Questionnaire Overview for Sleep Hygiene

Paper Type:  Report
Pages:  2
Wordcount:  513 Words
Date:  2022-05-16


The development of this questionnaire project is to assess sleep hygiene and sleep-related practices that tend to affect one's life. The project aims at establishing the effort to come up with questionnaires that assess the sleep hygiene; the behaviors related to sleep and the possible problems associated with sleep. It also tries to find out social determinants of sleep and attitudes about rest as it relates to the normal functioning of the body and its effects. The study will aid in future about sleep determinants, for instance, the role of behavior, social and environmental factors for healthy sleep. The project aims at creating a total of 20 questions in the form of open-ended and close-ended questionnaires.

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Open-ended questions in the questionnaire are those that enable the target audience to present their feelings in the manner of their own choice. These questions are not definitely about a predetermined answer and therefore give the respondents a chance to express their feelings correctly one at a time. The questions always earn accurate feedback from the respondents. The close-ended questions type of questionnaire is one which contains several choices and gives the respondent a chance to select only one option among the several. The types of questions enable the research to arrive at opinions more efficiently.

The following are close-ended questions of our first questionnaire:

  1. Do you unintentionally fall asleep during the day?
    Yes b) No c) Not sure
  2. Do you snore?
    Yes b) No c) Not sure
  3. Do you wake up very easily at night?
    Yes b) No c) Not sure
  4. How often do you experience nightmares?
    Very often b) Often c) Occasionally d) Rarely
  5. Have been stressed lately that you find it difficult to sleep?
    Yes b) No c) Not sure
  6. Does it take longer for you to fall asleep after going to bed?
    Yes b) No c) Not sure
  7. If you accidentally wake up at night, do you have trouble falling back asleep?
    Yes b) No c) Not sure
  8. Do you have a fixed time of you getting out of bed?
    Yes b) No
  9. Do you stay in bed longer than you usually do sometimes?
    Yes b) No c) Not sure
  10. Do you sleep in an uncomfortable bedroom?
    Yes b) No c) Not sure

Open-ended questions:

  1. What makes it difficult for you to fall asleep after going to bed?
  2. What exercises should you engage in before going to bed to make you fall asleep faster?
  3. How satisfied are you with your current sleep pattern?
  4. What are the possible causes of insomnia?
  5. How should you improve your diet for you to avoid night sweats and such discomforts?
  6. What causes the changes in your routine to change the time you wake up?
  7. What are the possible reasons for your nightmares?
  8. What do you think you should do to avoid waking up at night?
  9. What is your take on daytime sleep?
  10. What does too much of sleep cause?


Lentz, T. A., & Brown, C. (2014). Mindfulness and Nutrition and Exercise Behaviors in College Students: The Moderating Role of Sleep Quality. Kansas City, Missouri: University of Missouri-Kansas City.

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Questionnaire Overview for Sleep Hygiene. (2022, May 16). Retrieved from

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