Pollution Prevention Practices in Oregon's Electronics Industry
The reason for the research was to identify strategies on how to prevent pollution that was affecting the electronics industry and finding out if they can change to safe practices in Oregon. One hundred and eighty firms were used in the survey, which included electronic based firms. The response indicated that 47% of the companies had a tried to us the least risky ways in the past. The influencers towards safer practices included the need for financial benefits, issues concerning ethics, need for quality and modern products among others. However, there were setbacks as the companies were not ready to change due to the new product did not serve the purpose as the initial one, the respondent was convinced the present practices were not harmful, there was a high initial cost to be incurred.
Preventing pollution trims the waste, which reduces the treatment cost, removes the unwanted practices of transferring pollution from one place to another, and reduces the number of toxic substances of unsafe products used in the process of production. It also promotes economic growth by encouraging the use of raw materials more effectively and efficiently while conserving the environment (Cagno, 2005). The modification processes are the control of crystal growth formation on the silicon chips this helps in reducing sandblasting and cropping is reduced. To computerize the process of wafer slicing that produces slim and stable slices. Choosing the less dangerous process of production in the operation or robotize the process and this helps workers to contact products which are harmful and processes. Occupational safety health administration should be more involved in environmental management (Rahman, 2018). They should propose policies on how environmental degradation should be prevented. They should inform the public on the need to conserve the environment and its benefits. The members should also be encouraged to share the information and the purpose of safer practices (Rahman, 2018). Also, to reward those have come up with strategies in embracing the pollution prevention. The regulatory bodies also put less pressure on the industries, and this creates the laxity in implementing the processes, procedures, and laws governing environment management. Lack of alternatives packaging materials recycled and time for change would affect the customers (Shubham, et al., 2018). The fear of lagged response is also a factor given the big economical changes that are associated with any structural changes.
Cagno, E., Trucco, P., & Tardini, L. (2005). Cleaner production and profitability: analysis of 134 industrial pollution prevention (P2) project reports. Journal of Cleaner Production, 13(6), 593-605.
Rahman, N. (2018). Environmental Sustainability in the Computer Industry for Competitive Advantage. In Green Computing Strategies for Competitive Advantage and Business Sustainability (pp. 110-130). IGI Global.
Shubham, Charan, P., & Murty, L. S. (2018). Organizational adoption of sustainable manufacturing practices in India: integrating institutional theory and corporate environmental responsibility. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, 25(1), 23-34.
Optimal Deployment of Emissions Reduction Technologies for Construction Equipment
The research aimed to come up with a model to set up technologies in emissions' reduction. This was done for non-road constructions machinery to scale down emissions optimally and cost-effectively. The models help in pertaining the blend of technologies to be used so as ultimate fuel saving and reduction of emission are attained.
Hydrogen enrichment is a procedure of using a mixture of regular hydrocarbons fuels and hydrogen in a combustible chamber in order to improve emissions, power output and fuel saving. It includes electrolysis production of hydrogen or converting regular fuel into hydrogen using a catalyst. Selective catalytic reduction (SCR) is a method of turning nitrogen oxides with a help of a catalyst into water and diatomic nitrogen (Park, et al., 2009). Aqueous ammonia, urea, or anhydrous ammonia is added to a flow of exhaust gas. The process gives carbon dioxide as a byproduct. Fuel additive (FA) technologies use corrosive inhibitors, oxygenated, antioxidants and metal deactivators in is process (Park, et al., 2009). They speed up the rating of octane and acts as lubricants and increases power and efficiency. Selective catalytic reduction leads to higher production of nitrogen and is easy and simple to install. The demerit is that there is possible poisoning and blocking of the catalyst, the gases may cause erosion hence affect the catalyst and the cost in terms of investment (Moomaw, et al., 2001). Hydrogen enrichment is a renewable source of energy -hydrogen is plenty in supply and it is infinite. It forms a larger percentage of the world's atmosphere. It is also clean source of energy-its byproducts are safe that is they do not have side effects (Moomaw, et al., 2001). Diesel engines give a lot of noise when in operation than gasoline ones and the gives unpleasant smell when burnt. This pollutes the environment and creates the effect on the ecosystem. Computer tools are used in doing research in relation to methodology, object theory, and relevance in practical (Manne, et al., 1990). The computer models helps in coming up with new ideas in technological advances. Hydrogen enrichment is the best technology since it produces a lot of nitrogen and is simple to install. Nitrogen is not a harmful gas and its installation is cost-effective.
