Research Paper on Religion in Vietnam: A Culture-Defining Influence on Food

Paper Type:  Research paper
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  676 Words
Date:  2023-02-27


Religion is an important part of the culture of Vietnam that has influenced the country's food culture. Vietnam boasts a myriad of religions. Vietnamese were previously atheists, but their colonization by France and China, together with the arrival of different communities, brought different religions to Vietnam (Hays, 2014). The main religions in Vietnam include Buddhism, Christianity, Confucianism, and Taoism. Although religion is seen as a basis for ethics, in Vietnam, it plays a critical role in defining the food culture.

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Buddhism in Vietnam is believed to have originated from the Chinese and Indians. Trade between Vietnam and these Buddhist practicing countries influenced their religion and culture. Monks and nuns who practice Buddhism are required by the religion to partake in vegetarian diets (Stauch, 2018). These religious leaders do not believe in the killing of animals to ensure the survival of another. Other Buddhists are temporary vegetarians who abstain from meat on certain days as a purification rite to increase their luck. One of these days is the first day of the Lunar Year, where Buddhists are served with vegetarian meals believed to bring good luck and health (Stauch, 2018). Seniors have reduced their meat consumption to improve their health while students do so due to the cheaper rates of vegetarian meals.

Another religious influence of Buddhism in Vietnamese food culture is respect for elders. One of the seven good deeds of Buddhism is to respect family elders to live long (Xing, 2016). The respect for elders is seen in the etiquette observed by the Vietnamese when serving. Elders are required to serve and eat food first (Vietnam, 2019). It is disrespectful for a younger person to serve food before the elders.


In Vietnam, Christianity is represented by the presence of Catholics and Protestants. Catholics comprise 7% of the total population (Home Office, 2018). The main influences of Christianity are in the form of dietary restrictions and celebration of holidays. Some of the foods eaten in Vietnam are restricted by Christianity. Some people eat dogs and cats. However, the torture that these animals undergo, which many keep as pets making them unsuitable for consumption. Christians also practice fasting, especially during the period of lent as they pray and purify themselves.


Confucianism originated from China and is a way of life, including a code of conduct that ensures peace and harmony. Confucianism emphasizes respect for authority and elders to ensure social order (Hays, 2014). This respect, just like in Buddhism, is practiced when eating by letting elders eat first as a sign of respect. Respect for one another is also seen in the food culture as it is considered impolite to refuse an invitation to share a meal. Also, when serving from the common dishes, one is not allowed to select the best pieces as it is disrespectful.


Taoism also has its origins in China and places emphasis on humility and compassion. In Vietnam, Taoists numbering about 10 million, worship gods and embrace simplicity and patience (Hays, 2014). Simplicity is seen in how meals are prepared by boiling. A simple lifestyle is also practiced by Vietnamese who sit on mats while eating and share food from common dishes.


Religion plays a key role in the lives of Vietnamese. The different types of religions have influenced the types of food people, how the food is prepared, and how it is served. Respect seems to be the most important religious influence in Vietnam that ensures etiquette and social order.


Hays, J. (2014). Religion in Vietnam. Retrieved from

Home Office (2018). Country policy and information note Vietnam: Ethnic and religious groups. Retrieved from

Stauch, C. (2018). What's it like to be vegetarian in Vietnam. Vegetarian. Retrieved from

Vietnam (2019). Retrieved from

Xing, G. (2016). The teaching and practice of filial piety in Buddhism. Journal of law and Religion, 31(2), 212-226. doi:

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Research Paper on Religion in Vietnam: A Culture-Defining Influence on Food. (2023, Feb 27). Retrieved from

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