Today, there are methods used to control birth and help women avoid pregnancy for a specified period. However, deciding which ways are healthier and more preferable to prevent saver side effects is essential. Most women in the current society are now moved by the current hormonal methods of birth control around the world. There are many research studies behind these methods showing that hormonal birth control is associated with severe health effects, including cancer and cardiovascular diseases (Samson, Marsha E., et al., p16). Women insist on suing such methiodides because mainly because of the evidence that they are the most effective, but on the other hand, it is vital to consider the health effects that accompany such methods. Birth control is considerably trending in the current societies with many women, young and middle-age adopting these measures control childbirth. It has, however, come to my attention that medical practitioners and the group of women who practice hormonal birth control to consider other methods that have less adverse health effects (Fridgen et al., p19). Hormonal contraceptives are a problem not only to the women but also to the whole society, the underlying health effects of these methods have dramatic impacts on the economic, and social lives of the people. Parents, children and friends suffer from these impacts; for instance, cancerous conditions linked to birth control measures are adverse; taking care of a patient under such status may be difficult for the people around. Hormonal birth control, therefore, requires health sectors to consider developing other methods and encourage women to refrain from using such methods. It is a significant problem that requires immediate attention because many women in society, including teenagers, have adopted such practices.
Hormonal birth control contains progesterone, estrogen or progesterone hormones. Many scientists suggest that these methods are reliable and safe. They are administered through different ways including, implant, pills, injections, intrauterine device (IUD), and vaginal ring etc. (Iversen et al., p20). It can be difficult for women to choose the best alternative methods for birth control, especially in the current society, where hormonal methods are increasingly utilized. The main problems behind the selection process include convincing, efficacy, the period it takes, privacy concerns, affordability, fertility return after removal, or stopping the contraceptive many other reasons. It is, however, for the health practitioners and women to consider the side effects of these methods and find the most amicable solution to end this problem from spreading from generation to generation.
Statement of Purpose
This article argues that hormonal birth control measures are dangerous and require immediate attention from the health departments in concern, the audiences include women who have already practising hormonal birth control methods and the general population of women. Besides, health practitioners also may find this useful because they have a significant role to play in administering such measures. There were veracious research studies that show a considerate link between these methods and severe cancerous conditions and cardiovascular diseases. I, therefore, argue that there needs to use alternative methods to reduce the impacts in society.
Hormonal contraceptives have become one of the causes of cancerous conditions, cardiovascular disease and other health effects. These methods have been legalized, and most of the women in the general population are suing them, including teenagers. This argument aims to persuade the audiences that these methods are dangerous and has severe health impact through various evidence from different scholarly research studies. Besides, the argument suggests the alternative techniques that can be used to solve this problem and give hope and meeting their birth control measures and remain healthier in society.
To achieve the objectives of the argument, a list of hypotheses was developed to address various issues associated with the hormonal birth control phenomenon. The issues are important to consider and address to help women and the society to overcome the health effects associated with this problem. the hypotheses are:
- Oral contraceptives have a high risk of causing cancer
- Menopausal and Oral contraceptives are attributable to risks of Cardiovascular disease
- No-hormonal contraceptive (intrauterine device- IUD) are the best alternatives to birth control
- Reducing the number of years under hormonal contraceptives reduces cancer risk
Women need to consider the best choice if birth control measures to avoid health impacts. For the last decade, most of the reversible contraceptives have been linked to cancerous conditions and cardiovascular diseases. It is, therefore, important to address this matter and find an amicable solution to reduce the negative health impacts of these measures. Women are more likely to be exposed to adverse health conditions as a result of hormonal birth control interventions. Research shows that women who have used these methods of birth control are more likely to develop breast cancer and other cancerous conditions such as ovarian cancer (Iversen et al., p15). Most of the evidence shows that this may be a result of a high dose of progesterone or an estrogen produced as a result of the contraceptive used. Intrauterine device (IUD) is one of the preverbal means of birth control because it is reversible, and it has a lower risk of endometrial cancer and cervical cancer. The longer an individual woman uses hormonal contraceptives, the higher the risk of cancer.
Fridgen et al. suggest that there is a need to expand measures of counselling Adolescent and Young Adult (AYA) on the best contraceptive methods as a way of preventing the cancerous condition. From the authors' point of view, cancer is a significant problem facing women, to mitigate and solve the problem, AYA needs to be counselled and advised on the best contraceptives they should use. It is clear from this source that women are at a higher risk of developing cancerous conditions because of the methods of contraceptives they use.
