Sarah's Discovery: A Blessing or a Curse? - Essay Sample

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  595 Words
Date:  2023-08-12


After researching a virus and how viruses enter the cells, Sarah came up with a discovery that could help cure viral diseases. She screens mutants and realizes that there was one of the agents that reacted strangely. Sarah becomes very excited to understand that the agent works effectively against viruses. However, Sarah is right to think that the research could be used either for good or to bring danger. People with evil motives could use the agent to develop a hazardous biochemical agent. Even though research on biochemical agents has led to an improvement in medicine, it poses a challenge to the risk of terrorism. The advanced projects can be as well of use for terrorism purposes. Some precautions should be put in pin order to minimize the risk.

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In my opinion, scientists should be allowed to work on research about biochemical agents. However, publishing of the results should only be allowable if people with evil motives cannot use the work. Sarah, for instance, faces the danger of having terrorists steal the agent to make a bio-weapon. Sarah says that the agent could result in a fatal bio-weapon. Misuse of biochemical agents can result in a lot of damage. While scientists work to improve medicine and industry, they should take precautions to ensure that it does not cause harm.

It may not always be possible for a scientist to predict the effect of his research. A scientist might do proper research while trying to solve problems, only to learn later that it would cause some harm. One could develop a reliable source of energy but fail to realize it could work as an explosive. At times, the project can land on the hands of terrorists. If the terrorists still work, they use it to cause mass damage. The knowledge could also make weapons in the wrong hands. The agent that Sarah used could also be used to make dangerous biochemical agents. If this happens, the institution might be held liable for the action. It was, therefore, good for the institution to take necessary precautions.

Members of the institution bio-safety committee would take Sarah's invention with consideration. They would consider the usability of the finding and, at the same time, the risks. The result of Sarah's project is indeed usable in medicine. On the other hand, the project could serve to cause harm. In my opinion, the committee should take precautions and ensure that the project has not been made public. The committee should, however, recommend a lot of security for the agent to ensure it does not land in the wrong hands. The committee should allow and protect Sarah's project. The big challenge of the project was how to contain the impact adequately.

In my opinion, Sarah has done what is right for her. She has researched in the right way. She has also taken a good step in considering both sides of the project. For any invention, people should recognize any risks available. To ensure the project has not landed on the wrong hands and misused, the institution should take necessary precautions and ensure its security.

Sarah did a good thing in ensuring that she consults with the relevant authority before publishing the project. The committee has to make the verdict of the project now. If they allow Sarah to proceed with her research, they must ensure that it remains secret. The secrecy of the project would ensure there is no chance of misuse of the project.

Works Cited

National Research Council. Biotechnology Research in an age of terrorism. National Academies Press, 2004.

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Sarah's Discovery: A Blessing or a Curse? - Essay Sample. (2023, Aug 12). Retrieved from

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