School purpose: To develop an environment that is incorporative and comfortable to provide students with the proper foundation to be innovative, independent and experienced citizens to accomplish their ambitions with full potential.
Data Summary
The overall niche grade is 687 students with a ratio of 18 students per teacher. 43% of the students enrolled are from low-income families and usually mostly depend on the federal, state and local governments' resources and services for effective coordination and integration of all the learners.
The performance of the school in entirety during the last functional academic year is as follows.
The academic performance was below average as per the state's expectation because of underperformance in various significant fields in the school.
The cooperative relationship of the teachers was unhealthy. They hardly worked collectively towards accomplishing the school's purpose. Sufficient monitoring and coaching of the teachers lacked; thus, the underperformance.
The staff's dedication and commitment were below average and unsatisfying. They did not illustrate interest and passion in various fields as it has usually happened in the past years. Some operational leadership qualities lacked to manage and motivate the school's staff.
Most of the decisions made towards improving the performance and the progress of the school were irrelevant and prompted unexpected outcomes since the actions taken were miscalculated. The school advisory team could hardly cooperate with each other because of poor communication between the members and the leading committee.
The union representatives opposed almost every development idea brought to their attention because they complained of lack of enough consultation by the institutional leadership.
Direction Priorities
- Instructional leadership
- Operational leadership
- School leadership
- Improvement Priorities
- Instructional leadership
- Learning, accountability and assessment.
- Management of the learning environment
- Directive leadership
- Operational leadership
- Ethical leadership
- Decision-making process
- Technology
- School leadership
- Vision and diversity
- Integration of community and stakeholders
Direction I: Instructional leadership
- Improvement priorities/plan Needs assessment Persons responsible Objectives Targeted outcomes Timeline
- Learning, accountability and assessment Initiate random classroom walks, discussions about student's grades and regular monitoring of teachers' lesson plans.
- Introduce learning benchmarks to assess the teachers and students' performance in and outside the class Principal, teachers Monitor and promote success in the performance of the students and the teachers
- Ensure there is accountability for all the actions taken within the learning environment
- An enhanced learning environment with improved students' academic performance.
- Enhanced teachers' performance within and without the class. 9 months (anytime that is convenient)
- Management of the learning environment Equip the classes and library with adequate learning materials.
- Equip all the learning facilities including laboratories with the necessary equipment. Principal, instructional facilitators and teacher. Avoid unnecessary hindrances to sufficient information gathering and research.
- Provide adequate learning materials that the students require to enhance their studies. Improved academic performance
- Increased innovations that can be utilized within and outside the school premises. 3 months
- Directive leadership Provide enhanced education programs to all the school's stakeholders
- Regular monitoring of the various operational areas within the school premises Principal, teachers, staff, union representatives and school advisory committee Provide the working personnel with significant experience on the importance of working collectively towards achieving the same goal
- Elevate the stakeholders working morale and commitment Distinct practical teams in various fields within the school premises
- Improved performance in ensuring the primary aim of the school of providing the students with academic excellence. 12 months (anytime that is convenient)
Direction II: Operational leadership
- Improvement priorities/plan Needs assessment Persons responsible Objectives Targeted outcomes Timeline
- Ethical leadership Hold regular meetings with the all the working personnel in the school.
- Initiate a platform where suggestions and complaints can be forwarded to the executive leadership of the school Principal, teachers, staff, union representatives and school advisory committee To enquire and allow the students, teachers and the school's staff give their opinions on how various activities are being undertaken in the school
- To reduce biased leadership based on poor qualities and lack of consultation Healthy learning and working environment where there are cooperative relationships that are essential to meet the school's purpose
- Proper decisions crucial for the development of the school 12 months (anytime that is convenient)
- Decision-making process Hold conferences frequently with school advisory team and union representatives
- Initiate training programs that incorporate teachers union representatives and the advisory team Teachers, staff, union representatives and school advisory committee To gather as many ideas as possible on the best strategies to utilise in meeting the school's purpose
- To educate the concerned personnel importance of working together with minimal disagreements or disapproval of each other's ideas A reduced opposition to the decisions made regarding the improvement of the school's climate
- Enhanced coordination and integration among the union representatives and the advisory members.
- Improved academic performance and school development because of healthy cooperative relationships 12 months (anytime that is convenient)
- Technology Initiate more practical and reliable ICT programs that can be utilised for communication within the school's premises
- Introduce more advanced ICT learning programs Teachers, staff instructional facilitators and students To improve and enhance communication in the school
- To create a cost and time-effective learning and working conditions because of distinct communication strategies
- To boost the student's learning strategies and strengthen research and information gathering Improved performance achieved through collegiality and cooperation in various practise areas in the school
- Improved academic excellence and the students' grades elevated impressively 12 months (anytime that is convenient)
Direction III: School leadership
- Improvement priorities/plan Needs assessment Persons responsible Objectives Targeted outcomes Timeline
- Vision and diversity Hold a general meeting every semester that incorporate the stakeholders and the community
- Develop a practical program that is partnered by the community Principal, school's stakeholders (Teachers, staff, union representatives school advisory, students) and the community To allow everyone associated with the school makes a significant contribution through ideas and actions to meet the school's purpose
- To create a healthy and reliable relationship with the community members to aid in structuring and implementing development strategies A workable relationship that supports the development of the school's infrastructure and delivery of services to help elevate academic excellence
- Achievement of more goals and ambitions that will be the foundation of more successful trends in the future 12 months (anytime that is convenient)
- Integration of the community and stakeholders Initiate incorporating activities such as fundraising and sports
- Create adequate time to participate in community service Society and the stakeholders To work with the larger external organisation and mobilise available community resources
- To create a more collaborative and connecting relationship with foreign families and business Creation of a more reliable external partner that can contribute unconditionally in the school's development
- Development of more significant and advanced infrastructure such as libraries and laboratories 12 months (anytime that is convenient)
Katzenmeyer, M., & Moller, G. (2009). Awakening the sleeping giant: Helping teachers develop as leaders. Corwin Press.
Lambert, L. (2003). Leadership capacity for lasting school improvement. ASCD.
Reeves, D. B. (2006). The learning leader: How to focus school improvement for better results. ASCD.
Sloan, G. G. (2006). School Improvement Plan. Learning, 985, 898-3360.
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School Improvement Plan: Florida School. (2022, Jun 22). Retrieved from
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