Children with a learning disability are equally as brighter as the other children or even more intelligent than the other children, and what makes their case different is because they process the information differently. There is neither a specific definition of learning disorder nor particular symptoms to look for in children with this disorder. However, there is an increased need by researchers to find the meaning of learning disability. According to (David, 1985) learning disability refers to learning disabilities as a diversified set of disorders manifested by Difficulties in acquiring and use of listening, reading, speaking, arithmetic abilities, and reasoning. A learning disability may be triggered by dysfunction in the nervous system. It might also be caused by the presence of other impaired like mental illness or emotional discomfort.
Learning disabilities are usually associated with low grades in school, but this cannot be the right way of determining whether or not a child has learning disabilities. In most cases, children with a learning disability are usually above average, with a good percentage of them being more intelligent than the other children. These children get low grades because their brains are wired differently.
To investigate learning disabilities by dividing the children into two groups (Sabatino & Miller, 1980). The first set included children who had poor communication skills but were useful in non-verbal activities like handling arithmetic solutions. The other group consisted of a group of children who were good with languages, word spelling, and recognition and but were challenged by managing arithmetic functions. They were good with words but had a hard time understanding math. The latter were the children with non-verbal learning disabilities. Children with nonverbal learning disabilities are more likely to experience social withdrawal and social isolation when they grow older.
However, there has been concern that having a learning disability is not a distinct concern that should change how children receive their education (Birch &Reynolds, 1982). All involved parties should access the information that they have correctly about the children before coming into the conclusion that an individual child has learning disabilities. Characteristics that the interested party should look at include thinking strategies, word skills, organization, and comprehension skills. All these factors should be adequately analyzed and distinctly before coming into a conclusion. Each child with learning disabilities has a different experience of learning disability. The children may also suffer from Attention Disorder Hyperactivity Disorder(ADHD) or Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD). ADHD is a disorder that causes problems concentrating on a single endeavor, and they have high levels of hyperactive behaviors. The condition causes low levels of self-esteem and self-confidence. The condition is chronic, and once it has affected a child, it continues to adulthood.
Language Ability
Learning disability is connected to the children's ability to different language acquisition. Linguistic professionals can predict language learning because it follows a particular order. Therefore, children who show difficulties in language acquisition show sighs of delays in what is supposed to be healthy. Poor language ability affects how the ability to read. The primary step in comprehending something in written form or oral communication is to understand the language used for communication. The acquisition of a language also affects how humans arrange their thoughts. Learning disorder therefore, can be caused by poor mastery of the language.
Difficulties in Reading
Children with learning disabilities usually have difficulties reading. Therefore, educators of children with learning disabilities need to understand how to assist children with learning disabilities. The ability to read is connected by the ability to understand the language being used. However, difficulties in reading are not only caused by learning disorders. The other factors that could cause reading problems include poor eyesight, impaired hearing emotional distress, or mental disorder. Children having reading difficulties may be having a problem with their visual perception; they have challenges in knowing the exact position of some of the things that they see. They may see letters differently and, therefore, read many words differently, or at other times they may read a line they have just read again.
Learning difficulties may be because the student's bodies co-ordinate with information slowly (National Information Center for Children and Youth with Disabilities, 2004). For example, when an instructor gives instructions fast, the student will only understand some parts of the instructions provided. Their bodies process this information slowly, and by the time the teacher finishes giving the instructions fast, their brains will only have handled some of the data. Therefore they will not understand some of the education they have just received. The student has to comprehend whatever it is that they are reading.
Every human being process information that they have received by storing the information they have just gathered in the active memory. The information stored in this memory includes the most recent memory of recent activities and sensory records like sound and touch. The brain also has to differentiate information that it has just learned from old data that is stored in long-term memory. If the new information that the body has received is familiar to the brain, it is store in the long term memory. But if the information is new, then it is stored in the short-term memory with the other short0time memories.
If memory is stored in the active memory repeatedly, then it is proceeding to the lone term memory in the brain. In this case, the information being processed is the teaches children receive in their classes. Children with learning disabilities take longer time processing this information before it is promoted to the long-time memory. Therefore, the teacher will need to repeat this information to children with learned disorder more than they will need to repeat it to normal children. Long-term memory is not affected at all.
Children with learning disorders are also likely to have poor attention, mostly when it comes to academic issues. However, the fact that these children do not pay attention to their studies does not necessarily mean that they have a deficiency in their memories. The attention problem could be because the child lacks a proper plan of action when learning.
Ways of Detecting Learning Disabilities
The signs of learning order first reveal themselves at a young age, around three years of age. Here the children will fail to use language in communication. By the age of five, normal children should have adequate motor skills. The child will also have difficulties moving their muscles, and therefore they cannot walk, write, or even pick up objects at the age of five. The children may also perform poorly in school. It is advisable to include a professional in assessing if a child has a learning disorder. A professional will evaluate all the possible factors, including those that rule out learning disabilities like anxiety issues and family problems.
The professional will also need to compare the results in school to the intelligent quotient of the child. Analyzing the performance of the students to his intelligent quotient will help know whether the child is performing according to his full potential. The psychological assessment should also include a test of the memory of the child, the performance of arithmetic activities and language abilities, and eyesight issues. It would also be necessary for the child to be assessed for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Attention Deficit Disorder (Kavale & Forness, 2001). The most important task here is comparing the performance of the child to the performance that the child can achieve under full potential. It is the comparison of the child's ability to acquire skills natural skills automatically verses the ability to acquire the knowledge acquired in classrooms with the guidance of an instructor.
Treatment of Learning Disorder
The US government has put in place the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) law to allow children with disabilities to get the required special education and other related services to these children. It makes sure that there is free public special education to each and every child and youth living with a learning disability. The act aims at making sure that the child is provided with all the necessary help that is needed from the time of birth up to when the child turns 21 years of age. The school and the parents of the child need to come up with an education program that is special for the case at hand while taking into consideration the abilities and needs of the specific child. The government also makes all the materials needed for the special learning avail to the child with a learning disability.
There have been several organizations that help those with learning disabilities. These organizations include the National Library Service for the Blind and the Handicapped (NLS), which gives children with learning disabilities resources such as talking books and the National Dissemination Centre for Children with Disabilities (NICHCY) (U.S. Department of Education, 2004). NICHCY educates the parents and all the parties involved in the rights of children with learning disabilities and how to help these children. The parents are also given information on what services the government is providing and the steps that should be taken to access these services.
It is recommended that learning disabilities should be diagnosed at a tender age. Early recognition will help the child learn how to overcome this disability or at least learn how to cope from a young age. Children who are not diagnosed with this condition as early as possible may experience undue stress when they learn that they are not as good as their friends in various activities.
Improvements That Can Be Made in School
Instructors need to take into account the fact that children with learning disabilities definitely need special help in order to compensate for their learning disabilities. The school should help in identifying cases of students with a learning disorder. The school is then supposed to formulate an Individualized Education Program (IEP) with the help of the guardian of the child. The program helps in communicating all the services that the government offers.
Educators also a part to play in class to aid children with learning abilities. Teachers should allocate more time for students with learning disorders during examinations. The instructors are also advised to record their lessons or allow students with special needs to record what is said in class. It would also be good for students with a learning disorder to take their tests in a quiet environment because they have trouble concentrating.
Teachers and parents should encourage children with learning disabilities to do what they are good at, and that way, the child will be able to compensate for their learning disabilities. It is of importance that the guardian learns of the strengths and weaknesses of the child. Mastering the areas of strengths of a child will help when teaching them. For example, a child with reading difficulties can be assisted by communicating with them orally, and that way, they can understand by listening.
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