan African Movement. It was after the first world war that some of the colonial powers were highly impoverished in regard to the promotion of their own welfare. In fact, it was inter- Pan-Africanism policies between the colonial powers that led to the inevitable World War 2 thereby ending colonialism in Africa. According to Logan, Du Bois was in a prime position to recognize the various problems that faced the first Pan-African congress particularly the lack of voice among the Africans themselves. As a result, Du Bois came up with a brilliant idea to ensure that the second meeting of the conference could have a stronger representation of peoples from West Africa. In 1921, a resolution was passed that stated forcefully for the self-governance in Africa, the development of the masses, the return of the appropriate lands, and for the race leaders to align themselves more closely with people of African descent rather than the white capitalists.
One of Logans greatest ideal was the creation of the mandate system. The purpose of the mandate system was for the protection of the interests and the rights of dependent peoples and for their preparation for their independence. In fact, Logan wrote a detailed mandate in his memorandum. The key purpose expressed in the memorandum is the easing of the transition of the dependent peoples and then to their eventual independence. At the time, the key purpose of pan Africanism was decolonization and this made Logan to come up with strategies that ensured that the colonial powers did not have any form of control in the new system. The composition of the new system had to have new mandates and this made this task vital.
From my own perspective, the idea of Pan-Africanism is one that can be used to represent the complexities of the black intellectual and political thought over a period of more than 200 years. What constitutes Pan-Africanism is rather difficult to clearly pin point in that one may be able to include in a pan African movement sometimes or in most instances changes according to the subject n focus such as politics, culture, organizations, or ideology. From the readings of the personal chronicles of Logan, it is imperative to comprehend that pan Africanism reflects a wide range of political views. However, at the basic level, there is this belief that regardless of the country that one is from, so long as they are of African descent, then these people do not only share a common history but there is also a common destiny. The creation of the Pan African movement was not smooth sailing at all. There were various incidences when there were disagreements in speeches and debates. Some people only focused on class and race. In fact, there were incidences whereby there were heated debates between the Caribbean countries and the United States. Despite their various squabbles, the concept or the idea of pan African movement had significant impacts both in the African continent and abroad. From my comprehension, one has to pass through difficult patches in the bid to advocate for their rights. The increase in the strengths of Africans in the pan African movement could be seen as a reason as to why the strength of the movement diminished.
There were several reasons as to why Pan-Africanis as a movement was created. Some of the reasons as to why Pan-Africanism was created were to encourage mutual assistance and comprehension among the peoples of Africa and others of African descent. It was the two world was that were probably the key reasons as to the improvement in strength of the pan African Movement. One of Logans greatest ideal was the creation of the mandate system. The purpose of the mandate system was for the protection of the interests and the rights of dependent peoples and for their preparation for their independence. During the 1945 Pan African Congress, the predominance of the African element was evident of the strength of the pan African movement as most of the Africans were beginning to get enough education and as a result were advocating for reforms and the improvement of the living standards of their people.
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Summary and Reflection on The Historical Aspects of Pan-Africanism: A Personal Chronicle. (2021, Apr 19). Retrieved from
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