Human trafficking is a crime under the violations of human rights. The trade in human trafficking entails recruitment, transfer, transportation, harboring, and or movement through coercion, abduction, deception, abuse of authority over vulnerability, and fraud for commercial exploitation especially vulnerable members of the society like women and children for servitude, forced labor, commercial sexual exploitation, human trade, sex slavery, and extraction of body organs (Berger, 2012). It can happen within a country's boundaries or trans-nationally. The International Labour Organization has recorded obscene estimates of the incomes generated from the human trafficking trade wherein 2014 only the global annual profits gotten from this illegal trade accumulated $150 billion where over 21 million victims are reported to have suffered under this modern age slavery. The population of victims under human trafficking account to approximately 14.2 million people under exploitive labor, an estimated 4.5 million people are in sexual exploitation situations, while about 2.2 million people are transported along trans-national routes for human trafficking-related situations (Wayne & Missbach, 2017). The leading countries with escalating statistics on human trafficking trade include the United States, Middle East nations like Iran, and Saudi Arabia as well as Turk and Russia (Rafferty, 2013). The problem of human trafficking has thus attracted global concern on the three P's strategy that entails prevention, protection as well as prosecution. This paper will discuss the three P's model on the effort to curb the problems with human trafficking.
In the three P's model, the efforts of different stakeholders are solicited to ensure that human trafficking is totally eradicated in the social and cultural setting of the different communities in the world. Human trafficking can be overridden by the serious anti-social and biased cultural practices that would previously in retrogressive era pass for social placement of different people of class status in their rightful places. However, its important for the model's principles to advocate for the execution of the protection, prevention and prosecution rights of the victims in the whole ordeal. After the abolition of the massive triangle slave trade between the leading three continents in the close of the nineteenth century to the expansion of the twentieth-century human trafficking was legislated as a serious crime against human rights violation. In the recent age, human trafficking has been happening under scene scenarios. International governments have increased their efforts in preventing human trafficking and related problems on the violation of human rights of movement and expression. Implementation of strategic plans is in full gear to reduce and prevent any forms of human trafficking on enacting or enforcement of anti-trafficking laws as principle elements of federal laws. The human rights activists are on the front line to create awareness for the people to prevent the people from exploitive labor situations and sexual or other violation of commercialization. The multiple problems attributed to human trafficking has increased high level of defense against such acts in the protection and legal enactment of the human rights and protection measures to stop and prevent exploitation and misuse of human beings in labor or sexual exploitation (Berger, 2012).
Protection of problems attributed by human trafficking has seen international stakeholders of human right conservation and protection units has beefed up efforts in scavenging non-immigrant status to the victims as a way of safeguarding them against trafficking violations. Identification and service referral for rescued and survivors who have suffered under modern slavery are committed to multidisciplinary responses on identifications, moral support as well as reuniting with the families or relocation to their roots (Wayne & Missbach, 2017). In recent age, strict conformity and networking of the human management, labor organization, paralegals, and immigration personnel have teamed up in the bid to minimize the cases of human trafficking within and outside country boundaries. Treatment offered to victims of human trafficking especially on sexual harassment, drug and substance dependency are ways enforced by the government to reduce the problems suffered by victims to mitigate the effects and antisocial adaptations acquired during the human trafficking ordeal. Protecting and preservation of human dignity and coexistence make it easy to curb the social and cultural conflicts created by human trafficking problems. The violation of human rights on restricted movement, forced labor, sexual harassment, and or transportation should be prevented because of the endangerment that is perpetrated to the victims. For instance, some traffickers transport victims in enclosed cargo containers purported as goods for sale to ensure they immigrate into the host trafficking dens and trade avenues. These practices should be reported to the relevant authorities to ensure that the victims are protected to the hazardous conditions they are exposed to like unhygienic sanitation, lack of medical facilities, improper feeding, and dietary as well as congestion.
Prosecuting problems with human trafficking entangle the legal enforcement agencies and other anti-trafficking bodies to join forces in the bringing to records the violators of human dignity. International immigration and labor laws have tried to elaborate on the exhaustion of the different forms of human trafficking elements to ensure that they prosecute the perpetrators of movement and exploitation offenses. This violation of human rights to movement and labor can happen within a country's boundaries or trans-nationally Strict mitigation of fraudster has helped to bring to justice the culprits who engage in human trafficking trade to reduce its impact on the society. Also, the creation of awareness to reduce the incidences of people especially women and children being exploited due to their vulnerability has acted as a way of prosecuting human traffickers due to the power of knowledge and security of protection (Rafferty, 2013). Prosecution of a violator of human rights and protection should not only cover the people who practice in the actual movement or recruitment of trafficking victims but also needs to include all the tycoons that engage or finance the trade logistics. It is therefore important to ensure that the victim's protection measures do not leave uncovered aspects of human trafficking to ensure prosecution of perpetrators is comprehensive. In this sense, the perpetration of human trafficking should not leave out other social-cultural elements that place the vulnerable members of the community in the dangers of being exploited through labor or sexually.
In conclusion, human trafficking has become the modern version of reviving slave trade years after its abolition. The members of human rights watch and other organizations have taken frontline initiatives to protect, prevent and also prosecute problems attributed to human exploitation, harassment and defrauding emanating from human trafficking. The protection bid helps to safeguard the victims from already done harm or stopping them from suffering the ordeal of servitude. The prevention measure includes drawing legislation and strict social-cultural evaluation to ensure that human right violation against movement and dignity are preserved. The criminals and fraudsters who perpetrate human movement, transportation, servitude and sexual exploitation as trade are brought to justice to prosecute them as a mitigation measure against human trafficking. The measures to be taken for the prevention, protection, and prosecution of all concerned parties in the collaboratively act to ensure total eradication of the modern slave trade.
Berger, Stephanie M (2012). "No End In Sight: Why The "End Demand" Movement Is The Wrong Focus For Efforts To Eliminate Human Trafficking". Harvard Journal of Law & Gender. 35 (2): 523-570.
Rafferty, Y (2013). "Child trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation: A review of promising prevention policies and programs". American Journal of Orthopsychiatry. 83: 559-575. doi:10.1111/ajop.12056
Wayne, Palmer & Missbach, Antje (Sep 06, 2017). "Trafficking within migrant smuggling operations: Are underage transporters 'victims' or 'perpetrators'?". Asian and Pacific Migration Journal. 26 (3): 287-307. doi:10.1177/0117196817726627
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