Manne, A. S., & Richels, R. G. (1990). CO2 emission limits: an economic cost analysis for the USA. The Energy Journal, 51-74.
Moomaw, W. R., Moreira, J. R., Blok, K., Greene, D. L., Gregory, K., Jaszay, T., ... & Price, L. (2001). The technological and economic potential of greenhouse gas emissions reduction. Climate change, 200.
Park, C. W., Kwon, K. S., Kim, W. B., Min, B. K., Park, S. J., Sung, I. H., ... & Seok, J. (2009). Energy consumption reduction technology in manufacturing-A selective review of policies, standards, and research. International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, 10(5), 151-173.
Flue Gas Desulfurization: The State of the Art
The article investigates the process of neutralizing the seawater refuse in a wet flue gas desulfurization. The acidic seawater refuse is neutralized in an absorber by the use of alkaline seawater; aeration is passed to facilitate the neutralization because carbon dioxide is stripped to dissolve the waste. Their rate base model is used to stimulate the process of neutralization of the acidic seawater. The PH is measured and the dissolved concentration of carbon dioxide in the outlet gas.
Flue gas desulfurization is a model of technologies used in extracting Sulphur dioxide from exhaust flue gases of fossil fuel power plant and other processes that emit Sulphur dioxide. Reagents like alkaline is used in production of solid compound, a large number of Sulphur dioxide is extracted and converted to calcium sulphite (Wang, et al., 2010). The biggest portion of the fossil fuel are the unburnt carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, Sulphur dioxides, and water vapor. Once through dry FGD is a process, which involves dry powder injected and a duct sprays drying. The injection in the furnace needs about 900-1000 degrees centigrade, so that the solid by decomposing the sorbent (Wang, et al., 2010). MEL is based on wet FGD process, the process is an upgrade of the previous magnesium-enhanced lime on FGD process. It based on production of gypsum instead of calcium sulphite (Rallo, et al., 2010). The process can yield a high Sulphur dioxide removal effectively. Absorption, rain washout, gravitational settling, and dispersion are some of the way on how the atmosphere cleans itself. The article helps in understanding environmental pollution and its effect. It also gives alternatives on which model are used in curbing the pollution. It analyses the safest processes that are taken in controlling pollution and the parameters to be used. The article provides avenues on how to prevent and control pollution (Huang, et al., 2013). Best available technology is a technology that is approved in controlling pollution discharge in relation to an abatement strategy (Huang, et al., 2013). Best applicable environmental option, best practicable means, and the best available techniques are similar terms. BAT is a rolling target for practices on promoting societal values. MEL is considered BAT since its environmental friendly and less pollutants (Huang, et al., 2013).
Huang, Y. H., Peddi, P. K., Tang, C., Zeng, H., & Teng, X. (2013). Hybrid zero-valent iron process for removing heavy metals and nitrate from flue-gas-desulfurization wastewater. Separation and Purification Technology, 118, 690-698.
Rallo, M., Lopez-Anton, M. A., Perry, R., & Maroto-Valer, M. M. (2010). Mercury speciation in gypsums produced from flue gas desulfurization by temperature programmed decomposition. Fuel, 89(8), 2157-2159.
Wang, Y., Liu, Y., Wu, Z., Mo, J., & Cheng, B. (2010). Experimental study on the absorption behaviors of gas phase bivalent mercury in the Ca-based wet flue gas desulfurization slurry system. Journal of hazardous materials, 183(1-3), 902-907.
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