Pioneer of Occupational Therapy in Chicago: Julia Lathrop - Essay Sample

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  2
Wordcount:  383 Words
Date:  2023-02-17


We have Julia Lathrop put her effort in helping immigrants and the less fortunate in the streets of Chicago. She is among the pioneers who taught occupation therapy at the Hull house. Her joint effort with Mayer led to the creation reform treatment which was significant in the treatment of a patient with mental illness (Fortuna, 2018). She is influential as she contributed a lot to occupational therapy and her selfless nature.

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Part 11

Occupation therapy just like any other profession is ever-changing with time and has become an integral part of the healthcare system. Initially, it mainly dealt with those suffering from mental issues. But over the past two centuries, the profession has really undergone metamorphosis.

The 1800's

During the American Revolution around 1812, Benjamin Bush was a general surgeon of the continental army. He fostered preventative medicine to ensure the health of the soldiers was ok. He encouraged soldiers to listen to music, walks in the garden as a therapeutic way of treating them. At around 1840 principles of arts were being incorporated in occupational therapy to give mental repose to patients. Around 1895 William Rush Dunton Jr implemented an arts and crafts treatment plan and was the pioneer of the National Society for Promotion of Occupational Therapy.

The 1900's

In 1904 a more methodical approach known as work cure was used by Herbart Hall to treat patients ailing from a mental disorder. In 1910 a nurse by the name Susan Tracy was the first author of a book about occupation therapy. Occupation therapist were not necessarily doctors. George Barton was architecture but had a personal experience with taking care of a patient. In 1915 Eleanor opened the first institution that taught occupation therapy. The National Society for the Promotion of Occupational Therapy was founded in 1917 in New York. The profession blossomed during the First World War in 1939. Associations around the world came together after the world and formed the World Federation of Occupational Therapy in 1952.


Here technology is now revolutionizing occupation therapy. There are many computer software aiding their work. To validate their work there processes were now more evidenced-based and regulated.


Fortuna, J. (2018). The Art and Science of Occupation as Therapy. The Open Journal of Occupational Therapy, 6(1). Doi: 10.15453/2168-6408.1476

Fred Sammons, Ph.D. (Hon), OT, FAOTA. (2019). Retrieved 28 September 2019, from

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Pioneer of Occupational Therapy in Chicago: Julia Lathrop - Essay Sample. (2023, Feb 17). Retrieved from

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