Iversen et al. affirm that many women across the globe are using oral contraceptives without knowing the health impacts associate with it. Many pieces of evidence are linking oral contraceptives with long-term cancer conditions among women. The author conducts a study involving research to justify the impact of combined oral contraceptives. The study involved users ever and never users as a control for the study. The results of the study showed that ever users were at high risk of developing cervical cancer. On the other hand, those who used contraceptives and stopped after five years presented a low risk of cervical cancer later in life. The study concludes that women can reduce the risk of getting cancer by reducing the number of years exposed to oral contraceptives.
It is, therefore, important for women to consider the number of years under hormonal birth control measures. Cervical cancer is one of the deadly cavernous conditions in the world; many women succumbed to this disease every year. The impacts of the illnesses are adverse from health, economic and social perspectives. Every woman has a role to play in addressing this issue. It is essential to consider other means of birth control, such as the use of condoms and non-hormonal contraceptives to overcome this problem. Most people are not aware of these side effects, and as a result, they insist on using them and define this process as their constitutional right (Samson, Marsha E., et al., p20). Despite this aright to enjoy, it is also important to consider the impacts of such steps in life. The use of contraceptives is trending among women population, and on the other hand, women account for the leading population of cancer infections across the globe. It of significant health benefits to create awareness and address birth control as a critical health issue that to an effective amicable solution.
Bassuk & Manson analyses the attributable and relative risk of the primary health outcomes of combined menopausal hormone therapy (HT) and oral contraceptives (OCs). The authors conduct meta-analyses through various observational studies to determine the impact of contraceptives on health. Evidence shows that exposure to OCs increases the risks of ischemic stroke and venous thromboembolism. The result also shows that OCs increase the chances of developing liver cancer and breast cancer in women. Despite the claim that these methods of contraceptives are effective, it is clear that it creases the chances of developing severe health conditions that need to be addressed. Women should consider alternative methods to avoid an adverse health condition. On the other hand, health practitioners are a good position to understand these impacts. It is important to consider the research evidence that has been brought forward by different scholars claiming that hormonal contraceptives create more risk of cancer and other health saver health positions in women.
Iversen et al. identify cercal cancer as a deadly disease affecting women. However, Human papillomavirus (HPV) link with the disease, the use of hormonal contraceptives is also one of the leading causes of the disease. The authors conduct a cohort study to justify that the hormonal contraceptives have a link with cervical cancer, the results from the data collected through questionnaire shows that exogenous hormones which are associated with continued use of hormonal contraceptives increase the risks developing cervical cancer. The authors affirm that certain exogenous and endogenous hormonal features appear to have a clear connection with cervical carcinogenesis hence increasing exposure to cervical precancer. The authors develop a strong analysis to justify the connection. They conclude that high parity and lifetime use of oral contraceptives leads to top cervical cancer.
Samson et al. indicate the connection between oral contraceptives and cardiovascular diseases. They suggest that when choosing OC to administer, it is important to consider CVD risks for women. As a result of increased OCs usage, incidences if CVD increases as well other heart health complications among women in the USA. Biological evidence shows that OCs interfere with lipid metabolism in different ways. They suggest that group pf women who are considered at high risk of CVD should consider non-hormonal contraceptives. Women and medical practitioners should, therefore, discourage the use of OCs, especially in cases where the involved patient is at a high of heart disease. From the author's point of view, it is clear that other methods, such as progesterone-only oral (POC) and non-hormonal contraceptives, are the solution to this problem.
Fathalla suggests that non-hormonal contraceptives serve as the best approach to reducing the chances of ovarian cancer. The research, therefore, justifies the hypothesis that no-hormonal contraceptives can be the best solution for the problem and help to women to enjoy their right of suing birth control abut at the same time refrain from developing cancerous conditions. Non-hormonal contraceptives have thoughtful attention among scholars trying to address the issues facing women as a result of birth control measures. Most of the researchers conclude that is the best method of contraceptive that women should adopt, healthcare practitioners thus should advocate for non-hormonal contraceptives.
Oral contraceptives and hormonal birth control interventions have increasingly been used across the world. Different research studies have shown that cancerous conditions increase with an increase in the use of hormonal c...
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Research Paper on Hormonal Birth Control: Pros and Cons of Contraceptive Methods. (2023, May 22). Retrieved from
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